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Two Trek Wallpapers

Posted: 2005-09-01 09:09pm
by Alyeska
Last year near the holidays someone posted a link to several scanned copies of pictures within the newest Ships of the Line Calendar for Trek. I copied those images and fixed them up for wallpaper use. So far I have the calendar aspect totaly removed from two of the images posted and have them available for anyone interested.



Posted: 2005-09-01 09:45pm
by Dangermouse
What are the white lines in the top image?

Posted: 2005-09-01 09:57pm
by Dalton
Dangermouse wrote:What are the white lines in the top image?

Posted: 2005-09-01 10:37pm
by Darth Wong
I can't believe how horrible that first ship looks. No offense to you, Alyeska, I know you didn't create the thing.

Posted: 2005-09-01 10:57pm
by Dangermouse
Dalton wrote: Starstreaks.
Really? I couldn't tell if they were blasts, protusions from the ship, or image artifacts. Its a terrible effect then if they are supposed to be starstreaks. No offense, but the first ship looks unfinished. I think its because the saucer portion is so thin and fragile looking.

Posted: 2005-09-01 10:58pm
by Rogue 9
Darth Wong wrote:I can't believe how horrible that first ship looks. No offense to you, Alyeska, I know you didn't create the thing.
Yeah, there was a thread about that image among others in PST a few months ago. Isn't that supposed to be the Enterprise J or some such?

Posted: 2005-09-01 11:52pm
by Darth Servo
Rogue 9 wrote:
Darth Wong wrote:I can't believe how horrible that first ship looks. No offense to you, Alyeska, I know you didn't create the thing.
Yeah, there was a thread about that image among others in PST a few months ago. Isn't that supposed to be the Enterprise J or some such?
Yep, from the failed Enterprise series. It came through time to meet the NX-whatever Archer's ship was. And it is a POS showing that the Trek deisgners think lots of surface area but very little volume is a good thing for a starship.

Posted: 2005-09-02 12:39am
by Elheru Aran
But of course. The Flying Hubcap (TM) line, the latest design from B&B Designoengineeringtechnobabble Academy! :roll:

Posted: 2005-09-02 01:09am
by Ma Deuce
The DS9 one is cool, but I can't say I care for the Enterprise J at all.

Posted: 2005-09-02 01:26am
by Master of Ossus
I think that they're both pretty cool, actually, even though I fully agree with the sentiment against the E-J.

Posted: 2005-09-02 02:43am
by Alyeska
Master of Ossus wrote:I think that they're both pretty cool, actually, even though I fully agree with the sentiment against the E-J.
That sums up my opinion as well. Yeah, the Ent-J is a shitty design, but I think it looks good. Its got a strange sleek look to it and the way its portrayed in the picture makes for a good wallpaper.

Anyway, for those interested in what I edited out. For this year the calendar portion is broken up into two sections. Each section is placed differently depending on the month. They generaly try and place it out of the way of the picture. A two row setup showing the month and days of the month as well as the days of the week, and a section listing important dates and birthdays of Trek actors.

In the Enterprise-J picture both were on the black background and only a handful of stars and a single starstreak disapeared with the edit. The DS9 picture had the important dates removed easily, but the calendar part went across the top right docking pylon. Had fun with photoshop removing the calendar and cloning parts of the docking pylon to hide cover up the calendar. Unless you viewed it up close pixel by pixel, your not going to notice the edit job.

Posted: 2005-09-02 02:58am
by Uraniun235
I hate the texture on the -J saucer. It looks like someone took a more regular texture and stretched it really badly.

In fact, I hate the -J, period. I would take one of those twelve-nacelled fanwank Galaxy kitbash abortions over the -J any day.

Now here's a proper wallpaper.

I also don't like how modern-Trek has the stars looking so very faint and dim in the background. Maybe it's more realistic (maybe it's not? I don't know), but I personally think it looks a lot more beautiful when the starfield is bright and pretty, and given the many other concessions to what looks cool over what's realistic, it can't be that much of a stretch to ask for bright and pretty stars.


Posted: 2005-09-02 03:01am
by Alyeska
Image quality is just too damned bad to make that a good wallpaper.


Now THAT is a wallpaper.

Posted: 2005-09-02 03:27am
by Uraniun235
On second look, on the first one I'd agree with you (there's some compression artifacts going on with that nebula scene, but the film grain starts to become noticeable at high-resolution), but the second shot posted is one of the best images of the Ent-refit ever. Yeah, it's not a slick publicity shot, but the lighting as well as the qualities of that beautiful model make up for it.
Now THAT is a wallpaper.
It'd be good if it were in the proper ratio. :P Although I could never get over how blatant it's a quick-and-dirty composite rather than an actual frame from the film.

Posted: 2005-09-02 03:45am
by Alyeska

Cropped out the black bars to make it a proper aspect widescreen picture.