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The shot that shook the world

Posted: 2005-09-05 11:33am
by Hawkwings

vote for the most influential image/video from the last 50 years, in 5 categories!

Posted: 2005-09-05 12:35pm
by El Moose Monstero
Well, since it's a british TV program, I think we can guess the sporting moments - 1966 - these things are always so predictable. Lets see... for the conflict events, it will be Sept.11th; for the political, JFK; for the human tragedy, it'll either be Concorde or the Tsunami. If Princess Diana wins that one, I will never watch ITV again. And it goes without saying that the moon landing will take the other one.

Posted: 2005-09-05 12:43pm
by HemlockGrey
I voted Moon Landing, Rumble in the Jungle, "I Have a Dream", Sept 11th, tsunami.

Posted: 2005-09-05 12:59pm
by Dartzap
I'll go with Moose on this, Argh.


Okay, WHO THE HELL watches ITV anymore? It's not produced any decent programming in years

Im amazed some watchdog or another hasnt told them to get their act together, I mean, the shareholders cant be watching it, otherwise they'd not be paying for it...

Posted: 2005-09-05 01:42pm
by YT300000
Of those included, it is absolutely no contest. The burned 9 year old Vietnamese girl running from the napalm. Not even the power of Martin Luther King's speech, or the man who stopped a column of Type-59's in Tiananmen Square, or the bringing down of the Berlin Wall (a video clip I first saw at the age of 3, which was seared into my memory so strongly that I did not forget it, even though I had no idea what was occuring at the time) can compare to it.

What I find interesting is that the photograph of the NVA spy about to be executed wasn't included. That photograph probably had an even greater influence than the napalm one, especially when one considers the backstory, and what the media turned it into (the whole big deal about how it "proved" the cruelty of America, conveniently leaving out that he was infact a spy, and was treated infinitely more humanely than captured Americans were. The double standard was never expressed quite as vividly. When they do it, its normal, but when WE do it, no, its an escalation of the war :roll: Now, lets shut our eyes and pretend the Hanoi Hilton is the ONLY place they are keeping POWs. Yes, thats right, ignore the man being tortured, and look at Jane Fonda instead.).

Posted: 2005-09-05 02:59pm
by Dooey Jo
Why can't they ever show the whole Protester vs. Tank clip? I want to know if he eventually gets run over or what they do to him, but everytime I've seen it, it ends before anything happens...

Heh, BTW, the first time I saw that clip on TV, I think I thought it was a guy that just had come out from a grocery store and wanted a ride home (I was pretty young)...

Posted: 2005-09-05 03:07pm
by StarshipTitanic
Dooey Jo wrote:Why can't they ever show the whole Protester vs. Tank clip? I want to know if he eventually gets run over or what they do to him, but everytime I've seen it, it ends before anything happens...

Heh, BTW, the first time I saw that clip on TV, I think I thought it was a guy that just had come out from a grocery store and wanted a ride home (I was pretty young)...
He escapes into the crowd. The guy was never conclusively identified, but some reports say he was killed.