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[WIP] Waypoint

Posted: 2002-12-13 04:16am
by Enlightenment
Another christmas present project for the people who won't be getting printed copies of Standing Out.


This is a fairly early WIP. The Inukshuk (rock slabs) isn't in its final configuration yet nor have I added the small rocks that will be strewn around the landscape. The sky and textures, however, are pretty much done.

Posted: 2002-12-13 04:23am
by Kuja
Reminds me of Stonehenge.

Posted: 2002-12-13 09:01am
by salm
nice image.
i dont find anything you could improve.

one thing, but that´s a matter of taste: i dont like the font you used for your name and the title. it looks like a happy, merry, tralala font and doesnt fit to the picture. a clear, straight, normal "areal" or something like that. something without fancyshmanzy serifs or squiggles.

Posted: 2002-12-16 03:59am
by Enlightenment

By popular demand I've reverted the text to a normal serif font.

Known issues: the ground isn't rough enough and the rock sculptures have blue fringes in places. Both of these problems will be fixed in the next update.

Final version

Posted: 2002-12-18 02:57pm
by Enlightenment

Unless you guys have any major complaints, this is the finished, final, version of Waypoint.