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An Experiment in A New Kind of Music (music creator)

Posted: 2005-09-10 06:33am
by The Grim Squeaker
Stephen Wolfram's Wolfram Research has produced an new application:

WolframTones-- 'An Experiment in A New Kind of Music'.
It combines the principles in Stephen's book, 'A New Kind of Science' and Mathematica to 'instantly create unique music' in many different styles. They describe it as pretty neat as well as being scientifically interesting, and useful.

After listening to some compositions and creating a few random ones myself, I must agree that it is. And anyone who has listen to the radio the last few years could certainly use some unique music."

Posted: 2005-09-10 12:53pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
It's interesting, although what's just as interesting is how far back the concept of mathematically generated music goes, as IIRC, there was a dice game composers could use to write minuets in the late 18th century.

Posted: 2005-09-10 08:49pm
by Duckie
Interesting. The Country and Experimental Buttons are a little iffy, but it nails Classical and Ambient right down. They're actually pretty good, even if the instruments aren't distinct enough (you should never be able to have a Japanese Flute and a Middle Eastern Percussion create Country Music that sounds half alright.)

Posted: 2005-09-11 12:28am
by CaptainChewbacca
I agree, the Country button is in need of fine tuning. Or perhaps, there's somethings you can't make computers do.

Posted: 2005-09-11 01:45pm
by aerius
Doesn't do blues & jazz that well since both styles have lots of improv and off-beat stuff which can't really be punched into a formula. Both can change scales & time signatures and even instruments in the middle of a song so it's hard to get right. With the computer model it's far too structured and doesn't have life & groove to it. Probably have to put a beat & scale shifter into the thing.

Posted: 2005-09-11 04:36pm
by Drewcifer
hehe they almost all sound like crappy jam bands to me. Very cool and interesting though, applying this to music. Me likey.

Posted: 2005-09-11 11:50pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
MRDOD wrote:The Country and Experimental Buttons are a little iffy, but it nails Classical and Ambient right down.
"Classical" sucks. It sounds just like a bunch of notes jumbled together, without there ever being a cohesive melody played by the whole "orchestra." The strings are always going off on their own paths while whatever instrument plays something totally different. It needs much work to pass off as "classical."