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Me and the Kitten (fun pics)

Posted: 2005-09-23 10:04pm
by Mrs Kendall
Sorry for the quality, taken with our webcam obviously ;)

I just had to share.


P.S. In case anyone noticed I wasn't wearing my wedding ring because I'm trying to prevent a rash that develops under the ring that seems to happen when I use this certain soap, I'm airing it out, so no worries the Cpl. and I are still together :teeth: Just wanted to prevent any concerned Pm's I may have gotten ;)

I hope you all enjoyed viewing my pictures and you're welcome to come back anytime to look at them again ;) (I know I'm being really silly tonight. :lol: )

Posted: 2005-09-23 10:32pm
by CaptainChewbacca

I want one!

Posted: 2005-09-24 02:13am
by The Yosemite Bear
more kitten blur, the sucker must be experiencing many different realities at once right now....

gee and some of us humans can only preceive two or three realities at once, now if I could only control the resulats.... *tries to pull Episodes 7-9 DVD's out of garbage can.*

Posted: 2005-09-24 02:52am
by Captain tycho
The cuteness is blinding. :D

Posted: 2005-09-24 03:59am
by Comosicus
You have a very cute kitten there.

Posted: 2005-09-24 04:03am
by The Yosemite Bear
So anyone subscribe to my theory of kitten blur?

that the fact that kittens can't be photographed clearly is evidnce of the quantum blurring from thier existing in multipal realities at once, thus also why they can get into locked rooms, because in reality X the room isn't locked.

Posted: 2005-09-24 04:40am
by Captain tycho
The Yosemite Bear wrote:So anyone subscribe to my theory of kitten blur?

that the fact that kittens can't be photographed clearly is evidnce of the quantum blurring from thier existing in multipal realities at once, thus also why they can get into locked rooms, because in reality X the room isn't locked.
Thats also why they seem to go in and out of the house every 5 seconds. :wink:

Posted: 2005-09-24 10:06am
by Mrs Kendall
The pics I take are all blurry because well we have shitty digital cameras :oops: That's what happens when you live on a pension :P
We could afford better cameras but then we would be compromising our childrens clothing and stuff... So now, we wont be getting a good digital camera for a while unless we see an awesome sale.

I know she's cute and that's why I shared the photos I took ;) Thanks guys :)

Posted: 2005-09-24 10:11am
by Mrs Kendall
CaptainChewbacca wrote:KITTY! KITTY KITTY KITTY!

I want one!
If you feel like driving up to Canada our friend would not mind giving you one from this same liter. I believe he still has like at least 3 left. ;)

Posted: 2005-09-24 10:29am
by Gil Hamilton
Oh no! The Kitty has your nose! :shock:

Posted: 2005-09-24 10:38am
by Mrs Kendall
I was blowing in her face, she loves batting her paws at the air. Such a silly kitty. :lol:

Posted: 2005-09-24 11:12am
by Captain Cyran
I want a pet now... The school cat got moved away, and I'm not allowed to have animals in the room. Now I'm sad... I want a rat. :(

Very very cute kitten you have there Kendall.

Posted: 2005-09-24 07:29pm
by Mrs Kendall
Thanks, and that's too bad about the no pet rule. You should get a place off campus and get a kitty when as soon as you can. I'm sure you know they relax you so well when you pet them ;)

Posted: 2005-09-25 07:03pm
by LadyTevar

So cute! Makes me wish our kitties were small again. They don't like being held anymore :(

Posted: 2005-09-25 07:13pm
by Mrs Kendall
Thanks Lady Tevar,

Yeah I'm trying to condition our kitten to want to be held but the kids seem to have a different plan, they wont leave her alone. Hopefully she stays how she is now all cute and cuddly with me, but I'm not holding out much hope cause the kids are doing the same thing as they did with our older kitty Ashley. Ashley hates being held now :( Which is too bad cause she is a pure Russian Blue. Such a beautiful cat.

Posted: 2005-09-25 07:20pm
by DocHorror
Cats seem to have a habit of wanting to get away from people who like cats.

Posted: 2005-09-25 07:49pm
by Dangermouse
Awww. Your kitty kat is very cute. And fluffy. And holdable. And cute. Very cute. Thank you for showing them.

If you are concerned about the blurriness, there are a few tricks you can do. One of them is to apply a unsharp masking filter to your images. It removes most of the blurriness and makes the image look sharper but may exaggerate the noise slightly. For example:


The left ones are the originals and the rights ones have been unsharp masked. If you are interested, I can post how to do this with the GIMP for example. Many photo software programs may have this as well. Its a neat tool.

Posted: 2005-09-26 10:33am
by Mrs Kendall
Dangermouse wrote:Awww. Your kitty kat is very cute. And fluffy. And holdable. And cute. Very cute. Thank you for showing them.

If you are concerned about the blurriness, there are a few tricks you can do. One of them is to apply a unsharp masking filter to your images. It removes most of the blurriness and makes the image look sharper but may exaggerate the noise slightly. For example:


The left ones are the originals and the rights ones have been unsharp masked. If you are interested, I can post how to do this with the GIMP for example. Many photo software programs may have this as well. Its a neat tool.

Thanks :) And no problem I just had to share them ;)

The quality doesn't bother me, although I would love to be able to keep these photos and print them out some day I doubt that will happen since they were taken with our webcam. I was just fooling around as well so I didn't bother to fix anything up. I may be able to fix things a bit better than you have here but I'm not sure it's worth it. We don't even have a photo printer. But maybe I'll fix them up anyway and upload them to my photobucket or imagestation account and print them out when we get a photo printer in the future. Thanks though :)

Posted: 2005-09-26 07:37pm
by YT300000
The last picture made me smile. :)

Posted: 2005-09-27 06:21am
by Namarie
YT300000 wrote:The last picture made me smile. :)
Yeah, where the cats all like "Ive got your nose!!" You're definetly going to have to steal it back now.... Hah! Two can play at that game, you devious nose stealing kitty you. :D

Posted: 2005-09-27 06:28am
by The Yosemite Bear
long time no post!!!

how you doing besides obviously ultra-deep lurking. how's your other half?

Posted: 2005-09-27 05:06pm
by Namarie
The Yosemite Bear wrote:long time no post!!!

how you doing besides obviously ultra-deep lurking. how's your other half?
Me? Lurk? Never! :mrgreen: We are both doing good. Living together and everything now. Feel free to PM me if you want like... Details or anything.

Posted: 2005-09-27 05:23pm
by Vendetta
Namarie wrote:Yeah, where the cats all like "Ive got your nose!!" You're definetly going to have to steal it back now.... Hah! Two can play at that game, you devious nose stealing kitty you. :D
Nah, they're in training for When The Reolution Comes, and our feline overlords step out of the shadows. Today's kitten is tomorrow's fearsome shock trooper.

Mark my words, the grand conspiracy of the cats has been going on for far longer than recorded human civilisation. If you don't believe me, consider this. Every other animal we've domesticated does something useful, dogs help in hunting and scavenging, clear rats from our dwellings. Cows and sheep we keep for milk, food, and hides.

But cats? What other animal could turn up and get fed just because it looks pleased about it.

You think you're a cat owner, you're not, you're a convenient set of trained opposable thumbs.

Posted: 2005-09-27 07:50pm
by Mrs Kendall
Namarie wrote: Yeah, where the cats all like "Ive got your nose!!" You're definetly going to have to steal it back now.... Hah! Two can play at that game, you devious nose stealing kitty you. :D
:shock: Holy Crapola! You're alive!!!

Yeah I took it back, and actually she didn't have it for long ;) All I had to do was blow air in her face again and she put it back on :lol: ;)

Posted: 2005-09-28 03:08am
by Ford Prefect
That's so cute, I just can't believe it. Eeeeee!