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Funny Classical Paintings

Posted: 2005-09-27 12:51pm
by Gil Hamilton
Have there just been some images in history that have just tickled you? Like something that was just funny in an old painting? Post about them.

My favorite Painting in this category is by Botticelli called "Venus and Mars"
(which is the wall paper on my desktop).

I've heard two different interpretations of this painting, but I like the one I've got the best.

Mars is the God of War and naturally he starts all sorts of shit on Earth with Man, causing wars and things. He was doing this so much that the Gods on Olympus went to put an end to this. They talked Venus into doing her Goddess of Love thing to go to Mars and get him laid and smashed. This is the aftermath.

The problem is that Mars is the frat boy of the Gods. He has no clue how to please a woman and basically rolled off Venus after he was done and passed out, shitfaced out of his gourd. Notice the bored look on Venus' face; Mars couldn't find her g-spot or clit with a roadmap and a Sherpa. Then the satyrs came. Mars obviously wouldn't let them near his things, but he's so passed out that the satyrs are getting in his shit, stealing it, and even blowing a horn in his ear.

Very funny. Particularly with how completely unsatisfied Venus looks after her time with Mars. :lol:

(The alternate interpretation of this was that this is just before Vulcan comes around and catches Venus and Mars together. Also, there is the thought that Mars is strong and powerful and a conquer, but he was unable to conquer Venus; ie "Love beats War", which was a popular humanist idea at the time)

Re: Funny Classical Paintings

Posted: 2005-09-27 10:22pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Gil Hamilton wrote:They talked Venus into doing her Goddess of Love thing to go to Mars and get him laid and smashed. This is the aftermath.
That's pretty damned funny. But what the hell would Venus having sex with Mars have to do with ending his reign of terror on Earth? As a distraction? How long would the other gods and goddesses expect that to last anyway? A day? Big accomplishment.

Posted: 2005-10-01 05:28pm
by kheegster
There's a painting in the National Gallery in London which basically depicts a couple of satyrs enroaching into a nymph pleasuring herself.

I kid you not.
