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A little SW vehicle comparison... :P

Posted: 2005-09-21 01:40pm
by VT-16
This was a half-serious attempt at SW vehicle comparisons, done while bored, so don't expect any brilliant merging of side-views: ... ale8wl.jpg

Done on simple Paint, I measured (loosely) various lengths/heights etc. to try and come up with more comparions than was already noted in sources like "The Imperial Sourcebook".

Hope you like it/find it interesting! :D

EDIT: The one above is the final version now. :D

Posted: 2005-09-21 01:43pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Wow, I didn't know the A6 was that much bigger than the A5...

Posted: 2005-09-21 01:44pm
by VT-16
If the official sizes are consistent... 8)

Posted: 2005-09-21 03:30pm
by Manus Celer Dei
What's an ISP? Never seen that before.

Also, I didn't know an AT-AP was so big. This is very useful.

Posted: 2005-09-21 03:45pm
by Noble Ire
What size are you using for the AT-AT?

Posted: 2005-09-21 04:17pm
by Elheru Aran
The ISP appears to be some sort of 'dune buggy'-ish vehicle, probably utilized for rapid forward deployment of light troops as well as patrol missions.

And VT: Very nice overall. A minor suggestion-- incorporate a human figure at scale by some of the larger ones, so that we can get an idea of just how big they are...

Incidentally-- why do you have two different sizes for the AT-ST? I didn't think the Hoth one was *that* much bigger...

Posted: 2005-09-21 04:34pm
by VT-16
What size are you using for the AT-AT?
The right one (approx) 22,something meters.

And I'm basing the Hoth AT-ST on the presumtion that both cockpits are roughly the same size. With longer, thinner legs, it's a couple of meters taller than the Endor (and subsequent standard) one.

The ISP (Infantry Support Platform) is the swamp speeder seen during multiple campaigns in ROTS.

Posted: 2005-09-21 06:43pm
by VT-16
EDIT: Through the power of Copy & Paste, I have added little clones to the above pic for rough reference. Had to change the AT-TE slightly, as I discovered the dimensions didn´t quite fit the official numbers, no matter which direction I followed, so I went with making the gunner's head match the (approx) 1.80 m tall clone's.

Posted: 2005-09-21 07:44pm
by Old Plympto
In the movie, you can see an ISP on the right side of the Juggernaut close up (the one in many a trailer) on Kashyyyk, and two ISPs each in front and behind of the open top walker on Felucia during the wide tracking shot of it. They appear about half a second each time. ;)

Great job on the pic, VT.

Posted: 2005-09-22 04:29am
by VT-16
Aww, thanks! Fun stuff to put into perspective (then again I'm a sucker for SW ground combat :D)

Posted: 2005-09-22 09:39am
by Crossroads Inc.
Sweet Mudder Maglicutty!!! That is one BIG Juggernaught! What EU was It used in and WHY did they feel the need to make it so big!??!

Posted: 2005-09-22 11:27am
by VT-16
I take it you haven't seen ROTS then? :P That's where the A6 Juggernaut was first seen. The A5 is well-known from EU sources, and both are based on ESB concept art.

As for the need? Well, GL wanted to revisit old OT-concepts and either he or ILM people wanted something BIG.

Posted: 2005-09-22 12:18pm
by Crossroads Inc.
I watched RotS, but I NEVER got the impression the Juggs in the film where THAT big. SHoot I have the ICS and it doesn't make them out to be that big...

Posted: 2005-09-22 12:27pm
by VT-16
30 m tall, 49 m long. That's about what you get here. And most of the humanoids seen next to it were wookiees on Kashyyyk, who were taller than average humans. A better view would be the clones and BARC speeders flying beside one on Coruscant, when Yoda leaves for Kashyyyk.

Posted: 2005-09-22 12:31pm
by Grandmaster Jogurt
VT-16 wrote:30 m tall, 49 m long. That's about what you get here. And most of the humanoids seen next to it were wookiees on Kashyyyk, who were taller than average humans. A better view would be the clones and BARC speeders flying beside one on Coruscant, when Yoda leaves for Kashyyyk.
The best view for getting the perspective, in my opinion, is when the Juggernauts are rolling towards the Venators to be loaded, and you see clonetroopers marching next to the wheels.

Posted: 2005-09-22 01:46pm
by VT-16
Yes. Which is the one I was referring to. :P

(Maybe a bit unclear.)

Posted: 2005-09-22 05:52pm
by Ford Prefect
And they switched to AT-ATs, why? :P

Posted: 2005-09-22 06:46pm
by VT-16

And I'm not kidding, I think it said somewhere military commanders were pushing the AT-AT program and it got chosen to take over. To add insult to injury, they even modelled the later-generation AT-ATs after the Juggernaut models!

And I like the bullshit cop-out with "After the Clone Wars, sleeker more versatile ground assault vehicles were introduced into the armored ranks of the Imperial Army."
Aha, sleek and versatile like the huge, lumbering AT-AT or the floating brick known as the A9 Floating Fortress? :roll:

I also like "The Juggernaut was phased out, and saw action primarily in Outer Rim campaigns."
I see, where most of the Rebel uprisings are? That's like saying you'll replace the Tiger tank and then sending it to the frontlines. :P

Posted: 2005-09-22 08:28pm
by Crossroads Inc.
VT-16 wrote:And I like the bullshit cop-out with "After the Clone Wars, sleeker more versatile ground assault vehicles were introduced into the armored ranks of the Imperial Army."
Aha, sleek and versatile like the huge, lumbering AT-AT or the floating brick known as the A9 Floating Fortress? :roll:
The REAL Blame goes to the Crappy "Artists" WEG hired for their sourcebooks too which many of these are based on. Really, lame, flat, 2D images that I could seriouslly do better drawing. Contrast that with some REALLY 'Sleek' vehivles. Shoot open up a Robotech™ book and look at some of 'Long's work, or if you really want to see some art, open a RIFTS Sourcebook.

Posted: 2005-09-22 08:54pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Hey, I actually like quite a bit of WEG's vehicle and ship artwork. They had some good people working for them, back when people did actual WORK...

That's some good shit up there, in my opinion.

Posted: 2005-09-23 05:19am
by VT-16
he REAL Blame goes to the Crappy "Artists" WEG hired for their sourcebooks too which many of these are based on.
I second Spanky's appraisal of their art. It also looks better in a colorised, 3D environment, like on SWRPG Cards from Wizards of the Coast. They had the A5 Juggernaut, the QH-7 Chariot and the PX-4 MCC routing Rebels on Yavin IV and looked great!

That's one of the few things WEG got right, they made most of their vehicles look good and proper, IMO.

Posted: 2005-09-23 10:54am
by Lord Revan
Oh boy, Palpatine (or the some else in Imperial hierarchy) must be really insecure about their manhood.

Posted: 2005-09-23 04:08pm
by Wild Karrde
The A6 in relation to clonetroopers:



Quite deserving of the name Juggernaut. :twisted: :P

Re: A little SW vehicle comparison... :P

Posted: 2005-09-23 04:48pm
by Crown
VT-16 wrote:This was a half-serious attempt at SW vehicle comparisons, done while bored, so don't expect any brilliant merging of side-views: ... ale6rb.jpg

Done on simple Paint, I measured (loosely) various lengths/heights etc. to try and come up with more comparions than was already noted in sources like "The Imperial Sourcebook".

Hope you like it/find it interesting! :D
*two thumbs up*

That's excellent man, I've never really seen someone scale the ground pounders before. Very nice.

Posted: 2005-09-23 05:12pm
by VT-16
Aww, thanks! :D

My only puzzlement was whether or not to include the tip of a gun or an antenna to the overall length (I did do that in the end). And the length of the MT-AT was in dispute because the thing was in motion and I didn't know if the measurement was for the main body or with the legs when still. I just had to wing it, there. :P

Btw. does anyone have any good side-views of other ground units? Like the SPHA-T walker etc.? Can't seem to find any good views of that. =/