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Cats in Sinks

Posted: 2005-08-27 10:19pm
by Luzifer's right hand
Cats in Sinks

Awww cute. :D

Posted: 2005-08-27 10:32pm
by Mr Bean

Posted: 2005-08-27 11:14pm
by The Jazz Intern
wow.. they had a whole lotta cats. I wonder if they're all candid, or if some are posed a few you could tell were candid, unlike some...

Posted: 2005-08-27 11:17pm
by Kamakazie Sith
Very cute....

How can a dog/puppy possibly compare? :P :wink:

Posted: 2005-08-28 12:27am
by Mr Bean
Kamakazie Sith wrote:Very cute....

How can a dog/puppy possibly compare? :P :wink:
Oh thats easy
You just get a... box full of puppies

Posted: 2005-08-28 02:22am
by Comosicus
Cuteness in all it's mighty.

Posted: 2005-08-28 11:24am
by Mrs Kendall
Awww, the kitties are so cute, puppies meh, they don't compare at all in my book :P

I bookmarked the kittie page cause that cheered me up :) Thanks for posting Luzifer's right hand :)

Posted: 2005-08-28 02:12pm
by YT300000



An' then I sez, you kin just fire me...


Ah, he's got me! I'm being pulled in!


I beliiiiiieve...!


I'm not wearing any pants... *rowr*


Maybe standing under that slowly lowering transparent panel wasn't such a good idea...


Its common in ritual sacrifice to take the heart of the victim.
-Thats nice... but thats not where the heart is. It looks... like the bones were bent straight out.... Something broke out of this body.
EDIT: For you slow ones, thats because this cat looks like a Xenomorph Queen larva due to its position.


This one looks stuck.




*Insert random Brian Peppers or Michael Jackson reference.*


I'm pretty sure this cat is about to be executed by running water.

Posted: 2005-08-28 02:30pm
by Wicked Pilot
Quick, the faucet!

Posted: 2005-08-28 02:30pm
by Companion Cube
Spiders coming up out of the drain are bad enough, but a fucking cat? How long do you have to run the tap to get one of those back down?

Posted: 2005-09-01 05:57pm
by dragon
My cats are the same way. What the hell is with cats and sinks.

Posted: 2005-09-02 09:59am
by Lord Zentei
Utsanomiko posted this awhile ago; I thought it was funny so I copied it to my account:


It's not just sinks.

Posted: 2005-09-02 10:18am
by wautd
boxes are cuter than sinks

Posted: 2005-09-02 10:25am
by Lindar
Lord Zentei wrote:Utsanomiko posted this awhile ago; I thought it was funny so I copied it to my account:

It's not just sinks.
Now that's the kind of prize people want to find in their cereal box. (yeah i know pop tarts aren't cereal but they're still breakfast)

Posted: 2005-09-02 02:57pm
by Comosicus
If one kitty is cute, what can you say about this?


Posted: 2005-09-02 02:59pm
by Lord Zentei
Photoshop is your friend it seems <last image> :P

Still cute, though.

Posted: 2005-09-02 03:02pm
by SyntaxVorlon
I managed to break my gf's brain with Kitten War.

Posted: 2005-09-02 04:34pm
by Comosicus
Lord Zentei wrote:Photoshop is your friend it seems <last image> :P

Still cute, though.
I've picked that image on anoter funny picture site, so I don't know if it has been altered or not.

EDIT: now, that I look closer, I can get what you mean .... the CLONE TOOL WARS :twisted:

Posted: 2005-09-02 04:42pm
by Guardian Of Tears
SyntaxVorlon wrote:I managed to break my gf's brain with Kitten War.
I just fused my brain with Kitten war, they're all so darn cute I can't decide!

Posted: 2005-09-03 01:18am
by The Yosemite Bear
the cats they are cloning soon the evil can't be contained ps I'm wearing This Tee shirt right now <mew>Image

Posted: 2005-09-03 02:31am
by Temjin
All I can think about while on that site is how much I want to turn on the cold water.....

Posted: 2005-09-03 02:44am
by Captain Cyran
Mr Bean wrote:
Kamakazie Sith wrote:Very cute....

How can a dog/puppy possibly compare? :P :wink:
Oh thats easy
You just get a... box full of puppies
<snip utter cuteness>

Awww, puppies so cute. I want a puppy. And for the record.

Puppy in box>>>>>>> Cat in sink.

Posted: 2005-09-03 02:20pm
by SyntaxVorlon
Cat in a shoe.

Posted: 2005-09-04 02:23am
by Rogue 9

Posted: 2005-09-04 02:25am
by Elheru Aran
:shock: ....

*head explodes from Cuteness Overload(TM)*