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That was a one in a Million Shot, Young Skywalker..(GORE)

Posted: 2005-09-24 10:40pm
by MKSheppard
VERY GORE FILLED; do not click on the following links if you've recently eaten. This was
supposedly taken in Iraq; and shows a 1 in a million shot, where a suspected car suicide
bomber's brain was literally blown out of his head and landed in the passenger side seat,
reasonably intact.

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Posted: 2005-09-24 10:56pm
by Mr Bean
A Note, Those links go to Ogrish
I can say this much, you don't want to go to Orgish if you don't like attention of the offical kind with the phrase "watch list" That is all.

Posted: 2005-09-24 11:04pm
by Singular Quartet
My disrespect for the dead that I don't know is as follows:

Hey, that's kinda nifty.

Posted: 2005-09-25 12:55am
by MKSheppard
Mr Bean wrote:A Note, Those links go to Ogrish
I can say this much, you don't want to go to Orgish if you don't like attention of the offical kind with the phrase "watch list" That is all.
What's so evil about Ogrish? If I may ask? And I'm probably on a zillion
watchlists already. :P

Posted: 2005-09-25 12:56am
by MKSheppard
Singular Quartet wrote:Hey, that's kinda nifty.
Yeah, I'm puzzled as to how his brain could end up in the seat
next to him, whithout being pulverized by the force necessary to
crack open his skull big enough to let the brain through.

Posted: 2005-09-25 01:05am
by Captain tycho
I saw this posted on the SA forums a few days ago, very odd.

Posted: 2005-09-25 02:04am
by BlkbrryTheGreat
Mr Bean wrote:A Note, Those links go to Ogrish
I can say this much, you don't want to go to Orgish if you don't like attention of the offical kind with the phrase "watch list" That is all.
Mmm... kind of wish I read that post BEFORE I looked at those pictures. :x

Posted: 2005-09-25 02:33am
by Duckie
Mr Bean wrote:A Note, Those links go to Ogrish
I can say this much, you don't want to go to Orgish if you don't like attention of the offical kind with the phrase "watch list" That is all.
Huh, I clicked one of the pictures, read the OP's warning a second later while it loaded, and exited out. Does that count as enough for the federal government to smash in my windows with a black helicopter and seize my hard drive? Or a detachment of Anti-Terror Ninjas to investigate my bank accounts?

[All seriousness on what "official attention with watch list" means, despite the choice of words]

Posted: 2005-09-25 08:52am
by Rye
Wow, that's pretty cool, how did it not get shredded?

Posted: 2005-09-25 09:44am
by Dooey Jo
Oookay. What the christ :shock:

Uh... Is that just one half of the brain, or has it been flattened? How did it get out intact? They must have blown off half the skull, and somehow managed to miss the brain... Or :idea: They blew off one half of the brain and the skull there, and then the other half fell through when the body fell to side. It's even somewhat consistent with the first picture (if I interpret that... uhh... gruesome... skull stuff... correctly)!

What the hell did they shoot that guy with anyway? Cannon?

Posted: 2005-09-25 02:35pm
by Sr.mal
Probably a .50 Cal. However, I'm pretty sure that is a fake. Anything that could do that kind of damage to the skull, would pretty much pulp whatever brain is in there.

Posted: 2005-09-25 11:11pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Sr.mal wrote:Probably a .50 Cal. However, I'm pretty sure that is a fake. Anything that could do that kind of damage to the skull, would pretty much pulp whatever brain is in there.
true since a good KE transference can turn the brain into mush inside the skull as it is, without damaging the hard armour. to create such an effect.

1. a piece of shrapnel would have had to come in through the back of the skull and impacted exactly on the location where those 3 plates finally fuse together when your 14, in a person as old as 12-13.

that's it, the hole at the base of the skull connecting to the spinal colum, or in the nose are the only ones the entry could have been made from without causing more brain damage, tempal and optical bones are thin but their would have been more damage to hte brain from the bone chips. and the only location where the exit wound could have occured without causeing more damage to the brain is the conjunction of the three plates at the back of the skull, but those finish turning from cartilledge when your a teen.

Posted: 2005-09-26 12:52am
by Singular Quartet
Looking it over, parts of me want to say that it's fake, but there's also the fact that I've never seen a human brain before.

If it is fake, then somebody took their time with it.

Posted: 2005-09-26 07:39pm
by YT300000
Since I'd rather avoid that site, could someone who went to it mirror those pictures?

Posted: 2005-09-26 08:32pm
by Trytostaydead
MRDOD wrote:
Mr Bean wrote:A Note, Those links go to Ogrish
I can say this much, you don't want to go to Orgish if you don't like attention of the offical kind with the phrase "watch list" That is all.
Huh, I clicked one of the pictures, read the OP's warning a second later while it loaded, and exited out. Does that count as enough for the federal government to smash in my windows with a black helicopter and seize my hard drive? Or a detachment of Anti-Terror Ninjas to investigate my bank accounts?

[All seriousness on what "official attention with watch list" means, despite the choice of words]
Only if you're in Germany or Spain.

Posted: 2005-09-27 06:01pm
by Fin D'ah Gub
YT300000 wrote:Since I'd rather avoid that site, could someone who went to it mirror those pictures?
Here you go.

Pic 1
Pic 2
Zombie food.

Posted: 2005-09-28 03:35am
by Kettch
Sr.mal wrote:Probably a .50 Cal. However, I'm pretty sure that is a fake. Anything that could do that kind of damage to the skull, would pretty much pulp whatever brain is in there.
NA Weapons Expert: Seeing that the windown took multiple rounds w/o completely shattering I'm doubting that it was a 50.

One guess: The skull top was blown off, & some sick $#%& checking it out yanked the brain reminants out & put them on the seat.

Second Guess, that looks like it could be tonights ground chuck. Hamburgers anyone?

Posted: 2005-09-28 12:03pm
by Kuja
That first pic makes it look like a Mindflayer got him. :twisted:

Posted: 2005-09-28 02:56pm
by Rogue 9
Kuja wrote:That first pic makes it look like a Mindflayer got him. :twisted:
Oh, come on. If an Illithid had at him, would there be any brain left? :P

Posted: 2005-09-28 03:04pm
by Mr Bean
MRDOD wrote:
[All seriousness on what "official attention with watch list" means, despite the choice of words]
Exactly what it sounds like. Do enough of it(Hit said websites) and your legal record gets a permant red flag.

How many sites hits it takes and how often it takes is not something I can say. (Cause I don't know)

Posted: 2005-09-28 03:07pm
by Ace Pace
Wait, the U.S gov tracks those who go to Ogrish? why?

Posted: 2005-09-28 03:07pm
by Kuja
Rogue 9 wrote:
Kuja wrote:That first pic makes it look like a Mindflayer got him. :twisted:
Oh, come on. If an Illithid had at him, would there be any brain left? :P
That's why I said first pic only. :P

Posted: 2005-09-28 05:56pm
by YT300000
Hmm. The first and second pictures are quite likely real. Its the third one that gets me. The amount of glass on the seat suggests that the round came from that side of the car, which considering the angle it must have hit the head, works. The hole in the brain would also line up with that angle, but then why would it still be that intact? The only way it could get there was if his head fell to the side (which it did), but the top had been split open like that without shredding the grey matter, which then fell out, rotated at just the right angle, hit the seat and deformed (even though the bullet hadn't been enough to deform it previously).

Obviously there was a second shooter. :lol: