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My New Retro Style Tank

Posted: 2005-08-26 05:09pm
by TheMuffinKing
Here's a tank I'm designing for a kind of alternate history story I'm EVENTUALLY going to write...


Posted: 2005-08-26 05:38pm
by Rogue 9
Center of gravity is too high. Sponson mounts create weak points in the side armor and necessitate additional crew to operate them.

Posted: 2005-08-26 06:24pm
by TheMuffinKing
I agree, the center of gravity is too high. To rectify this I plan to lengthen the wheelbase by one or two road wheels and widen the chassis. The side sponson mounts are remote weapon systems, and attatched to the exterior of the hull with bolts. These guns can be used independently by the commander/gunner or slaved to the main gun when firing in the forward arcs. They really are superflous, but I think they look cool.

I should have added some backstory concerning this tank's development... more to come...

Posted: 2005-08-26 06:51pm
by Dark Hellion
Someone has been playing to many Imperial Guard armies. :lol: