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We have SNOW!!

Posted: 2005-11-15 02:13pm
by Mrs Kendall
We finally got our first dumping of snow so I took our daughter out there and we made our very first snowman of winter 2005. I just had to share the photos :)


Ok so it's not the greatest looking snowman in the world, but you have to remember that the first one of the season is always the dirtyest one because of extra leaves and excess dirt on the ground under the snow.

I didn't bother putting all the accessories on it cause I know it's just gonna melt by tomorrow if it lives through the bratty kids who walk by the house on their way home from school anyway ;)

All that matters is that we had fun :)

Posted: 2005-11-15 02:16pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Lucky Bastard!
((pouts and kicks the cactus ouside))

Posted: 2005-11-15 02:18pm
by Alyeska
Snowed for real the fist time yesterday. Maybe half an inch, but some of the snow is still around today. Was 16 degrees out when I woke up.

Ski mountain opens this weekend. Won't be online those days if you know what I mean. 8)

Posted: 2005-11-15 02:19pm
by Mrs Kendall
Hahahahahaha :lol: Sorry, I wish I could help ya ;) :P

^ the above was directed at crossroads post ;)

Posted: 2005-11-15 02:32pm
by Namarie
I'm. so. jealous.

I do have to say though, the picture of you and your daughter is so cute!!

Posted: 2005-11-15 02:32pm
by Mrs Kendall
Thanks sweetie :) I thought so too :)

Posted: 2005-11-15 02:39pm
by Ace Pace
CUTE overload *spasms* your kids are cute.

Snow? what is this snow?

*prods grass*

We had rain.

If we're lucky we might even HEAR of a CHANCE of POSSIBLY having some snow.

Posted: 2005-11-15 02:43pm
by Mrs Kendall
Yeah in northern Ontario Canada we normally have snow by mid november but sometimes as early as mid october, I was beginning to think we would never get any, cause sometimes on rare occasions we have green christmasses, and with all the mild weather we've been having (above zero celcius) I was becomming depressed and hoping for snow to arrive. so you can see why I'm so happy today even though I am suffering with the flu ;)

Posted: 2005-11-15 02:44pm
by The Grim Squeaker
I know snow from the old country, where Snow snows on you :P

Posted: 2005-11-15 02:56pm
by Soontir C'boath
You had pure quality time despite the not so pure snow, Mrs. Kendall. :)

When if ever we have snow here at Stony Brook, I want to make snowmen Calvin and Hobbes style!

Posted: 2005-11-15 02:59pm
by aerius
It's raining here. And it's forecast to rain for the next few days. God this is getting depressing. There is a slight chance of some snow flurries but I doubt any of it is going to stay on the ground. I need to move back to Ottawa....

Posted: 2005-11-15 03:16pm
by Mrs Kendall
:lol: I know, my mom just told me (I was just on the phone with her) that there is a warm front coming through and it's gonna go up to 13 degrees celcius by tomorrow morning, so my snowman is definitely gonna melt away :(

Posted: 2005-11-15 03:37pm
by White Haven
Gaah...this is revolting. You lot have snow, I'm in freakin shorts and a T-shirt, sweating. Virginia sucks.

Posted: 2005-11-15 04:32pm
by Surlethe
Snow forecast for Thursday and Friday. 8)

That said, Mrs K, your daughter is soo CUTE!

Posted: 2005-11-15 04:40pm
by General Zod
It just poured down freezing rain yesterday afternoon, got a very very light layer of snow on the roof and lawn, and now it's freezing despite being sunny out. I hate Colorado weather.

Posted: 2005-11-15 04:41pm
by Caius
Looks like you two had a lot of fun.

We had some slush the other day. I don't think I'm ready for a good amount of snow yet.

Posted: 2005-11-15 05:02pm
by Temjin
It snowed here today. The weather forecasters predicted about 5 to 10 centimetres. Instead we got thirty and it's STILL coming down. I had to miss class today to shovel my parents car out of the driveway. It was two feet deep in places. I was out there for two hours. When I got back into the house, my hair was frozen. I didn't even go out with it wet. What's more, the zipper on my jacket was broken, so by the time I got back in, the front of my shirt was soaking wet.

In about 10 minutes, I have to go out yet there again to shovel yet more of that snow.

And now I see people in this thread jealous of snow?

Cute kids. Looked like you had fun. The blizzard that hit us hit us is supposed to be going towards Ontario next.

[edit]By the way, this was actully our first snowfall this fall.

Posted: 2005-11-15 05:08pm
by brianeyci
I didn't buy any fucking winter boots yet. The one from last year was totalled.

I agree with Temjin. Snow is an annoyance unless you're a little kid or have kids. It adds travel time, dogs can shit all over the place and you notice it more because everything is white and the shit stands out, and there's yellow snow everywhere. Plus it's fucking cold. Did I mention cold.

Yes I grew up in Toronto, I was born in Canada, doesn't mean I have to like snow :twisted:.


Posted: 2005-11-15 05:13pm
by Soontir C'boath
I keep on losing my gloves every year but I am definitely going to buy a pair after Thanksgiving to be ready. As for snow boots, what are they? :wink:

Posted: 2005-11-15 05:37pm
by Mrs Kendall
Thanks to everyone who complimented me on how cute my daughter is and how much fun we had etc... and I agree with those of you saying snow is a pain in the ass when you're not a kid or don't have kids to play in it with you, but it's not all that bad for me cause I get paid by Veterans Affairs for shovelling our snow, since he can't do it because of his arm and because he's got a dissability pension, it also gives my kids something to do while I'm shovelling and it gives me some much needed exercise :P

Eat that :) I LOVE SNOW!!! :lol:

Edit: By 'he' I meant my husband ;) For some reason I just assumed everyone would know who I was talking about :lol: Silly me ;)

Posted: 2005-11-15 05:59pm
by Losonti Tokash
We got about 3 inches of snow or so but it's not sticking to the road and it came in late morning so they didn't cancel school. Consequently, lots of cold, wet, surly teenagers that wish they didn't have to come in to school that day.

Posted: 2005-11-15 06:31pm
by Comando293
I. Want. SNOW!!!!

I live in California, and we will never get snow. *sigh*I miss Maryland.

Great set of pictures by the way.

Posted: 2005-11-15 06:39pm
by DPDarkPrimus
It started snowing a couple hours ago here. Don't know how much will stay on the ground, but hopefully we'll actually have a white Christmas this year.

Posted: 2005-11-15 07:05pm
by Dillon
brianeyci wrote:I didn't buy any fucking winter boots yet. The one from last year was totalled.

I agree with Temjin. Snow is an annoyance unless you're a little kid or have kids. It adds travel time, dogs can shit all over the place and you notice it more because everything is white and the shit stands out, and there's yellow snow everywhere. Plus it's fucking cold. Did I mention cold.

Yes I grew up in Toronto, I was born in Canada, doesn't mean I have to like snow :twisted:.

Indeed. Now that I'm too old to get a kick out of playing in the snow, I'm really getting sick of Canadian winters. God, I hate the cold.

I was pretty annoyed when I saw snow today. Got a nice shoefull of slush on the way home.

Yeah, I'm a grumpy old bastard, I know. :P

Posted: 2005-11-15 07:09pm
by Mrs Kendall
observer_20000 wrote:
brianeyci wrote:I didn't buy any fucking winter boots yet. The one from last year was totalled.

I agree with Temjin. Snow is an annoyance unless you're a little kid or have kids. It adds travel time, dogs can shit all over the place and you notice it more because everything is white and the shit stands out, and there's yellow snow everywhere. Plus it's fucking cold. Did I mention cold.

Yes I grew up in Toronto, I was born in Canada, doesn't mean I have to like snow :twisted:.

Indeed. Now that I'm too old to get a kick out of playing in the snow, I'm really getting sick of Canadian winters. God, I hate the cold.

I was pretty annoyed when I saw snow today. Got a nice shoefull of slush on the way home.

Yeah, I'm a grumpy old bastard, I know. :P
Just wait till you have kids, you'll learn to love the snow again when you see the looks on their faces when they see it for the first time ;)