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Homeworld Artists wanted!!!

Posted: 2005-10-29 11:30am
by Crossroads Inc.

As some of you may know, I work over at Jeff Russell's "Starship Dimensions" as a Mod. One of the things we are wokring on is trying to get good images of ships from Homewords and Homeworlds2.

The sizes of most ships has been assesed and largerly worked out. ((You can read the full thread and see some nice screen pics here * ... 0&start=30))

But while theres no size relation setups to scale... Because the only images we have are from games, it is hard to get a "Clean" picture. IE a profile view of a ship with no back ground that can be used against the all white background of Starship Dimensions.

As such, I am wondering if anyone out there is REALLY good at cutting out clean pics from screen caps. I can do it ok, but not perfect enough to qualify for the site.

Thank ye all in advance :)

Posted: 2005-10-29 11:37am
by El Moose Monstero
You can actually extract all the files from the Homeworld .big file using various tools online and then that gives you what I seem to recall are .peo files and all the textures which you can use something like 3D explorer to open and view them on a black background or what-have-you. Where is that daring Howedar when he's needed? :D

Posted: 2005-10-30 10:59pm
by Crossroads Inc.
I don't suppose you can give any tips on how to extract those images? I might not have the tolls but I may know someone who does.

Posted: 2005-10-31 02:26am
by El Moose Monstero
Am afraid not, it's been 3 years since I dabbled with HW modding, and I wasn't very good at it. The tool you'll be after will probably be fairly simply named as a HW .big file extractor or something, if you can find it, it'll probably have instructions. Sorry I can't be more help.

Posted: 2005-11-04 06:04pm
by Vanas
I'd reccomend checking out the Relic Forums, their modding community is manic. If they can't help you, no-one can.

The link is to the general HW section, look around for the modding areas (not too hard :P)

Edit: This thread has the HW2 de.big'ed data file for download there. HW1, I think you'll need the BigViewer for