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Trip to Denver+Pendulum=Tons o' Fun

Posted: 2005-09-21 08:20pm
by Lt. Dan
Well, this last weekend, myself and a few friends went up to Denver to have a good time. Went up there to see the Pendulum show. I'm sure some of you know who they are. Those in the UK and down-under might know more then most. Sick, sick DnB. Well anyhoo, on with the show...

On the drive up there...well that's not really the fun part, although I did enjoy myself. Now with the pics of one of the best Drum and Bass shows I've ever been to...

Speed on the tables.

Some lights and smoke...

Tons of people.

And lots o' fun.

So here listens to this type of music? I doubt I'm alone in here thinking that this music is sick.