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Digital makeup!

Posted: 2005-11-19 09:20pm
by Darth Wong
I showed this pic to Lord Poe, Brian Young, and a few other notables via E-mail a while ago, but I thought I'd share. I've been trying to convince Rebecca to wear lipstick, so I cropped this picture, which was taken a couple of months ago:


Then I used GIMP's "freehand select" and "colorize" tools to give her digital lipstick so she could see what she would look like:


The picture on the left is raw; the picture on the right has been altered with the local "colorize" function to give her digital red lipstick. I am not really an expert with digital photo manipulation, but I was quite pleased with the result. Free-hand painting on top of digital images tends to look like shit, but simple colour alteration works really well.

Posted: 2005-11-19 09:25pm
by Ghost Rider
It's quite good, it does look like maroon lipstick. Not the most particularly flattering color on her, since with her looks, she works better without it, but the manipulation you did was commendable.

If shown without the raw photo, it would've been difficult to say otherwise.

Posted: 2005-11-19 09:34pm
by Gil Hamilton
It might be slightly softened about the edges very slightly and the color toned down a bit (maroon doesn't work with her skin tone, she needs something more natural), but that's pretty good.

Posted: 2005-11-19 09:38pm
by Darth Wong
I wonder if anyone else can do a better job, or choose a better colour. I am, as I said before, not exactly an expert at this sort of thing, although I was fairly pleased with the results given my level of competence.

Posted: 2005-11-19 09:40pm
by CaptainChewbacca
Try peach, it works for her complexion...

*looks around, remembers where he is, wanders off*

Posted: 2005-11-19 09:52pm
by Arthur_Tuxedo
With those shades, she looks like Sara Conner.

Posted: 2005-11-19 10:01pm
by Soontir C'boath
Arthur_Tuxedo wrote:With those shades, she looks like Sara Conner.
She looks like Sigourney Weaver to me.

Posted: 2005-11-19 10:50pm
by Darth Wong
Maybe I should find pictures of Sigourney Weaver and Linda Hamilton for comparison :)

Of course, both of them always have studio makeup on when they're in movies, so they don't have that slightly reddish sunburn that Rebecca has in that picture.

Posted: 2005-11-20 12:42am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Actually, she looks more like Susan Sarandon in that image to me than Weaver or Hamilton.

Posted: 2005-11-20 12:02pm
by Guy N. Cognito
Adjusting hues and colour balances is the only way to manipulate digital photography if you want a good picture in the end. I ended up "altering" about 90% of my wedding pictures in some way shape or form and most of it was adjusting hues and value. I'll see if I can scrounge up some of my works.

Posted: 2005-11-20 12:28pm
by Guy N. Cognito
The orginal
And a modified version
This isn't the best example, but it shows that with limited selection and adjusting hues, saturation and values, you get a quality result

Posted: 2005-11-20 12:31pm
by Mrs Kendall
I, being the only female to respond so far, say that if she's gonna wear lipstick she should wear a lighter shade like maybe a light brown or tan colour. But if she's really against wearing lipstick don't push it man. She's obviously comfy with how well she looks without it (and I think she looks awesome without any) Maybe you guys could compromise and she could wear a lightly shaded lipgloss instead. Being a woman, i know it's hard to find a good lipstick that suits you well as well as one that will stay on without staining your lips. This is probably just one of the reasons she just doesn't bother with makeup.

Good luck :) Let us know what ends up happening with this. She's a beautiful woman, let her know I said that if you'd like ;) Not that it really matters coming from some random woman on your site though ;)

Posted: 2005-11-20 03:10pm
by Gil Hamilton
This is how I'd play it. I did this last night, but my FTP server was acting up.

(the one on the left is doctored, the one on the right is natural)

Light pinkish tone, little glossy. Unfortunately, I don't know the names of the actual lipstick color or that, but your wife has approximately the same skin tone as my ex-girlfriend (Mandy was a little paler), so I'm going from memory about what she wore and general color theory.

I'd hope people with actual makeup experience can chime in on this.

Incidently, what camera did you use to shoot it? The close ups are really good, so you must have taken a really high resolution picture initally. Just curious. :)

Posted: 2005-11-20 04:02pm
by HemlockGrey
You guys don't travel light.

Posted: 2005-11-20 04:08pm
by Elheru Aran
HemlockGrey wrote:You guys don't travel light.
Considering they've got two kids and a dog, as well as what looks like a jacket there... it's a parent thing :wink:

Posted: 2005-11-20 04:12pm
by Mr Bean
Elheru Aran wrote:
HemlockGrey wrote:You guys don't travel light.
Considering they've got two kids and a dog, as well as what looks like a jacket there... it's a parent thing :wink:
And not a scuba suit or surface to air missle to be see, of course they are traveling pretty light considering two kids and two adults.

Posted: 2005-11-20 04:34pm
by Mrs Kendall
Gil Hamilton wrote:This is how I'd play it. I did this last night, but my FTP server was acting up.

(the one on the left is doctored, the one on the right is natural)

I'd hope people with actual makeup experience can chime in on this.

I'll chime in and say that looks awesome!! The exact look I was trying to describe.

Incidently, what camera did you use to shoot it? The close ups are really good, so you must have taken a really high resolution picture initally. Just curious. :)

Yeah, what is the make and model of your camera Mike? We're looking into buying one for a family Christmas gift this year. Can you recommend a good one?

Oh and they are traveling lite, you should see what we take along for two smaller kids and two adults. Mike and his family don't need to carry a diaper bag around. It probably comes to about as much as they carry cause we don't have a dog though.

Edited once.

Posted: 2005-11-20 08:04pm
by Gil Hamilton
That appears to be her bag, a hat, and a jacket.

Of course, based on my experiences with women and purses, even a tiny purse could potentially contain a hairbrush, makeup compact, cell phone, package of tissues, spare tampon, address book, digital camera and a delicious snack. All of which measured individually exceeds the volume of the purse but when packed doesn't produce bulges. Based on the bag in the photo, Mrs. Wong very well could be carrying a living room set in there.

As for cameras, Mrs. Kendall, it all depends on what you want and how much you are willing to pay. The law of cameras is that you get what you pay for. If you are just taking photos and don't particularly care about the images looking spectacular, not to mention you don't want a bulky camera, there are plenty of compact digicams on the market that are cheap and effect. For instance, the Fujifilm Finepix F10 is a nice little camera. 6.3 MP and can even take viewable photos at ISO 1600 (which is the setting for really low light situations) thanks to a noise reduction system. You can easily get away with paying 320 bucks for it.

But if you want to move up to the big boys and pick up a camera with a bit more wang and are willing to pay for it, I'd recommend the Nikon D50. It's a Digital SLR (Single Lens Reflex) that's a baby version of D70. Fantastic amatuer camera that can take decent shots even in really melvin light conditions, particularly with a good lens and has lots of features. It definately gets the job done, unless you are a professional photographer.

It's important to read consumer reports to get the camera that's right for you though.

Posted: 2005-11-20 08:35pm
by J
Hmmm...the location looks familiar...on the lakeshore somewhere near Sunnyside park? I bike past there a lot during the summer with my BF, maybe we'll run into each other one day...

Anyway, I agree with Mrs. Kendall and Gil Hamilton, the peachy tan lipstick works really well with Rebecca's skin tone and complexion. I'd actually go with something just a tad lighter but a bit more pink.

BTW, your wife looks great, it might be just me but she actually looks to be getting younger.

Posted: 2005-11-20 09:41pm
by Darth Wong
Gil Hamilton wrote:Based on the bag in the photo, Mrs. Wong very well could be carrying a living room set in there.
You'd be amazed :)
But if you want to move up to the big boys and pick up a camera with a bit more wang and are willing to pay for it, I'd recommend the Nikon D50.
By interesting coincidence, that's my camera. I also got a speedlight, although that's obviously unnecessary in natural sunlight.
J wrote:Hmmm...the location looks familiar...on the lakeshore somewhere near Sunnyside park?
Indeed it is. There's always convenient playground facilities there, and it's a pleasant walk on a weekend afternoon, although not when the temperature drops below freezing.
J wrote:BTW, your wife looks great, it might be just me but she actually looks to be getting younger.
She would disagree with you on that, but I'll pass along the compliments anyway :)
Mike and his family don't need to carry a diaper bag around. It probably comes to about as much as they carry cause we don't have a dog though.
The old diaper bag was insane. But with the dog, we need to carry spare bottles of water, a drinking bowl, and bags for picking up after him. It's always a funny feeling when we leave the kids with my parents and go out by ourselves; it always feels like we've forgotten something because we're not carrying all kinds of shit with us.

PS. Thanks to everyone who chimed in with suggestions about colour, particularly Gil for making a picture. I'll pass them along to Rebecca.

Posted: 2005-11-21 12:25pm
by Mrs Kendall
Thanks for the camera suggestions. We don't want to pay too much and just want it for taking pics of the kids and family get togethers. We want something that's easy to figure out and whatnot. We're seriously looking at getting this one... like I mean today, in the next few hours ;) :lol:

HP Photosmart M415

What do you think?

Oh and Mike, the diaper bag has a bunch of stuff in it that we don't need everytime but we carry just in case... like 15 diapers :lol: and a full box of wipes :lol: we carry around a normal size backpack ;) Plus my purse and any of the kids toys that they want. I know what you mean about feeling like you're missing something when you leave the kids somewhere. I just had that feeling when we went on our date on friday. wandering around christmas shopping without the kids was a wonderful but sort of empty feeling.

Posted: 2005-11-21 01:35pm
by Gil Hamilton
You may have already bought it, so the point is likely moot, but the reviews and technical specs on the camera point to it being a nice little digicam. They say it's easy to use and doesn't deliver bad picture quality. However, they say that the ISO of the camera only goes to 400, which means that indoor and low light shots might be on the poor side with it. However, don't let that stop you, because it's got plenty of the good features and that printer dock thing is a neat toy all told. It looks like a decent value.

If you read this before you buy, be sure to get it in your hands and hold it, see how it feels, and maybe play with it a little. Any store should let you hold the working product and play with the buttons. If it's the right camera for you, it will feel right in your hands.

Posted: 2005-11-21 01:45pm
by Mrs Kendall
Thanks :) And no we haven't bought it yet, we're on our way to do so though :) Thanks for your advice. We planned on trying it out before buying it as well :)

Posted: 2005-11-21 06:19pm
by Gil Hamilton
The Gods of Photography consider it a mitzvah, to borrow a Jewish term, whenever a person has a union with a camera. I hope you two are very happy and your shots blessed/in focus. :)

Posted: 2005-11-21 07:05pm
by Mrs Kendall
Actually the store in our town has none in stock so we didn't get it today like we planned. I also did a search on for it and basically they say it's nothing special and my mother told me that when they shopped for their camera the guy (ok yeah I know he's a salesman, I know I know) said that HP makes good printers but they suck at making digital cameras. I don't know who to believe here and I don't want to buy it and find out I don't like it so I'm gonna take a little while longer to decide what brand and model to buy.

If anyone has any suggestions they would be very much appreciated ;)
We are now thinking of either Fuji or Canon brand but have a lot of searching to do before we choose a model.

Thanks to anyone who helps us decide.