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Hope the guy was wearin' a raincoat (car vs Deer) NWS

Posted: 2005-10-06 05:07am
by MKSheppard
Holy Jesus on a Rocket Powered Rubber Crutch!

They make some dangerous deer in Oklahoma...


Posted: 2005-10-06 05:37am
by dragon
So did the driver live.

Posted: 2005-10-06 05:40am
by Ace Pace
Ew. Just ew.

*stumbles to the toilet*

Posted: 2005-10-06 05:44am
by His Divine Shadow
Was it a drunk driver? I see bottles in the back seat.

Posted: 2005-10-06 05:49am
by Imperial Overlord
His Divine Shadow wrote:Was it a drunk driver? I see bottles in the back seat.
They look like 1 litre bottles of caffeine free diet coke to me.

Posted: 2005-10-06 05:50am
by His Divine Shadow
oh ok, I kinda thought they looked like wine bottles.

Posted: 2005-10-06 05:50am
by DarkSilver
those bottles look to be plastic softdrink bottles, more than likely caffine free diet coke.

Posted: 2005-10-06 05:54am
by His Divine Shadow
Caffeine free huh, guess he was too tired to see that dear.

Posted: 2005-10-06 10:01am
by LadyTevar
You'd be surprised how fast a deer can bolt from the side of the road.

Posted: 2005-10-06 11:20am
by His Divine Shadow
Not really, we have deer(and elk) here as well, I was just making a joke.

Posted: 2005-10-06 11:26am
by Mrs Kendall
Lady Tevar is right, they move fast! There is a reason the highways here have "night danger" signs.
This obviously happened at night too so he could have been coming around a large turn or something and didn't see the deer until it was too late. I had a friend who died (he was sleeping in the passenger seat, his girlfriend was driving) when they hit a deer.
That man probably and most likely died from that accident. If he came out alive I'll be very surprised.

The deer was severed in half for christs sake! Organs all over the vehicle. As I said, I'd be very surprised if the man lived.

Posted: 2005-10-06 12:07pm
by His Divine Shadow
I know she is right I meant I am not surpised that they are fast because I was joking.

Posted: 2005-10-06 12:13pm
by Elheru Aran
Haven't we had this posted before? Or something very similar? Because I distinctly remember seeing splattered deer photos before... :?

Posted: 2005-10-06 12:58pm
by Kuja
Johnny Freakinouter! :shock:

That must've made quite a splash in the papers.

Posted: 2005-10-06 03:34pm
by Wyrm
Behold, Western Imperialist Infidel Scum! Behold the Al-Queda MK I Suicide Deer! :lol:

Yes, folks, you know something's wrong with this country when even the wildlife gets martyrist on you! (Osama must've enticed him with a paradise of 72 does.) 8)

Posted: 2005-10-06 04:39pm
by Surlethe
How fast was the car going to tear the deer in half? Or is that normal practice in a deer vs. car versus scenario?

Posted: 2005-10-06 04:41pm
by Dooey Jo
How fast would one have to be driving for a deer to splash like that? Or maybe it was the point of impact that caused it...

Waait... Is that the heart and liver in the back of the luggage compartment :shock:

Oh and look at all the orbs! Obviously, the orbs are sad because the poor deer died :mrgreen:

Posted: 2005-10-06 09:42pm
by Pick
Holy shit, that's incredibly awesome. I feel bad for the deer, but... that's awesome.

Posted: 2005-10-06 10:11pm
by Mrs Kendall
His Divine Shadow wrote:I know she is right I meant I am not surpised that they are fast because I was joking.
Sorry I was writing up the post to go right after Lady Tevars' post but you snuck in there ;) Just teasing ya :)
Actually it took a while to write that post 'cause I had my daughter asking me for help which is why it looked like I saw your post after Lady Tevars' and still posted what I did after yours, but in truth I never saw your post until after I posted my post. Sorry for the confusion there.

I know you understand. I was just posting my reaction to the photos in general, I was not trying to attack anyone. I guess I kinda got a bit emotional in that post because as I said..I had a friend who died when his car hit a deer, I hope you didn't take any offence to what I posted.

Posted: 2005-10-06 10:32pm
by Mrs Kendall
Surlethe wrote:How fast was the car going to tear the deer in half? Or is that normal practice in a deer vs. car versus scenario?
Probably normal highway speed *dunno what it is in the US but in Canada it's 100 kms/hr. I think it all depends on how the deer hits the car/SUV.
They typically hit the car/suv then roll up the hood of the car and then into the windshield, this one was probably severed because it hit the windshield so high up and basically got severed by the roof and broken glass.
There are a lot of guts on top of that steering wheel so I would say that one half of the deer was inside while the other half flew outside the vehicle.

*of course I'm not an expert and I'm not pretending to know exactly what happened in this particular accident but I've seen it before.

Posted: 2005-10-07 03:25am
by The Yosemite Bear
wish my camera was working properly

Three years ago I coulda shown you what one did to my little car.

Posted: 2005-10-07 03:27am
by The Yosemite Bear
I decapitated one going just 50kph

Posted: 2005-10-07 03:29am
by Surlethe
Mrs Kendall wrote:
Surlethe wrote:How fast was the car going to tear the deer in half? Or is that normal practice in a deer vs. car versus scenario?
Probably normal highway speed *dunno what it is in the US but in Canada it's 100 kms/hr. I think it all depends on how the deer hits the car/SUV.
It's between 65 and 80 mph in the US (I think that's 100-134 km/hr).
They typically hit the car/suv then roll up the hood of the car and then into the windshield, this one was probably severed because it hit the windshield so high up and basically got severed by the roof and broken glass.
There are a lot of guts on top of that steering wheel so I would say that one half of the deer was inside while the other half flew outside the vehicle.

*of course I'm not an expert and I'm not pretending to know exactly what happened in this particular accident but I've seen it before.
That makes sense. Thanks!

Posted: 2005-10-07 03:30am
by Wild Karrde
Eww. Is that it's liver right behind the driver's seat? :?

Posted: 2005-10-07 09:32am
by Mrs Kendall
Surlethe wrote:It's between 65 and 80 mph in the US (I think that's 100-134 km/hr).
Shit you guys drive fast! I mean legal speeds BTW ;)
That makes sense. Thanks!
Yeah I thought so too :P , No problem ;)