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The Great Computer Hunt

Posted: 2005-08-19 06:28pm
by Uraniun235
Some time ago I posted a thread in OT detailing the righteous blasting of two particularly troublesome computers. Finally I got the pictures from the guy with the digital camera, and here they are.

My friends' arsenal consisted as such:

M-1 Carbine (thanks, Einy!)
.22 bolt action rifle
.22 semi-auto rifle
unknown caliber "Carcano" bolt action rifle - WW2 vintage
.270 pump-action rifle
9mm Luger pistol (WW2 Nazi vintage - the eagle is faded but still on the side)
12-gauge double-barrel breech loader shotgun - also fires magnum shells which kick like a mule

I contributed the following

12-gauge pump-action shotgun
.357 Magnum revolver, six shot - also fires .38 cartridges - both ammo types were used (not pictured)
5 double-ought buckshot shotgun shells - four of these were used

The rock quarry where we administered American justice. Image


My friend Matt with the Carcano.


Facing away from the rock quarry, in the Coast Range. Oregon is fucking beautiful.


The first computer we dealt with. We unfortunately forgot to take a "before" picture, but I think we've all seen intact beige-box computers before.


And another angle.


Close-up on the motherboard.


Hard drive platters. Hard drives stand up to .22 fire, but anything bigger will rip them apart but good. :twisted:


Fuck you Creative. Fuck you.


Case side.


More twisted metal.


Our adult supervision cutting loose with (if I remember right) a WW2-vintage M-1 Garand rifle.


This motherfucker tormented us throughout the year. It had bad ram... but it used SIMMs and the district didn't have any spare SIMMs left. This computer was the whole impetus of this excursion, when, frustrated by it, I promised the student techs that we'd go out and shoot the shit out of it after the year was up. We remembered this time to take a "before" picture.


And another "before" picture. The barcode has been edited out just in case these pictures ever found themselves in the wrong place.


And another "before", this time of the innards. Note the Pentium II there; we'll be seeing it again.


Posing for the camera. HAY LADIES 8) (barf bags located under your seat)


Taking aim.




KABLAMMO! The case side popped right off. We got a kick out of that.

(For those that are wondering, we took some time to do some target shooting, hence the pigeon fragments and the tattered target paper.)


The damage.


Our friend the Pentium II processor. The chip was blown clean off the SECC.


One shotgun blast and it's already a mess. But wait, there's more!


We continued to shoot it up.


The upper-right corner of the motherboard appears to have simply ceased to be. We also let the magic smoke out of the power supply.


We took a couple more shots at the case side with the shotguns.


We were good boys and packed out our garbage.

The original resolution on these is 2560x1920; if anyone has some bizarre need to see even higher-res pics, feel free to message me and I'll send them to you.

Posted: 2005-08-19 06:46pm
by Col. Crackpot
thats fucking awesome.

Posted: 2005-08-20 02:08am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
M1 Garand? That's a M1 Carbine. Read up, Soldier!

The Carcano looks like the JFK Gun.

Overall, good documentation of the execution! What kind of Pentium 2 was it? Crapass Deschutes or Even Crapassier Klamath? I kinda projected my hatred of my old rustbucket onto it (It was a Pent2, it was craptastic, and it deserved death by firing squad for not playing Quake properly) so those pics were particularly nice!

Posted: 2005-08-20 02:26am
by Uraniun235
Too many friggin' M1's. :o

I can't remember the core of the P2, but it was a 450MHz chip. (which, thanks to the low FSB on that motherboard, translated to 300MHz... which was still better than the POS 233MHz chip that was originally in there)

Posted: 2005-08-20 02:35am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Uraniun235 wrote:Too many friggin' M1's. :o
Uraniun235 wrote:I can't remember the core of the P2, but it was a 450MHz chip.
Uraniun235 wrote:(which, thanks to the low FSB on that motherboard, translated to 300MHz...
Ouch! :o
Uraniun235 wrote:which was still better than the POS 233MHz chip that was originally in there)
OUCH!!! :evil: