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Ein and Ra's Tempest Fighter: Newest WIP

Posted: 2005-08-26 02:18pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n ... chWIP2.png

The Tempest Aerospace Fighter, co-designed by Ra and me. I've been tweaking it over the past few weeks, but I can't get the damn side-view down...

Posted: 2005-08-26 02:25pm
by Ace Pace
Nice, missle drawings are single missle mounts or designations of loads?

Posted: 2005-08-26 02:32pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Ace Pace wrote:Nice, missle drawings are single missle mounts or designations of loads?
Double-stacked missiles, except for the outboard Heavy Bays, which house a single missile each. Maybe I should draw in the missile brackets...

Posted: 2005-08-26 03:54pm
by Peregrin Toker
Looks almost Nabooish.

Posted: 2005-08-26 09:25pm
by Vicious
Damn, I like the design. Good work. :D

Only issue I really have with those shots is that with the top down view, it is hard to distinguish the angles because it's all one color. Maybe do some outlining and shading to give it a more 3D feel?

Posted: 2005-09-08 05:48pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n ... RaWIP2.png

Fixed wing leading edges on side view and added the ventral tailfins. This may be the last WIP I do until I get a new mouse (seriously, I'd like nothing more than to play baseball with this POS; see Vent for why).

Posted: 2005-09-09 01:58am
by Shroom Man 777
Not even a hurricane can stop this guy from making space planes!

Nice! It looks like a cross between them Battlestar Galactica fighterplanes and an Su-34 (well, the nose and the cockpit looks like that of a 34).

Posted: 2005-09-09 04:12pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
New Mouse has arrived, I now suffer no penalty on my Starshipwright skill (+2 from the mouse and -2 from the crappyass monitor offset). I still ain't gonna try Quake till I get new headphones and a bigger monitor...

Maybe I'll have an update later on today...

Posted: 2005-09-09 05:10pm
by Mr. Sinister
Personally, I would ditch the top-rear tail fins. Otherwise, very nice. Especially the missile mounts.