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The Completely Unsanctioned Unofficial SW vs SG pics thread.

Posted: 2005-10-28 10:48pm
by PunkMaister
Since no one has so far other than me amde any attempts at this here is my first.

Hopefully others will be inspired to follow in my footsteps.

Posted: 2005-10-28 11:11pm
by StarshipTitanic
Well I kind of stumbled into your footsteps...


Posted: 2005-10-28 11:15pm
by Dalton
What does that pic (in the OP) have to do with SW vs SG, and why does it suck so badly?

Posted: 2005-10-28 11:18pm
by StarshipTitanic
Dalton wrote:What does that pic (in the OP) have to do with SW vs SG, and why does it suck so badly?
They're quite obviously bombing the Lincoln Coordination Center of Phaser Defences. Notice how that large defensive tower in the foreground isn't firing back? The Feds and their centralized computer systems, only now do they see the folly in it all.

Posted: 2005-10-28 11:23pm
by Instant Sunrise
I see your picard mouth laser, and I raise you:

Posted: 2005-10-28 11:24pm
by StarshipTitanic
Whoops, that's "Stargate". But still...

EDIT: Those are fancy eye beams Kirk has there. I wish I had something better than Paint...

Posted: 2005-10-28 11:27pm
by Surlethe
I hope I'm not following too closely in your footsteps, punk.


Posted: 2005-10-28 11:52pm
by Surlethe

Posted: 2005-10-28 11:53pm
by Spanky The Dolphin


Posted: 2005-10-29 12:06am
by Rogue 9
If anyone would have 'em, it'd be the Star Wars Modeling Alliance. I have no idea what SG-1 ships look like, so for all I know some of those hulls I couldn't identify might be them.

Posted: 2005-10-29 12:11am
by Einhander Sn0m4n

Stick THAT in your pipe and smoke it! :finger: :lol:

Posted: 2005-10-29 12:28am
by The Yosemite Bear
so what is that the 1/10th or 1/100th scale ISD? given I'm not exactly awake at this hour....

Posted: 2005-10-29 12:29am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
The Yosemite Bear wrote:so what is that the 1/10th or 1/100th scale ISD? given I'm not exactly awake at this hour....
1/160. A real ISD is ~1600 meters long. This one is only a hundred!

Posted: 2005-10-29 12:31am
by Zor
Awsome Smackdown, Go Einy!

Posted: 2005-10-29 12:36am
by Duckie
99 meters? Ooh, sorry, that Ministardestroyer is just three feet short of being considered a respectable warship. Good day sir... you lose!

You fail at life, Kuat Yards!

Posted: 2005-10-29 12:59am
by Noble Ire
It might be a bit late, but I have been looking for a place to test this.
So, PunkMaster:


Posted: 2005-10-29 01:00am
by The Yosemite Bear
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:
The Yosemite Bear wrote:so what is that the 1/10th or 1/100th scale ISD? given I'm not exactly awake at this hour....
1/160. A real ISD is ~1600 meters long. This one is only a hundred!
erm your off by a decimal point

its 1/16 scale then.

Posted: 2005-10-29 02:32am
by Uraniun235


Posted: 2005-10-29 02:42am
by darthdavid
may cause seizures/desire to kill me. :D

Posted: 2005-10-29 07:58am
by Dooey Jo
Now how does that work. How can Kirk and the other dude fire their eye-lasers forward but hit something which is behind them :lol: Teh spacetime bending!!1!

Posted: 2005-10-29 11:33am
by Crossroads Inc.
darthdavid wrote:Warning
may cause seizures/desire to kill me. :D
ARRGGGG!!!! MY EYESZZ!! ((sound of brain popping))

Posted: 2005-10-29 12:00pm
by Darth Yoshi
darthdavid wrote:Warning
may cause seizures/desire to kill me. :D
You bastard. I kill you now.

Posted: 2005-10-29 12:43pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Dooey Jo wrote:Now how does that work. How can Kirk and the other dude fire their eye-lasers forward but hit something which is behind them :lol: Teh spacetime bending!!1!
The eye laser emitters have built-in graviton lattice projectors that surround the laser beams and bend their path so that they always hit their target. :P

Posted: 2005-10-29 12:50pm
by Surlethe
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:The ocular coherent-phase photon emitters incorporate graviton lattice projectors which deflect the coherent-phase photon streams to result in flawless accuracy.
Fixed for you. :P

Posted: 2005-10-29 03:52pm
by Manus Celer Dei
This is one of the more terrifying threads I've seen in a long time.