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My halloween pics...

Posted: 2005-11-05 07:11pm
by Max
These are from the Hamline campus party we went to on friday before halloween...

The first one is me wearing Ben's aviator cap. As you can see I applied fake blood liberally to my real scar...w00t!


The second pic is (left to right) Tom, Amber, Ben, and me. Tom is..well he went as Tom Jones or someone. Amber is a dead hooker, and Ben is a dead pilot. Apparently giving a hummer at 30,000 feet is dangerous. They are dating and tried to have a theme, can you blame them?


The third picture is me and Amber. She has my whip. I went with a sword and whip. I didn't really research my costume too extensively and I could have sworn gladiators had whips. Maybe I was thinking lion tamer. Ah well.


The fourth picture is Annie. She went as Batman. However, since someone else went as Batman, she thought wearing a helmet would set her apart. I think the gender difference already made that clear, but maybe I was drunk. I have to say, I was the only gladiator. It made going to the bars fun...girls kept pinching my nipples. =P


The fifth picture is random. That's me with Attack Kitty playing xbox at Megan/Matt/Ben/Scotty/Jerod/Nicks place. Yes. That sounds like a lot, and it is. Actually Megan, Matt, and Megans boyfriend Jerod live above Ben, Scotty, and Nick. It's a really huge cool converted house, and they have all known each other since 7th grade...and now live in the same house while going to college. Matt's the only homo. He's like a mascot or something.


The last picture is Amber having too much fun with the whip. I gave it to her as a joke for when her and Ben have the ess ee ex. I'm pretty sure they used it though, I saw it next to Ben's bed.


Anyway. I didn't get any pictures back of (girl) Alex as Garth (from Wayne and Garth fame), Matt as Iceman, Scotty as a Ninja, Otto as 'That Guy', and Nick as a dirty old man in red long johns (complete with fake beard and moustache).

Posted: 2005-11-05 09:31pm
by Lindar
Not bad. THe fake blood looks good. And... for halloween characters are always up for adaption so is fine for YOUR gladiator to have whate'er he wanted... you coulda even have had a laser blaster*grin*

Posted: 2005-11-06 03:50am
by Shroom Man 777
Yes, that would have been very cool.

MAXIMUS! MAXIMUS! *bzzzt!* *bzzt!*

You look very much like Russel Crowe, with the helmet and the fake blood and the sword :D

And that girl with the whip looks really hot!

Posted: 2005-11-06 05:33am
by Max
Shroom Man 777 wrote:Yes, that would have been very cool.

MAXIMUS! MAXIMUS! *bzzzt!* *bzzt!*

You look very much like Russel Crowe, with the helmet and the fake blood and the sword :D

And that girl with the whip looks really hot!
Hahaha, that's great, my middle name is that works out awesome.

Amber will appreciate the compliments =)