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Our Halloween 2005

Posted: 2005-10-31 10:03pm
by Mrs Kendall
Ok so because some people asked for pics of my kids in costume I'm making a new thread here and a thread in AMP as well so that everyone who wants to see them can ;) Oh and I'm adding pics of myself in costume cause well you all helped me decide what to be so I think you should see what I looked like walking around with my kids. I kept getting people asking if they were it, I swear I should have taken a pillow case of my own around with us, we would have gotten so much more candy :lol: Not like I need it or anything ;)

So anyway here they are...

Me as an Auto Mechanic...
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Our Daughter as a Kitty Cat...
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Our Son as a Terydactyl (however you spell that word :P he was a flying dino so there :P) ...
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These are all clickable thumbnails so if you want to see a closer view just click-poo. Hehe, I think I've had too much candy tonight ;) :lol:

I hope you all enjoyed viewing my pictures and I hope everyone had a great Halloween!!

Posted: 2005-11-01 01:53am
by DPDarkPrimus
Those costumes are just too cute. :)

Posted: 2005-11-01 07:53am
by Mrs Kendall
Thanks :) Many of the people were like "let me see your face little one" cause all they could see from above were the heads of the costumes :lol:

Posted: 2005-11-01 11:13am
by LadyTevar

I wish now I'd been able to get pics of my nephews. The 4yr old was SPD Red Power Ranger, and the 7yr old was Obi-Wan Kenobi (Prequels). The 10mon. old wasn't in costume, since he was staying 'to help Mawmaw hand out candy'. :lol: MawMaw was dressed as a clown, and Nit and I were in our Scadian cloaks. (They're wool. They're WARM, as well as look cool)

Posted: 2005-11-01 12:28pm
by CmdrWilkens
Feel proud that those pictures have reduced my normally passive gaunt "uber M<arine" face into a ball of "oh my god the cuteness." Your kids look downright adorable in those pictures and I mean adorable like you want to slap together a hallmark movie based solely on seeing them in those costumes adorable.

Oh yes and you as the auto mechanic was pretty cool too but I can't say more because I'm blinded by the cuteness.

Posted: 2005-11-01 02:15pm
by Mrs Kendall
CmdrWilkens wrote:Feel proud that those pictures have reduced my normally passive gaunt "uber M<arine" face into a ball of "oh my god the cuteness." Your kids look downright adorable in those pictures and I mean adorable like you want to slap together a hallmark movie based solely on seeing them in those costumes adorable.

Oh yes and you as the auto mechanic was pretty cool too but I can't say more because I'm blinded by the cuteness.
Oh My!! I did that? I had no idea you could be sweet ( :P ) Thanks Dude :) That means a lot to me that I got a soldier, oh, uh, I mean Marine!! Marine to say aww..

I understand your reaction to me as a mechanic, I worked as a mechanic for a while and I always had guys running away :P For some reason it's just not attractive to them, and I have no idea why :lol:

Oh well, we had fun, thanks for all the nice comments and Lady Tevar, sounds like you had fun too. That was really sweet of you to drive so far to take the kids out.

Posted: 2005-11-01 02:26pm
by That NOS Guy

Thanks Mrs. K, that relly lightened my mood.

Posted: 2005-11-01 04:19pm
by Mrs Kendall
AWESOME!! I'm so glad I brightened someone elses day :) You are very welcome :D

Posted: 2005-11-01 04:22pm
by The Jazz Intern
That is way to awsome.

Posted: 2005-11-02 08:27pm
by SCRawl
Indeed, the cuteness factor is quite high. As long as we're sharing, though, here's one of my daughter (she's almost 15 months old).


All together now:


Posted: 2005-11-02 10:08pm
by The Jazz Intern
awwwww.... this thread has cuteness you can almost see!

Posted: 2005-11-03 02:02am
by Sr.mal
Have to agree, the cuteness has taken my normal emtionless self, and made it go "Awww how cute!"

Posted: 2005-11-03 03:54am
by KhyronTheBackstabber
Very cute.
You know, when I first opened this thread and saw your son, I thought he was an Aardvark.

Posted: 2005-11-03 08:10am
by Mrs Kendall
Oh great, now my son is being called an ardvark ;) :P Just kidding around. Yeah I'm not sure the costume makers knew what colour to make the costume, it's got a bunch of weird colours that I don't think pterydactyls were ;) Thanks everyone, I knew they were cute but to hear it from others really makes my day :D