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Public! Mecha art thread New stuff!

Posted: 2005-09-03 11:24am
by TheMuffinKing
I hearby propose a thread of mech art! In this thread we can display and critique mecha which we, the common (wo)man, have designed.

Post'em with or without a short description and we'll show the MAN our creative prowess!!!

P.S. keep the critiques tasteful and no bashing! This isn't a contest to see who's better!

I'll start with an oldie, for I have left my camera cable at home... ... ec9016.jpg

The WT 141 "Rounder" was an early concept at weaponizing a construction mecha. The Rounder was designed to utilize as many "off the shelf" components as possible, and incorporates many systems from venerable AFV's such as the T-72 and Leopard 1. These include FCS and Rolled homgenous steel armor.

Sorry for blurriness. Title edited for broader selections!

Posted: 2005-09-03 12:17pm
by Antares

The Ground Command and Control Unit (GCCU) is designed for
orbital deployment.
It needs a very hard ground an is normally deployed into
cities, mountains and such like. From there it will control the units
it is responsible for.
After the mission is completed the unit can ascend back to orbit on its own,

Posted: 2005-09-03 12:23pm
by TheMuffinKing
THATSFREAKINSWEET! :shock: Seriously, I must now change my pants.

I love the detail, and the descriptions to back it all up, cool beans. :D

Posted: 2005-09-04 02:22am
by TheMuffinKing
I just finished this mech after about a week of on and off attention.


The "Avenger" is the next step in a fully militarized construction mech. Incorporating the latest in next generation armored vehicle technology, the Avenger will reign supreme in future conflicts!

Posted: 2005-09-07 03:30pm
by TheMuffinKing
Time for another! ... stmech.jpg

The harrier is a light defense robot, programmable for independant patrol and surveillance.

Posted: 2005-09-07 04:14pm
by Elheru Aran
No offense, but a guy with a baseball bat coming up behind it could *so* totally bitchslap it... :P

Posted: 2005-09-07 04:29pm
by TheMuffinKing
yeah, I could see that. Such are the limitations of unmanned security drones. :cry:

Posted: 2005-09-07 04:32pm
by TheMuffinKing ... CF2627.jpg
Here we have a WT141 A, caught during a malfunction in the gyro stabilizers, causing the machine to "dance" and swagger like a drunk in a disco...

Posted: 2005-09-07 04:33pm
by TheMuffinKing
Anybody else gonna display some mechs? How about some tanks?

Posted: 2005-09-07 05:52pm
by TheMuffinKing
More mechs, I think you'll see a recurring theme in these designs (a not good one! hah!).


This is the Krauss-Maffei-Weggmann prototype entry into mecha arena combat. The Sturmgechutz was the product of too many espressos and a pencil one night in Germany!

Posted: 2005-09-07 07:30pm
by Lord Revan
TheMuffinKing wrote:Anybody else gonna display some mechs? How about some tanks?
the problems at least for me good tanks look rather boring.

Also you might want to link or tumbnail that dancing mech before the mods do it for you.

Posted: 2005-09-07 08:12pm
by TheMuffinKing
Linked! Hmm, lets see some fantastcic tanks, or ones that approach implausibility. Oh well, I was hoping to share some inspiration to do so. I guess I'm off to the drawing board...

Posted: 2005-09-08 07:02am
by Lord Revan
TheMuffinKing wrote:Linked! Hmm, lets see some fantastcic tanks, or ones that approach implausibility. Oh well, I was hoping to share some inspiration to do so. I guess I'm off to the drawing board...
I could try something when I have time.

a tank I made (rather quickly though).

Posted: 2005-09-08 07:56am
by Antares
Dont ask for tanks :roll:


Main battle tank of my scifi race Third Wave.
Actually it is a Anti-grav tank and the tracks are just for backup/stealth.


Tactical Ground Support Vehicle (TGSV) of Third Wave.
It is carrying ammunition for this unit:



Modular tank design. Inspired by FCS

Posted: 2005-09-08 02:09pm
by TheMuffinKing

Posted: 2005-09-08 05:49pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Well I have 'sort'uva' a Mech... BEHOLD BISHOTRON


Realism? BAH! Who needs Realism! This is Fantasy Anime Mech at it's finist baby!

Posted: 2005-09-08 06:18pm
by Tasoth

Honda Tadakatsu class Power armor with Tiger Slayer anti-tank weapon. I do not vouche for quality.

Posted: 2005-09-09 04:13pm
by TheMuffinKing
The good old walking tank, a source of debate for generations, before treads finally won out! ... ess011.jpg


The Mk8 ultraviper, assault drone showing its moves!

I forgot the mech dragon! ... ec9040.jpg

Posted: 2005-09-09 08:56pm
by TheMuffinKing
"Synth" soldiers as they are known make up the bulk of Combine expeditionary forces, and although well armed and armored, were made easy prey to geurilla tactics employed by the resistance.


This is a little concept art I did for the combineassault mod.

Posted: 2005-09-10 08:32am
by Antares
The last one looks good :)
Very creative work.
But somehow it reminds me of Final Fantasy the movie :roll:

Posted: 2005-09-10 11:22am
by Elheru Aran
TheMuffinKing wrote: Image
No offense, but that one reminds me a little too much of the mechs from Matrix Revolutions.. :?

Posted: 2005-09-10 12:58pm
by Antares
Nevertheless, it's a very nice drawing and
TheMuffinKing shows that he got some skills :)

The mech dragon was quite an effort, right?
How long did it take to finish it?

Posted: 2005-09-10 01:02pm
by TheMuffinKing
The last one looks good
Very creative work.
But somehow it reminds me of Final Fantasy the movie
Thanks! Yeah it does look like that, but I was trying to combine the synths from the raising the bar book with othe mechanical combine tech.

No offense, but that one reminds me a little too much of the mechs from Matrix Revolutions..
No offense taken. I was trying to draw heavy gears but I gues you could draw parralells with an APU...

Thanks for the positive feedback!

Posted: 2005-09-10 01:04pm
by TheMuffinKing
The mech dragon was quite an effort, right?
How long did it take to finish it?

The dragon was a pain in the arse! It took me about five days on and off to do the line work (I did it on a deployment.). I'll eventually give it the photoshop treatment.


Posted: 2005-09-13 03:20am
by TheMuffinKing
Behold, the literal deus ex machina! ... CF2598.jpg

! :twisted: !