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Canadian Thanksgiving...(Pic heavy)

Posted: 2005-10-10 05:29pm
by Mrs Kendall
I found some cute thanksgiving cartoons and am addressing this thread to the canadians as we all know the americans don't celebrate it for another month or so. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone anyway :)

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Ok so for most of them I just smiled but for some I laughed pretty hard. I thought I would share them all anyway :lol:


I hope I put a smile on at least one persons face with this thread ;)

Mods! If this should be in testing then go ahead and move it, I just wasn't sure since I had so many images here :)

Posted: 2005-10-11 06:56pm
by Mrs Kendall
Oookkk... I guess I'm the only one who found these a bit funny. Oh well :)

Posted: 2005-10-11 08:14pm
by Acidburns
Quite amusing. The one about the bread is maybe my fav. "Holy Moly! They're putting us where??"

Posted: 2005-10-12 04:52pm
by Mrs Kendall
I like the one where one turkey is on the phone with butterball asking how to defrost the other turkey.

Haha, get it she's being cold towards him ;)

Edit: Or the one where the lady is telling her cat not to do gross things in her kitchen :lol:

Posted: 2005-10-13 12:53am
by Comosicus
That's funny stuff, Mrs. K. Even if we don't have Thanksgiving here :wink:

Posted: 2005-10-13 08:58am
by Mrs Kendall
What are you talking about? Where are you? No thanksgiving at all? OMG That is a SIN!!

I mean turkeys are yummy you know :P :lol:

Posted: 2005-10-13 11:40am
by VT-16
We usually have turkey on New Years Eve. Yummy stuff. :d

Posted: 2005-10-13 01:04pm
by Mrs Kendall
But, but, only one turkey a year?

*runs off crying*

I love my two turkeys a year, I guess that's yet another thing I should be thankful for ;)

Posted: 2005-10-14 01:18am
by Guy N. Cognito
Only two turkeys a year? What about Easter and other people having turkey dinners and inviting you? And one a year? I think I'd go mad. Or not know what I'm missing.

Posted: 2005-10-14 01:44am
by Dalton
Guy N. Cognito wrote:Only two turkeys a year? What about Easter and other people having turkey dinners and inviting you? And one a year? I think I'd go mad. Or not know what I'm missing.
We only have one a year in our family. Thanksgiving is always turkey, and X-mas and Easter are always hams. I don't mind, because turkey is usually too dry for me.

Of course, New Years Day is usually manicotti. W00t.

Posted: 2005-10-14 02:05am
by Rogue 9
Oh, our family lays out the board. Ham and turkey on Thanksgiving, roast beef, turkey, and occasionally ham at Christmas, and the biggest mountain of mashed potatoes you've ever seen every time we get together. 8) (Dad's side of the family is Catholic. This results in lots and lots of cousins, who eat lots and lots of food.)

Posted: 2005-10-14 07:37am
by Comosicus
Mrs Kendall wrote:What are you talking about? Where are you? No thanksgiving at all? OMG That is a SIN!!
About half the way around the world from Canada ma'am :mrgreen:

But when we'll move there (in a year and a half - two at most hopefully) I promise to have Thanksgiving :twisted:

Posted: 2005-10-14 09:24am
by Mrs Kendall
That's a good boy ;)

We have turkey's on Thanksgiving and Christmas, but no ham until my sisters started hosting the holiday dinners. Mom never made it because none of us liked ham until two of my sisters got married and tried it at their in law's houses. At Christmas there is a lot of other people there so mom makes a meat pie and loads of potatoes as well. My cousin is the weirdest he eats potato sandwiches :lol: Mashed potatoes I mean. In his bun :lol:

Anyway, yeah and dessert is the best, Thanksgiving it's just whatever we all make to bring, but for christmas you can always count on cherry cheese cake for dessert and I love it :D

This past thanksgiving we had applecrisp and lemon meringue pie for dessert :teeth:

Posted: 2005-10-14 02:11pm
by Ghost Rider
Dalton wrote:
Guy N. Cognito wrote:Only two turkeys a year? What about Easter and other people having turkey dinners and inviting you? And one a year? I think I'd go mad. Or not know what I'm missing.
We only have one a year in our family. Thanksgiving is always turkey, and X-mas and Easter are always hams. I don't mind, because turkey is usually too dry for me.

Of course, New Years Day is usually manicotti. W00t.
Pretty much same here, though a few of my friends adopted the two Turkey philosophy.

Though New Year's being Mancotti is fantastic. Usually my mom makes some type of it beef or pork.

Posted: 2005-10-14 02:48pm
by Lindar
*yays* I like the kitty table one...*grin* sounds like me...