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Pick's Last Pic of the Thread (p10)

Posted: 2005-09-23 11:17pm
by Pick
I decided to make a new art thread, since page 4 of my old one had so damn many pictures on it already I felt I'd be clogging people with slower connections who just wanted to see the new stuff, and I like to keep my favorite images inlined to set them apart as superior to the others. Anywho, so, here it is: the Shader doll!

For anyone unfamiliar with my art, 100% from scratch. Super Sculpey, paints, fabric, this, that, lots of patience, shitloads of hours... yes :lol:. This one was fairly fast and took about 36 hours over the course of about a week or so.

Taken at my elementary school's playground, on the spider bars.

Shader at one of the local parks.

Looking rather surprised, oddly.

No-one notices this lighting is 'odd' until I mention it :P

Shader and Verdgris. She is so much more butch than he is :wink:

Damn lensflare...

:lol: Awww, Umber's napping.

:o My hair went to a good cause! Funny, I thought I'd never cut it, but now... ah well 8)

Posted: 2005-09-23 11:36pm
by Noble Ire
Shader's top pose is great. :)
My hair went to a good cause! Funny, I thought I'd never cut it, but now... ah well
Your own hair? Talent and dedication, you really have the makings of a great artist.... or accountant or whatever. :P

Posted: 2005-09-24 03:03pm
by Pick
Noble Ire wrote:Shader's top pose is great. :)
My hair went to a good cause! Funny, I thought I'd never cut it, but now... ah well
Your own hair? Talent and dedication, you really have the makings of a great artist.... or accountant or whatever. :P
Yes, my hair :wink: I have nice hair.

If a little less now....

Posted: 2005-09-24 03:08pm
by Alan Bolte
Sweet costume on this one. Does what looks like lettering actually say anything, or is it just random markings that look cool?

Posted: 2005-09-24 07:30pm
by Pick
Alan Bolte wrote:Sweet costume on this one. Does what looks like lettering actually say anything, or is it just random markings that look cool?
:wink: All random, except one tiny bit (you can see in the first image) that says "SHADER" :)

Re: Pick's New Art Thread -- Shader Doll --

Posted: 2005-09-25 09:57am
by Dooey Jo
Those aren't lens flares, they're orbs! Obviously, your doll attracts orbs :D
I have nice hair.

If a little less now....
Indeed, your hair is awesome :shock:

Posted: 2005-09-26 10:18pm
by Pick
And here's a bunch of pictures I drew at school today. It was an amazingly productive day.

All computer paper and Sharpie markers. Photoshopped rain on the one. You'll know.

All of these pictures (except the one of Hoquer and showered Verdigris) are scenes from my story, and if anyone wants to read what I've got of it thus far, you're free to it (just ask.) Just a cute story.

One of the Japanese students (Yushi) asked me to draw something, which is why I drew Hoquer. God, I love Yushi so much, he's just adorably polite.

V. on ledge

Bla bla

(^ this one doesn't have any to do with the following. This one actually happens after the other images.)

Loom loom blah





Again, just in-class pen doodles. :)

Posted: 2005-09-26 10:44pm
by Noble Ire
You drew all of those in one day?
In class? I wish I was so productive when I'm bored. :)

Posted: 2005-10-05 12:30am
by Pick
Thanks, Noble Ire!

And... gaaaah, I wasn't going to do this, but oh well :P. Yes, sometimes, I, like a surprisingly large amount of artistic girls, will sometimes give in and draw, well, fangirl wank. Serious fangirl wank. It's really, really fun --which is why it is so essential to keep a tight rein on it. Too easy to fall into the trap :?

Nevertheless, as long as I did it, I might as well show it I suppose.


Pen and Bristol board, with a couple photoshop filters to make it red-on-black and not black-on-white. ... Eee-yup. :oops: Anyway.

It gets worse.

Even though I was in a good mood, or perhaps because I was in a good mood: angsty stuff! (:wanker:) indeed. This character's entire life pretty much is the history of the story itself (up to the present) so there's a lot of design changes there depending on chronological placement.


Pen and screen tones on Bristol board, trying to get decent at screen tones again as part of preparation for getting my hand back into comics.

Anyway :wink: *cough*

These were all done during class lectures, except for the screen toning in the second one.

Posted: 2005-10-05 01:40am
by Kuja
Pick wrote:*Edge in black/red*
I have a new desktop. :mrgreen:

Posted: 2005-10-05 11:13pm
by Wyrm
Pick, you are awesome. Simply awesome!

I like to dabble in drawings, but your pics are sweet! :D

Don't ever lose that gift; you will regret it if you did!

Posted: 2005-10-05 11:21pm
by Noble Ire
Pick, those are really professional grade, especially the first. :)
Angsty wank? Bah, I've seen angsty wank before, and these aren't bad at all. :wink:

Posted: 2005-10-05 11:28pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Nice, Pick.

Cheers, girl.


Posted: 2005-10-09 04:18am
by Pick
Kuja-- :lol:! It's on my laptop's background too 8). I'm really honored you like him that much. I'm really happy with how this one came out, it's so bright and detailed :D.

As for Wyrm, I appreciate it! I don't think you've visited one of my art threads before that I recall you replying to, so was this your first time seeing my stuff? :)

And thanks for the comment again, Noble Ire. It's good to know at least I haven't gone too far off the deep end yet :lol:!

As for you, Spanky... always a pleasure for anime fans to compliment my work :). When you're emulating another culture's art, to see the other fans at least seem to like it is very motivating. :D


And since I'd feel bad dragging this back up to the top without more than a few replies to people...

In-class work again:

Thin Sharpie and my mechanical pencil:


My scanner's too crap and I'm too tired to do anything about the scanline, sorry :lol:

18" wide or so. It's a bigger one. Done in Art class while my paint was drying over the week. Dur de dur, it was fun anyway :oops:


Since I'll be painting a while yet, I also got a chance to start this one. Ha ha ha, how curiously boredom manifests...


Tomorrow: Another doll!

Posted: 2005-10-09 04:32am
by Erik von Nein
Jumping Jesus on a cracker, girl! You do those drawings when bored? Fuckin' Hell. I'd hate to see what you do when you actually put effort into things.

Oh, wait, you do those fabulous dolls. Never mind! :)

Posted: 2005-10-09 03:55pm
by Metatwaddle
Hey, Pick, have you ever considered starting a webcomic? I think you could be really, really good at it. I don't know if that's your sort of thing, or if you are as into storytelling as you are into drawing (because IMHO comics are as much about the characters and funny dialogue as they are about drawing quality) but if you did one, I'd definitely read it!

Posted: 2005-10-09 04:36pm
by Crossroads Inc.

Hrmm, The Bishonen side of the Force is Strong in this one! :mrgreen:
You know, your drawing style reminds me a LOT of the web Manga For the Love of Yaoi :D

Posted: 2005-10-09 06:51pm
by Noble Ire
Shader's action pose is great, it really demonstrates your wide range of artistic ability (if that was not already evident enough. :wink: )

How long did it take you to sketch that one? I've attempted similar works, and it takes me a great deal of time, with far less quality.

Posted: 2005-10-09 07:33pm
by Akhlut
Wow! You are an amazing artist! You're pictures are simply wonderful.

Posted: 2005-10-09 11:16pm
by Pick
I appreciate it, Erik von Nein! And yes... there's a big gap between the quality of these and three-foot-tall fanart paintings :lol: But these are still good for keeping the ideas flowing and the hands nimble 8)

As for you, Discombobulated, I'd actually love to --but the story these characters are in is much too long to tell well in comic alone. There are chapters of it I intend to do as comic eventually, though, and that'll be good fun, but to do it all would be a nightmare. The story in and of itself though, I am writing, and will gladly post upon request (though I only have about twenty-two pages so far, and it's all introduction.) I'm very, very fond of drawing comics, and have been meaning to get back into it. Thanks for the motivation, though!

Ahhh, Crossroads... how true is that :P. I don't know why, but drawing bishounen guys is really, really, ridiculously fun. What strange sorcery this be to us anime artists I know not, but the spell is quite strong, indeed :). Really, though, I have no idea why I like to draw that way, other than it's just... unbelieveably entertaining. Before I got into anime, all my men were buff. Now they just look like flat chicks :lol:

Thanks, Noble Ire :wink: I was in English when I sketched it, and it only took about fifteen minutes. The inking I didn't finish until last period of the day though, but I'd been working on it in tiny spurts of when I didn't think teachers would notice. All in all, I don't think I spent too long on it... the thin Sharpie inking goes much faster than more detailed inking, of course, and for this one, I didn't sketch it as precisely as I normally do because I didn't feel the need (most of my sketches prior to inking look... well, a lot like the finished product. This one still looked like a sketch :P)

And thanks to you too, Ahklut! :)


And now, Hoquer doll!

Hoquer's the first doll I've done of a character from the fancy-pants Good government :). I might not do another from that side in a while; these characters aren't quite as important. Hoquer's a bit of an exception, and I like him a lot. He's unbelieveably kind, considerate, caring, sharing, and also extremely powerful. His position is that of Basal Key, which is the highest governmental position other than the Monarch (though the Monarch answers to the Morality Board... ahh, I'll leave that be for now.) His job also entails being a general, which he is very skilled at. People adore him, and he's practically deified --especially after admirably taking over the position that was once held by a warrior they thought was invincible. Blah blah blah. He's cute. :lol:

Here's the newer character design of him I was working off of:


That's a picture from backstory goodness, right when he finds out that his government's saving grace has... well, died. And there's a lot of cities that are probably going to go get massacred. And, as the senior Basal Key, he gets to decide which they try to save. Rather sucks.

As for the doll:
Same materials as usual, but also included: halloween witch-hat WITH HAIR!!!1! silver hair fibers, glass beads, silver beads, a modified necklace, modified earring pieces, and for the first time, a wire infrastructure in some of the areas to make him extra resistant to breaking.

He is the best one so far for posing, holding poses, and bending naturally :)


Aww, he's got a fwowwer.



Hoquer's a badass 8)

Sitting, with that creepy vacant gaze!

Invasion of personal space!!!... he has spikes in his back :luv: Normally you can't see them.

And for kicks...

So there's Hoquer! He might be the last doll for a while :?

Posted: 2005-10-09 11:21pm
by The Spartan
Pick wrote:So there's Hoquer! He might be the last doll for a while :?
:( But why!?! I do so enjoy seeing your art threads! Please tell me that there will be... shall we say... acceptable substitutes!

Posted: 2005-10-09 11:28pm
by fgalkin
Sweet Baby Jesus! Those are awesome. :shock: Truly awesome.

Marina is right in making you her official artist.

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2005-10-09 11:36pm
by Noble Ire
You know, when you get some of the corresponding story finished, I'd interested in reading it. It sound quite interesting. And pre-illustrated. :wink:

Posted: 2005-10-10 12:52am
by Ford Prefect
You rock so hard it hurts the Earth.

Posted: 2005-10-10 02:46am
by The Duchess of Zeon
Your enviable standards of competence are maintained as usual, m'dear.