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Kittens & Bears

Posted: 2005-09-06 02:11pm
by His Divine Shadow
Yes we got kittens, 4 of them but the bloody cat has the fourth one in the roof(sorta of an attic above the attic deal, insulation and such there) where it's hard get at it, we'll have another try at it tomorrow and in the meanwhile the cat is hopping in andout every few hours feeding her kittens.

Anyway here are the three of them we got in:
Image Image Image Image

The ones with long hair are males, the short haired one is a female(you can see her best in the second photo, in the middle).

The one that got away was charcoal black apparently.

Oh and we had a bear walking through here a few hours ago.
My dad was out walking and on his way home he saw a wet track across the road that wasn't there the first time, bushes and grass on each side of the road where clearly disturbed as well, didn't take long to figure out a bear had gone there.
Same place that a bear passed through a few years ago even, well he sure hurried back home the last kilometer, lovely feeling I am sure, being out in the woods alone with a bear.

Sorry, no pics of the bear.

Posted: 2005-09-06 02:47pm
by Comosicus
Nice kittens. Hope that the bear doesn't come too close to your house.

Posted: 2005-09-06 02:55pm
by His Divine Shadow
My dad just tried to get the last kitten but the cat was there and when he put his boot near her she started hissing and attacking his boot, this cat who is otherwise afraid of him. The kitten just calmly watched it all. I hope they get him down tomorrow so he can be with his siblings.

I am just guessing about the him but mono-colored cats tend to be males.

Posted: 2005-09-06 03:43pm
by Korvan
We once had a cat that had her kittens in an attic crawl space as well. She had then while we were on vacation and even after we had returned it was a couple of weeks before we noticed anything. (we thought she had just put on weight). By the time we had retrieved all of the kittens, they had gone pretty much feral and did not take to people at all.

My parents claimed that all of the kittens and their mom were given to a farm. I've called them a few times on this over the years and as their story has never changed, I'm inclined to believe it. I did have a few nightmares about a kitten that was left behind in the attic though.

Posted: 2005-09-06 05:59pm
by Mrs Kendall
awww, cute kitties :) Did you see our new kitty?

Points down at my new kitty thread ;)

I love kittens :)

Posted: 2005-09-07 05:36am
by His Divine Shadow
Yes I did, very cute.

Oh and here is their mother:

And their grandmother(we think she's dead been gone really long, even for her, bye Pyret...)
Recognize the black and white kitten?

So many generations of kitties.

Posted: 2005-09-07 10:43am
by Mrs Kendall
That's so cool, it's like you're trying to keep granny alive through generations :) awww, so sweet. I'd probably do that if we knew alot of people who like cats and if we could stand the meowing when they are in heat ;)

Posted: 2005-09-07 11:14am
by His Divine Shadow
Holy crap, the last kitten was stuck inside the walls, I heard it meowing in the walls in the toilet and it's mother couldn't get at it. My mother heard meowing earlier in the day but thought it was the other kittens in the basket but not so.

We had to open the walls and my dad crawled in here, barely fitting:
To get the kitten out.

And here he or she is:

Posted: 2005-09-07 12:22pm
by Uraniun235

Are any of them going to be named Happycat? :P

Posted: 2005-09-08 05:11pm
by His Divine Shadow
No, doesn't work very well in swedish, here's some more pictures though, this is the biggest male, my favorite, he's so cool and calm, just a few days and so young and he's already content with sitting in my lap and playing and purring, he reminds me of Greebo from the discworld books, and look at all that long fluffy hair.


The black one is the most nervous of the lot but the best climber and walker, and constant meower, I had him in my lap this evening and my mother had two others in her lap, so this guy gets out of my lap and walks across the room and tries to jump up into my moms lap with the other kittens.

Posted: 2005-09-08 06:01pm
by Comosicus
Another successfull pet rescue. Glad the little devil is OK.

Re: Kittens & Bears

Posted: 2005-09-12 11:56am
by His Divine Shadow
Here's my favorite kitten sleeping with my girlfriends jade ring around his ear

Posted: 2005-09-12 01:57pm
by SyntaxVorlon
I hope you're happy, you've given my gf a cute attack. She's been nibbling on my arm the entire thread.

Posted: 2005-09-12 03:33pm
by His Divine Shadow
Yes, yes I am.
