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Magical Politicians (work in progress)

Posted: 2005-09-07 09:26pm
by Lord Zentei
Need some feedback with these: better quotes, pictures and ideas for abilities welcome.






Posted: 2005-09-07 10:13pm
by Exonerate
Crop the whitespace, get higher quality card bases, and find fonts that more closely resemble the real cards. Either your source pictures are bad quality, or you need to save in higher quality... And why are all of them red?

Posted: 2005-09-07 10:20pm
by Lord Zentei
Exonerate wrote:Crop the whitespace, get higher quality card bases, and find fonts that more closely resemble the real cards. Either your source pictures are bad quality, or you need to save in higher quality... And why are all of them red?
Whitespace clipped.

I'm fairly certain that the card bases are correct; though I can see now that the file format sucks nard.

Unless I'm hopelessly lazy, I'll see if I can do something about that later on.

As for why they are all red: they are all Republicans.

Posted: 2005-09-07 11:14pm
by Lord Zentei
Further test:



Edit: Bah, still crappy.

Posted: 2005-09-07 11:26pm
by Pick
:lol: Awesome.

Posted: 2005-09-07 11:33pm
by Lord Zentei
Made Dick Cheney a red-black multicolour.
Pick wrote::lol: Awesome.
Thanks. :mrgreen:

Posted: 2005-09-07 11:41pm
by Noble Ire
Made Dick Cheney a red-black multicolour.
I was just about to suggest that. He is the evil mastermind after all. :wink:

I really like the Rove one. :)

Posted: 2005-09-07 11:42pm
by DrkHelmet
These are cool. How do you do these? I'd like to make some of my own. :twisted:

Posted: 2005-09-07 11:55pm
by weemadando
Kenneth Starr:

2 Black

Creature - Attorney

Bulldog - When Kenneth Starr enters play target one opposing politician and attach Kenneth Starr to them. Any time that the politician attempts to act you may spend 1Black to tap Kenneth Starr and the targetted politican without the politician being able to act. Kenneth Starr can only be removed from play once the targetted politician is removed from play

Impeachment Proceedings - Any time that Kenneth Starr is attacked, all damage is reflected to the politician he is attached to.

When Kenneth Starr comes into play, destroy all cards marked with the "semen stain" that are in play

0/0* special

Posted: 2005-09-08 12:35am
by Lord Zentei

Wasn't room for more. :P What a wordy card.

Posted: 2005-09-08 01:18am
by Lord Zentei
More crazy - useless politicians!



Posted: 2005-09-08 01:26am
by weemadando

Dept Homeland Security


Creature - Political gestalt (or something more appropriate)

When Dept Homeland Security comes into play name an element/colour. Any attacks against that colour from any player have their damage halved. Also, all other players are forced to show you their hands each turn. If Karl Rove is also in play, then all players play open hands.

When anyone attacks any Creature with the Politician trait, immediately take the card, place it in an envelope and mail it direct to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The card counts as destroyed.


Posted: 2005-09-08 01:30am
by weemadando
Yet more:

C Gordon Liddy


Creature - Political

Tap C Gordon Liddy and destroy the highest value politician you have in play to view any players hand and remove any two cards from it. C Gordon Liddy is destroyed after you have done this.

Should C Gordon Liddy be brought back from prison (I mean the discard pile), you may tap him at any time and spend 2Black to make a "bad mouth on right-wing talk show" attack which permanently reduces any targetted Creature's stats by 2/2.


Posted: 2005-09-08 01:31am
by Lord Zentei
Heh. These cards are supposed to be ineffective, you know. :P

I guess Karl Rove and Dich Cheney are the exceptions to that.

Edit: missed the Gordon Liddy suggestion. Hold on...

Posted: 2005-09-08 01:33am
by weemadando
An edit of Kenneth Starr:

Kenneth Starr:

2 Black

Creature - Attorney

When Kenneth Starr enters play target one opposing politician and attach Kenneth Starr to them. Any time that the politician attempts to act you may spend 1Black to tap both before the politician can act. Kenneth Starr can only be destroyed once the targetted politician is removed from play

Any time that Kenneth Starr is attacked, all damage is reflected to the politician he is attached to.

When Kenneth Starr comes into play, destroy all cards marked with the "semen stain" that are in play

0/0* special

Posted: 2005-09-08 01:36am
by weemadando
Bah - I'm just being silly.

How about an artifact: FEMA?

SHould more than 2 cards of your cards be destroyed in any given turn, you must tap FEMA. FEMA stops any action that may bring these cards back. You must also skip your next turn and discard any one politician you have in play. You must also draw and discard immediately the top 7 cards of your deck.

FEMA may not be removed from play.

Posted: 2005-09-08 01:43am
by weemadando
Kofi Annan


When Kofi Annan enters play, untap all "Politicians". Then tap them again. Then untap them. Then tap them again. Then untap some of them. Then tap all of them again. Then untap all the ones with a "B" in their name.

Kofi Annan may never attack or be used to make any other action or effect while any other "Politicians" are in play.

Should Kofi Annan ever attempt to act, all players at the table must vote on whether to allow it. Should the vote succeed, immediately toss a coin and call it in the air. Should you call it correctly, Kofi Annan may act as normal. If either step fails, wrap his card in red tape and tap it for 4 turns.


Posted: 2005-09-08 01:46am
by Lord Zentei

Here is Gordon Liddy. I was considering something for Kofi Annan, but maybe your suggestion is better. I'll ponder it later along with possibly editing Starr. Right now, I've got to get to work.

As for FEMA: check out Allbaugh that I included above. ;)

PS: I gave him Toughness 1 as I´m not aware of any card that has zero toughness. I'll consider reducing him to power 0 later, as all these guys are meant to be wankers after all.

Posted: 2005-09-08 01:47am
by weemadando
Artifact: Diebold Machine


Once the Diebold machine enters play, when someone attempts to bring a "Politician" into play, toss a coin and call it in the air. Ignore the result. And bring into play for free any of your own Creatures.


Posted: 2005-09-08 01:50am
by The Silence and I
weemadando wrote:How about an artifact: FEMA?

SHould more than 2 cards of your cards be destroyed in any given turn, you must tap FEMA. FEMA stops any action that may bring these cards back. You must also skip your next turn and discard any one politician you have in play. You must also draw and discard immediately the top 7 cards of your deck.

FEMA may not be removed from play.
That one is golden :lol:

Posted: 2005-09-08 01:54am
by weemadando
I'm tempted to add a "You must also scream hysterically" clause.

Posted: 2005-09-08 07:27am
by Lord Zentei
OK, let's see...

I changed Starr to an enchantment, since with all his special rules he was largely operating like one anyway. Bush now gets "red Politician" cards from the Library rather than "Fundamentalist" ones since no Fundamentalist cards have yet been forthcoming... also this ability costs one mana. Liddy now has zero power (as is more appropriate for a tough-guy wannabe).

New cards!

Bit difficult to find a suitable graphic for this one. Hmmm...

For some reason the graphic on this one insists on being crappy. <sigh>

And in case you thought I was only going to bash right wing politicians:
A suitable quote would be appreciated for her, btw - and for several of the others.


EDIT: minor layout tweaks. Also:


One mana of each colour. And of course, fundamentally useless.

Posted: 2005-09-08 08:13am
by weemadando

Al Gore

Creature - Politician


Al Gore cannot come into play if a Diebold Machine is present, and is instantly removed from play should one be played.

If Al Gore is in play, all "Internet" cards are at -1 cost.

Al Gore may not be the target of any physical attacks, but all mana attacks do double damage.

Tap Al Gore and spend 2mana to turn him into "trim/buff Al Gore" (second stat set)

0/2 -> 2/2


Osama Bin Laden

5 Any mana

Creature - Terrorist

When Osama Bin Laden enters play, have all players cover their eyes and hide the card somewhere in the room. Until someone can correctly guess the location of the card at the start of their turn, Osama's stats are 10/10. Should he be discovered, if his stats are reduced to his stated levels.

Should any player have Bush Jr, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove or Rice in play, they are must use charades to express to the other players where they believe Osama is hiding.



Saddam Hussein

Creature - Terrorist/Politician


If any player has Bush Jr, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove or Rice in play, then Saddam counts as a Terrorist, otherwise, he is treated as a politician.

[tap] you may sacrifice any one unit and make another unit +4/-2

If Saddam is destroyed, give all terrorists a +2/+2 unless your total strength/power of cards in play exceeds 20.

Posted: 2005-09-08 08:22am
by weemadando
Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf, Iraqi Minister of Information

Creature - Politician


[tap/interrupt] Furiously deny any action taken by any player. Must be accompanied by appropriate theatrics. Action has no effect, but player pays cost as normal.

quote: "Our initial assessment is that they will all die"

Posted: 2005-09-08 08:47am
by Lord Zentei
A nutty dictator:

A right 'orrible bastard:

Perhaps I made ObL a tad formidable. Oh, well.

The others are on their way, btw. I think Gore should be blue though (since I have made red the main colour of the Republicans).