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NOS' Otakon Adventures (56k be warned)

Posted: 2005-09-20 07:27pm
by That NOS Guy
About a month ago I headed down to Baltimore for Otakon 2005. Unlike previous years where I had only my wit and memory to recall the con experiences I stopped being a cheap bastard and bought a disposable camera. It is unfortunate that I only got like 16-17 out of the camera because the photolab techs at a CVS screwed up the processing (they cost me my Neo-BSG and Hellsing cosplay pics!).

Anyways, enjoy.

About the only Hellsing cosplay pic I have due to fuckups here's everybody's thing-a-magig vampire/Warrant officer:


Danger folks, do not sell swords and wooden apprail to geeks, they will sword fight on the terrace outside the convention center:


Interestingly enough, I first met the Sophie cosplayer at Kasucon 2005 and when I saw her again I made good on my vow to get a shot (with a side of cheek!):


Geeks, canes, yaoi, and yuri paddles. This can't end well:


More hot paddle action:


Best. Shirt. Ever. :




Oh man, I just had to get a shot of these R.O.D. cosplayers. I didn't know if they were men or women, and their voices didn't help at all. It was kinda scary:


All over Baltimore there's statues of crabs, fucking everywhere. So, me and my friends develop this whole "invasion of the crab people" thing. I being a good citizen am in inclined to help give these invaders a right kicking:


The following two were taken by a friend:

Sailor Moon group cosplay, oh man, the Sailor Saturn jokes:


Full metal Alchemist proving it's gotten too popular (mass cosplay gathering):


Even the girlfriend is trying to kill me :roll: :


Lastly for this update, par for course:


Posted: 2005-09-20 07:32pm
by Noble Ire
I disapprove of the sixth picture. :P