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Boredom: Advanced

Posted: 2005-10-09 01:20pm
by Vanas
When bored, I have an unhealthy prediliction to randomly create Advance Wars comic strip things.
So, here's a collection for your viewing pleasure/horror.

Winter Wonderland

This Explains Alot...

There are good days when you're a Mech, this is not one of them

A fundamental mystery

It's a project of some kind, I'm sure

The one that started all this off

Watch for Newbies

Yes, I'm biased towards Green Earth, and yes, there may be a Far Side reference or two.

All backgrounds and sprites are copyright their original owners, by the by.

Posted: 2005-10-09 02:27pm
by Qwerty 42
I like these, great work.

Posted: 2005-10-09 04:17pm
by Elheru Aran
What game are you getting the little guys from? Or do you draw them yourself with an 8-bit emulator?

Posted: 2005-10-09 04:22pm
by Dalton
I think they're from Advance Wars for the GBA.

Posted: 2005-10-09 04:33pm
by Vanas
Yeah, they're from Advance Wars 2 in this case.
I am not an artist, so I have to improvise.

That said, I'm quite pleased with this fire effect I made.

Posted: 2005-10-09 06:35pm
by Acidburns
Nice work! The sharp, detailed backgrounds in contrast with the sprites reminds me of 8-bit theatre. Very cool.

Posted: 2005-10-09 06:36pm
by Darth Yoshi
Green Earth tanks are weird, but at least they're not hovertanks like the Black Hole tanks.

Tallgeese! w00t!

Posted: 2005-10-10 03:56am
by Ford Prefect
But where is the Megatank?!

Posted: 2005-10-10 05:37am
by Erik von Nein
My waffles, they are roffled. :lol:

Posted: 2005-10-10 05:40am
by wautd
Being heavely addicted to AW:DS, I find this awesome :D

Posted: 2005-10-10 01:39pm
by Vanas
Ford Prefect wrote:But where is the Megatank?!
The Megatank isn't in Advance Wars 2, which is where the sprites are from. When I find a set of DS sprites, I gaurantee we'll be getting Megatanks. For now, make do with my giantised Neotanks.

Posted: 2005-10-10 02:53pm
by Qwerty 42
Darth Yoshi wrote:Green Earth tanks are weird, but at least they're not hovertanks like the Black Hole tanks.

Tallgeese! w00t!
I think the Yellow Comet recons in AWDS take the cake for weird.

Posted: 2005-10-10 03:37pm
by Vanas
Have they changed from their little armoured car then? I don't ever play as Yellow Comet, so I haven't noticed. Still, Green Earth Recons are the best. The others get Hummers, jeeps and armoured cars. Green Earth gets a mini-panzer.

I'm making a little series of these for another forum I go to, I'd post them, but they wouldn't make much sense. If anyone knows the best way to reduce an animation's filesize without buggering the quality, I'd appreciate it. (Can't have AW without CO powers, eh?) It's presently about 1.1 megs and I can't seem to lower it further without mangling it.

Posted: 2005-10-12 02:30pm
by Vanas
Just a quick one I threw together while bored. Shockingly, there maybe a recognisable member.

The wonderful world of OSF

Posted: 2005-10-14 05:48pm
by Darth Yoshi
Anyone else think it's weird that neo-tanks are tanks with legs, yet they count as tread vehicles?

1.1 megs? What's the animation?

Posted: 2005-10-15 02:16am
by Kuja
Vanas wrote:Just a quick one I threw together while bored. Shockingly, there maybe a recognisable member.

The wonderful world of OSF

Posted: 2005-10-15 02:20am
by Rogue 9
Odd, I don't recognize anyone in particular in that.

Posted: 2005-10-15 10:17am
by Vanas
Darth Yoshi wrote:Anyone else think it's weird that neo-tanks are tanks with legs, yet they count as tread vehicles?

1.1 megs? What's the animation?
They seem to have wheels at the end of the legs, maybe a vertical set of tracks in each leg?

The animation is CO Power- BanHammer

Rogue: NecronLord is in there as the Malevolent General Sturm™. 'Feh, you'll all be mine in the end'
He kinda got shrunk as I uploaded it though.

Posted: 2005-10-16 11:17pm
by Ford Prefect
Vanas wrote:
Darth Yoshi wrote:Anyone else think it's weird that neo-tanks are tanks with legs, yet they count as tread vehicles?

1.1 megs? What's the animation?
They seem to have wheels at the end of the legs, maybe a vertical set of tracks in each leg?
Yes, that is true. Look at the Neo Tanks roll around. They're so cute. Like Tachikomas.

Posted: 2005-11-08 03:09pm
by Vanas
Just a quick little one I made while bored.
I give you the totally unbiased SWvST debate forum!

Posted: 2005-11-08 06:09pm
by Noble Ire

The rabid trekkie's grammar is too intellegent, but otherwise, very good.

Posted: 2005-11-08 06:47pm
by Comando293
*Falls out of chair laughing* good stuff :D

Posted: 2005-11-08 07:00pm
by Darth Yoshi
No bombers? No Advance Wars smackdown is complete without bombers. Or b-ships, for that matter. But still, that was funny.

"FOR THE EMP—woops, wrong forum. move plz" Heh.

Posted: 2005-11-09 02:19pm
by Vanas
I didn't think the bombers looked quite right for an imperial side. I could use an ISD sprite though, anyone got any ideas?
And yeah, I had to make the guy actually readable. Maybe I'll make a special edtion l33t one for you.

Posted: 2005-11-09 10:41pm
by Ford Prefect
C'mon Vanas, please please pleeeeease make one with the Megatank in it - I recently built a lot of them, so I have a sudden hankering for the five gunned death machine.