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Robert Michaels makes women horny

Posted: 2005-11-26 03:45pm
by aerius
Summary: I went to a Robert Michaels concert last night with my GF, and we ended up having the wildest sex we've ever had when we got home.

Robert Michaels for those who don't know is a Canadian guitarist whose music has been described as a latin jazz flamenco style, he plays acoustic guitar and is backed up by a really cool band. Think Jesse Cook or some of the music you might hear in the Desperado soundtrack and you're not too far off, but he has his own unique style and it's damn catchy and makes you want to groove along and dance. There's a few music samples on his website, but the live performance is a hell of a lot more dynamic & full of energy.

So the concert. The last time I saw Robert was back in '98 when he was doing a promo concert in front of a HMV in Ottawa. He was good enough that I bought all his albums on the spot even though I was a starving university student. So I had high expectations going in and was kinda wondering what I'd expect. Well, it turned out to be one of the best concerts I've ever been to.

It opened up with the percussionist playing a groovy beat on congo drums, then the drummer came in with a shimmery cymbal fill, bassist gets his line going, and then out of nowhere Robert's guitar cuts through it all with the distinctive notes I remembered so well. He ripped through the first song and by the end of it everyone was clapping along to the beat, it was that infectious, and it set the tone for the night.

Couple songs later and he says "how about a love song? Are you in the mood? Well, you will be" and boy were we ever. He slowed down the pace and played a traditional Latin song with only guitar & percussion, the stage lights dimmed and a Flamenco dancer came on stage with a spotlight on her. Latin dance is just hot. There's just something about the way the body moves that's incredibly sensual, and the music just made it perfect. Did I mention she was hot? Yeah, I was in the mood now, and so was my GF.

Moving on, more songs, more groovy goodness, and more Flamenco dancers, at one point there were 4 of them on stage. And then for the grand finale. Cool instrument solos, started a song, then did a bass solo, a viola solo, a drum solo, a percussion solo with audience sing-along, and then something I've never seen before. The percussionist went into the crowd with a bucket of shakers, chimes, cowbells, and other simple instruments and led the entire group of people in a conga line all the way around the concert hall and onto the stage while playing their instruments. At the same time the band on stage is grooving away and the 4 dancers and doing their thing and it was just an amazing stage show. Whole audience was clapping and dancing along too. It was awesome, everyone left the show with a huge goofy grin, and I would not be surprised if a lot of other people rushed home to have wild crazy sex. I know we did.

So if Robert Michaels is touring in your area, go see him.