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Photoshop/Paintshop/other graphics program people.

Posted: 2005-09-08 02:03am
by weemadando
I'd like to commission a cover artist for the Objective Interim Modern Combat System.

There is, unfortunately, no pay involved, but work will be credited and references given if desired. And if things go REALLY well, I might even be able to pay you a little.

I would like a nice, simple but striking image for the cover - probably a simple filter job of a publically available photo or two will do it, but I lack the requisite skills and software.

All expressions of interest, please PM me.

Posted: 2005-09-08 02:07am
by Spanky The Dolphin
What kind of image and filter job do you think you're looking for?

I might be interested in giving it a whirl. You can see examples of my Photoshop work here; virtually all of my stuff is done entirely through the use of filters.

Posted: 2005-09-08 02:15am
by weemadando
Probably something with a blurred/grainy look to make it look a bit, gritty (cliched I know), though - I wouldn't be adverse to something like an IR/thermal sight image. Or even the "subdued/drained" look that you occassionally saw in the Max Payne 1 comics.

Have a look through the US DoD photo archives (free to use), I'm not wanting a combat image for the cover, though something dynamic would be preferable.

Also - rampant patriotism need not apply.

Posted: 2005-09-08 02:20am
by Spanky The Dolphin
weemadando wrote:Probably something with a blurred/grainy look to make it look a bit, gritty (cliched I know), though - I wouldn't be adverse to something like an IR/thermal sight image. Or even the "subdued/drained" look that you occassionally saw in the Max Payne 1 comics.
Oh yeah, I can definately do stuff like that. It's been sort of a side project of mine for a while. I just don't have any examples up because on my DA acount because most of the images aren't PD.

Here's a before/after comparison image, the source being a publicity still of Dakota Fanning for War of the Worlds, as an example of that kind of work: ... d-comp.jpg

EDIT: Okay, I've saved fifty images from the DoD site. I'll try to show you that example image in a bit tonight and then do some work on the actual cover shots tomorrow.

Posted: 2005-09-08 08:24pm
by darthdavid
Something to this effect? ... nk-ahi.jpg

(If you really like that you may not be able to use it 'cause I yoinked the base from here so if you somehow think it's not crap and like the style then I may have to make another one from an image that's in the public domain. :)

Posted: 2005-09-08 11:04pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Ando, I apologise. I've got a bunch of reading to do tonight, and I'm not really getting that artistic vibe at the moment. So I'm gonna have to postpone any submissions until tomorrow. It'll be worth it, though, first class work.

Posted: 2005-09-08 11:37pm
by weemadando
Thats nice, but I'd like to avoid the Abrams if possible, due to this:


Which is also the closest competitor in terms of intent to my book...

I MAY also be getting access to some images from the Aus DoD, so see submissions at this point as proof of ability and I'm impressed thus far...

Posted: 2005-09-11 02:34pm
by Fleet Admiral JD
I took a whack at it...




Hope you like them :)

Posted: 2005-09-11 04:34pm
by Fleet Admiral JD
Inspired, he created a fourth...


Posted: 2005-09-11 04:34pm
by Jawawithagun
So I photoshopped around a bit and offer this result to you:

Posted: 2005-09-11 06:39pm
by weemadando
Wow... Just fucking wow. These are awesome people, I feel I might use many of them - even as chapter breaks if people don't mind...

I'll try and build a conclusive list of images required for people to have a go at - thank you all - this is truly inspiring.

Posted: 2005-09-11 07:03pm
by darthdavid
I present to you the king of the battlefield.
Edit: Who needs image shack when you just got your own server running? :D ... 7Y-071.jpg

Posted: 2005-09-11 08:13pm
by weemadando
FleetAdmiral JD: congrats on picking an InCat HSV for the image - those babies are made right here in Hobart...

Posted: 2005-09-11 08:16pm
by weemadando
darthdavid wrote:I present to you the king of the battlefield.
Edit: Who needs image shack when you just got your own server running? :D
*rolls up sleeves* So, I'm a jackass am I?


Posted: 2005-09-11 08:22pm
by darthdavid
Whoops. That's my 404 error. Link should work now. :)

Posted: 2005-09-11 08:43pm
by weemadando
Still not working in this thread, but the one in testing is...

That's my "Support" chapter cover for sure - artiller-RAH!!!!!!!

Posted: 2005-09-11 08:56pm
by darthdavid
Just credit it to David Harris if you do end up using it then (and I don't care how small the font for the crediting is either, so long as it's readable with the naked eye :D ).

Posted: 2005-09-11 09:02pm
by weemadando
And that image is from the US Army site?

In which case:

Image courtesy of David Harris. Original photo courtesy of US Army.

Which would be the format for each thank you note with the image, not to mention the acknowledgements page.

Posted: 2005-09-11 09:07pm
by Fleet Admiral JD
What book is this for? Just out of curiosity. :)

And what would a post in this thread be without images?
(Imageshack Fucked up so I used my own server...)

Same picture, different filters. :)

Posted: 2005-09-11 09:14pm
by weemadando
My book, the Objective Interim Modern Combat System.

A RPG/tabletop generic modern combat system (durrr).

Posted: 2005-09-11 09:15pm
by darthdavid
weemadando wrote:And that image is from the US Army site?

In which case:

Image courtesy of David Harris. Original photo courtesy of US Army.

Which would be the format for each thank you note with the image, not to mention the acknowledgements page.
Yeah, it's from the DoD archives.

Posted: 2005-09-11 09:29pm
by Fleet Admiral JD
Just FYI, All of the ones I've made so far are from the DoD site. News Photos.

Posted: 2005-09-11 09:42pm
by Darth Mall

How does that one look? I can change the colours around if you want.

It is also off the DoD site.

Posted: 2005-09-11 09:46pm
by weemadando
These are all great... I really can't get over that.

And here's the list...

Posted: 2005-09-20 02:51am
by weemadando
This is a list of artwork which I would like to "tender" for at this point:

All are required to be A4 size/scale (for easy editing for me) and be made using images freely available for public use. Proof of image sourcing will be required.

1 - Front Cover (may later request an updated version with spine and back cover for Print on Demand)

This should be visually striking and unique/recognisable. Its preferable if the artist could submit a version with the text:
Objective Interim Modern Combat System

by Anders Russell
2 - Introduction page

I'm looking for something nice and simple here - dress formations, or something similar

3 - Combat

Combat eh? Dynamic, dynamic, dynamic. Ideally a combat-esque image as a base would be excellent, though alternate ideas are encouraged.

4 - Support

DarthDavids "artillery piece" is current ratings favourite here - but anything involving planes, helicopters, tanks or arty could fit in here.

5 - Characters

Base image of soldiers kicking back in barracks or relaxing as a group. Or anything that looks "right"

6 - Operations

Tommy Franks doing a whiteboard session for the press here is the kind of things I'm looking at.

7 - Equipment

Shiny, shiny kit. Guns, ammo, missiles - piles and piles of them!

8 - Appendices

I think that something to do with logistics would be good here, a line of trucks, or guns loading/unloading a plane.

I've given some somewhat vague ideas, because I've been impressed by what a lot of you have done. PM for an e-mail address for submissions, or post them here for comments/criticism from both me and the peanut gallery...