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Metal and hard rock

Posted: 2005-11-11 10:52am
by Necroid
Any other metal or hard rock fans on this board?
Personally I can't get enough of Iron Maiden and Rammstein.

Posted: 2005-11-11 11:48am
by Zadius
I love Metal. I've been listening to Children of Bodom and DragonForce a lot recently. Especially DragonForce's "Through the Fire and Flames" which I downloaded off their website yesterday. It's from their new album.

Posted: 2005-11-11 12:33pm
by Sr.mal
I just got Rammstein new album Rosenrot, and it kicks major ass.

Posted: 2005-11-11 01:52pm
by Mobius
okay so main bands i listen to according to itunes and i wont even try to classify them properly, too easy to argue about is that "Speed Death Metal" or "Power Trash Metal"

Death/trash/ Black (aka the Violent Ones)
Dark Tranquility; In Flames; Impaled Nazarene; Edguy; Marduk; Immortal; Moi Dix Mois; Rammstein; Mayhem; Emperor; Sonata Artica; Grand Belial

Got/Symphonic/ Pop (the Soft Ones)
Epica; Elegeion; My Dying Bride; Within Temptation; Lacuna Coil; Therion; Nightwish

Others: ManoWar, the Scorpions :oops:; Maiden

Posted: 2005-11-11 02:09pm
by NoXion
Fear Factory (I can't get enough of it! Fucking excellent!), Mordbid Angel, Nile, Pantera, Sepultura and System of a Down.

Posted: 2005-11-11 02:18pm
by Bertie Wooster
I was a big metal fan in my youth, and still appreciate old Metallica albums, Rammstein, Rob Zombie, old school Black Sabbath, Faith No More, Rage Against the Machine, and Pantera.

Re: Metall and hard rock

Posted: 2005-11-11 02:25pm
by Bertie Wooster
Neocron wrote:Any other metall or hard rock fans on this board?
Personally I can't get enough of Iron Maiden and Rammstein.
What type specifcally?

* Christian Metal
* Hard Rock
* Southern Rock
* Thrash
* Death Metal/Black Metal
* Glam Rock
* Grindcore
* Heavy Metal
* Speed Metal
* Hair Metal
* Arena Rock
* Alternative Metal
* British Metal
* Industrial Metal
* Rap-Metal
* Guitar Virtuoso
* Progressive Metal
* Neo-Classical Metal
* Album Rock
* Pop-Metal
* Rap-Rock
* New Wave British Heavy Metal
* Detroit Rock
* Punk Metal
* Stoner Metal
* Scandinavian Metal
* Goth Metal
* Doom Metal
* Symphonic Black Metal
* Sludge Metal
* Power Metal


Posted: 2005-11-11 02:26pm
by Mobius
You Forgot NSBM, you fool!!

Posted: 2005-11-11 04:45pm
by Spetulhu
Metal in several forms. Lots of it. Mostly Scandinvian or European bands, but there are a few outstanding acts from elsewhere too. Nile (US) and Sepultura (Brazil) come to mind.

Ajattara, Children of Bodom, Sentenced.
Bathory, In Flames, Therion.
Dimmu Borgir, Immortal, Satyricon.
Bolt Thrower, Iron Maiden, Motörhead.
Gamma Ray, Rammstein.
Hieronymous Bosch.
Blah blah blah...


Posted: 2005-11-11 06:41pm
by Dalton
I think AC/DC can be considered among this genre :cool:

Posted: 2005-11-11 06:46pm
by The Yosemite Bear
yeah, I'm a big Reznor, AC-DC, Rose Tattoo, & Led Zepplin fan.

Posted: 2005-11-11 07:16pm
by Rye
Death Metaller here. I don't mind the fast stuff like Cryptopsy and even the occasional bit of grind, but I generally like technicality and sludgy satisfying riffs.

* Christian Metal <- not a fan
* Hard Rock <- I usually like it, but not something I'd invest a lot of energy in.
* Southern Rock <- if you mean like Down/BLS/corrosion of conformity style southern sludge metal, then hell yes. If it's something else, I dunno.
* Thrash - Slayer, Later Testament, Neo-thrash groove metal like pantera and pissing razors, hell yes, earlier metallica and exodus, not so much.
* Death Metal/Black Metal - Death metal is superior, in my view, black metal has a few gems, but is mainly shit.
* Glam Rock - Hate it.
* Grindcore - Hate it for the most part, even fewer gems than black metal.
* Heavy Metal - I like Black Sabbath, but that's mainly for the doom, not the "heavy" necessarily.
* Speed Metal - Can be okay. Depends how it's applied, Children of Bodom style = good.
* Hair Metal - Hate it.
* Arena Rock - Not sure.
* Alternative Metal - Not sure.
* British Metal - Not really a fan, though it's okay, but eh.
* Industrial Metal - FUCK YES. SYL, FF, Rammstein all make my penis bleed.
* Rap-Metal - Outside of Biohazard, pretty poor, and biohazard aren't great.
* Guitar Virtuoso - No, lame.
* Progressive Metal - Lame for the most part with good bits interspersed.
* Neo-Classical Metal - Not really a fan.
* Album Rock - Not sure.
* Pop-Metal - Poo for the most part, bands like Dope, if they're pop metal are quite cool.
* Rap-Rock - I actually quite like the Run DMC/Aerosmith crossover, not sure outside of that.
* New Wave British Heavy Metal - Not really a fan, but it's not "bad".
* Detroit Rock - Not sure.
* Punk Metal - Lame.
* Stoner Metal - Ace
* Scandinavian Metal - varies. If you mean gothenburg stuff, it's not really my thing, with the exception of bands like COB. In Flames et al goes further away in terms of listenability.
* Goth Metal - Cradle of Filth are probably the only band in this genre I can listen to, and I hate Dani Filth's vocals regardless.
* Doom Metal - Love it.
* Symphonic Black Metal - Usually pretty decent.
* Sludge Metal - Love it
* Power Metal - Not a fan. Outside of COB, anyway.

What metal would I make if I were in a band? Well, here's one, Morticide, and here's the other, in pain die

Re: Metall and hard rock

Posted: 2005-11-13 03:58pm
by Plekhanov
Neocron wrote:Any other metall or hard rock fans on this board?
Personally I can't get enough of Iron Maiden and Rammstein.
I had more than enough metal working opposite the mainstage at the Leeds festival earlier this year, Iron Maiden weren’t so bad but most of the other bands were truly dreadful, still atleast I got to see the Pixies who were wonderful.

Posted: 2005-11-14 02:49am
by Mlenk
I'm pretty into Prog Metal at the moment. Dream Theater, Spock's Beard, Symphony X are a few bands that come to mind.

Posted: 2005-11-14 03:06am
by Crayz9000
Up the f'in Irons!

My favorites would be Maiden, Sabbath, Priest, Ozzy, Blaze, Therion, Adagio, Stratovarius, AC/DC, and Queensryche.

Posted: 2005-11-15 12:28am
by TheMuffinKing
I love metal. I wholeheartedly reccomend Amon Amarth, they sing sagas of viking lore, vey awesome indeed. I also highly recomend As I Lay Dying. Fast paced with good instrumentation. So many bands...

Posted: 2005-11-15 02:59pm
by thecreech
I love megadeth, their newest CD the system has failed is quite awesome. I have been listening to that for sevral months now. I like Metallica but nothing beyond the black album. AD/DC Iron maiden...etc i was never able to get into. I am trying to listen to Pantra lately but they still don't appeal to me. I have found a really good techinical band call Mastadon that i am currently listening to also

Posted: 2005-11-15 03:03pm
by Ace Pace
Okey, honest question to Rye, whats the difference between Death and black metal and etc.? They all mostly sound the same,except Death and Black metal I recognise because they are mostly screams.

Posted: 2005-11-15 03:18pm
by thecreech
Ace Pace wrote:Okey, honest question to Rye, whats the difference between Death and black metal and etc.? They all mostly sound the same,except Death and Black metal I recognise because they are mostly screams.
the difference is in the cloths LOL

Posted: 2005-11-15 03:22pm
by HemlockGrey
What the hell is the difference between "death metal" and "doom metal"?

Posted: 2005-11-15 03:38pm
by Bertie Wooster
Death Metal and Black Metal are the same, except that "Black Metal" is the older version of Death Metal, like Venom.

From :

Doom Metal is:
Inspired largely by the lumbering dirges and stoned, paranoid darkness of Black Sabbath, doom metal is one of the very few heavy metal subgenres to prize feel and mood more than flashy technique (though the latter can certainly be present). Even more indebted to Sabbath than most metal, doom metal is extremely slow, sludgy, and creepy, feeling so heavy it can barely move; its deliberate pace and murky guitars are meant to evoke (what else?) a sense of impending doom. The movement began to take shape in the mid-'80s, as underground bands like the SST label's Saint Vitus, the critically acclaimed Trouble, and Sweden's Candlemass attracted cult audiences for their out-of-fashion, Sabbath-dominated sounds. Trouble and Cathedral helped bring doom metal to a wider (though not mainstream) metal audience during the early '90s, and doom's monolithic darkness quickly made it appealing to a variety of tastes. Doom metal was one of the formative influences on the retro-obsessed stoner metal movement of the '90s, and it was not uncommon for bands to find favor in both camps. Another dominant strain of '90s doom metal -- pioneered by British bands like Paradise Lost, My Dying Bride, and Anathema -- fused Sabbath heaviness with the sounds and sensibilities of goth-metal, plus occasional touches of death metal; the results were sorrowful, gloomy epics. The '90s also birthed a unique doom metal scene centered in New Orleans; the sound of bands like Crowbar and Eyehategod was often described as "sludge metal" because of their heavy debt to early Seattle grunge bands like the Melvins and Soundgarden. Several doom metal bands incorporated progressive tendencies, though this approach was much less widespread.
Black Metal/Death Metal:
Death Metal grew out of the thrash metal in the late '80s. Taking the gritty lyrics and morbid obsessions of thrash to extremes, death metal was -- as its name suggests -- solely about death, pain, and suffering. These relentlessly bleak lyrics were set to loud, heavy riffs that owed as much to the lumbering metal of Black Sabbath as it did to Metallica. Death metal bands also owed a debt to the complex song structures of '70s art rockers, though most of these winding, intricate compositional methods were learned through Metallica. Death metal never attracted a wide audience, but to some diehard heavy metal fans, it was a preferable alternative to Metallica and Guns N' Roses -- who were selling millions of records in the late '80s and early '90s -- or the pop-metal of Poison. It kept a small, dedicated cult throughout the '90s.
Basically Death Meta/Black Metal is fast and based on thrash metal, and Doom Metal is very slow.

Posted: 2005-11-15 03:48pm
by Bertie Wooster
thecreech wrote:I have found a really good techinical band call Mastadon that i am currently listening to also
Mastadon is great. I discovered them reading Indie-Rock websites, which is strange.

Posted: 2005-11-15 08:39pm
by The Yosemite Bear
am I the only one who noticed he spelled Metal the same way as the name of a toy company in the thread title.....

Posted: 2005-11-15 09:16pm
by Rye
Ace Pace wrote:Okey, honest question to Rye, whats the difference between Death and black metal and etc.? They all mostly sound the same,except Death and Black metal I recognise because they are mostly screams.
Black metal has more raspy vocals, compared to death metal's occasional rasp and focus on the "death growl" or gutteral grunting style of vocals. Black metal riffs tend not to have as much palm muted notes as death metal (which is closer to the style popularised by Slayer). They have similar levels of speed and very similar drumming, but Black metal usually has a more "sharp" feel to the music (probably as a result of how jarringly the songs are put together) and is more obsessed with pagans, sillier clothes and burning churches. Black metal is mostly associated with scandinavia, death metal America and England.

But there is overlap between the two, in general, if a song sounds death metally, but then they start using horror music keyboards and stuff and start talking about moonlight, they're fusing the two. ;) Black metal also uses a lot of european folk music and classical music influences in their songs, which are decidedly rare in death metal.

Death metal often focuses lyrically on grossout horror stuff (zombies, gore, etc), which is decidedly rare in black metal, similarly, you won't get many death metal bands singign about viking raids and the gods of the forest and moon. Both genres overlap frequently when it comes to misanthropy, occultism and paganism (though these are much more prevalent in black metal), and blasphemy, satanism, anti christianity.
HemlockGrey wrote:What the hell is the difference between "death metal" and "doom metal"?
Death metal is usually blisteringly fast, whereas doom metal slows it right down, and will not necessarily rely on growled vocals, though they may use them. There are slower death metal bands (Bolt Thrower, Latest era Carcass, the epic Nile songs)but generally, DM incorporates blast beats and a fast tempo. Doom metal is specifically tailored to songs like "Black Sabbath" by black sabbath, whereas slow death metal would still retain the spirit of defiant thrash metal to some extent.

Also: Mastodon rock, they have some fucking weird song structure.

Also, Metall isn't the name of a toy company as far as I'm aware, that's Mattel.

Posted: 2005-11-19 11:43pm
by Red Star
I like a lot of metal and "alternative rock" whatever classification that is.

Metallica, ACDC, Led Zepplin, Kazzar (think thats the right spelling), Chevelle, POD, thornley, some alexisonfire and many others (forgive me if any of the bands aren’t spelled right)