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Power armor sketch.

Posted: 2005-12-11 09:23pm
by TheMuffinKing
I just sketched this power armor. What do you all think about it? Are there any changes you would like to see?
Its not done yet.

Posted: 2005-12-11 09:43pm
by Ford Prefect
A bigger gun. Perhaps a full-auto multi-missile launcher or full size anti-tank graser. Perhaps a more ominous helmet design.

Posted: 2005-12-11 09:51pm
by Koolaidkirby
i like it as it is, heavy protection for the torso and limbs, and small helmet to reduce the risk of a "OMGWTFPWNEDHEADSHOT"

it makes me think of a "heavy power armor" i'd like to see a lighter design of the same style (i'm not a fan of cumbersum power armor)

Posted: 2005-12-11 10:02pm
by weemadando
Don't bother having a helmet.

Extend the main body to cover the head entirely with armour. Then have various electronic sighting systems for use by the wearer.

Posted: 2005-12-11 10:27pm
by Comando293
I don't think that the helmet fits into the suit. Either make the helmet bigger or the suit smaller.

Posted: 2005-12-11 11:08pm
by Captain tycho
I would just have the armor extend around the head, no need for a helmet. :)

Posted: 2005-12-12 01:38am
by Deathstalker
I second what weemadando says about not having a head. Just a small sensor unit to allow for peeking over and around obstacles. I also prefer having weapons as part of the suit. Have a MG in one hand, a grenade launcher in the other and a couple of small AT rockets on the shoulders. They would not replace the hands. This suit looks like a "heavy" infantry suit. A "light" suit could have the same chest unit, but not have the arm and leg armor, and be armed with just a light MG, antimaterial rifle or sniper rifle in addition to an upgraded sensor suite or med kit.

Posted: 2005-12-12 04:31am
by TheMuffinKing
Good points from all. I'll drop the head and add a sensory system, I'll also add hardpoints for weapons on the forearms and shoulders.

Posted: 2005-12-15 12:56am
by TheMuffinKing

This upgraded armor includes a remote head sensory system and better armor.

Posted: 2005-12-15 01:44am
by Ford Prefect
Awesome my man. The gun is better (though still not big enough :wink: ) as well, as is the armour itself (greaves = win) it's very heavy duty, nice and beefy. You have my approval (as usual, but hey).

Posted: 2005-12-15 03:32am
by Isolder74
There are advantages to having a transparent or some other passive way to see out of the suit in case of a system failure.

Posted: 2005-12-15 03:39am
by Ford Prefect
Isolder74 wrote:There are advantages to having a transparent or some other passive way to see out of the suit in case of a system failure.
What kind of system failure though? If the electronics are fragile enough to be disrupted, then it really wouldn't (or at least shouldn't) be out on the battlefield.

Posted: 2005-12-15 10:01am
by Isolder74
Ford Prefect wrote:
Isolder74 wrote:There are advantages to having a transparent or some other passive way to see out of the suit in case of a system failure.
What kind of system failure though? If the electronics are fragile enough to be disrupted, then it really wouldn't (or at least shouldn't) be out on the battlefield.
Like the camera getting hit for instance or any of the other sensors for that matter.

Posted: 2005-12-15 01:40pm
by Tasoth
How big is that bad boy? Can he fight from impromptu cover (wreckage, woods, interior of houses) or is he just a giant target?

Posted: 2005-12-15 02:17pm
by Crix Dorius
Maybe between 1,90m to 2m.

Posted: 2005-12-15 04:41pm
by Deathstalker
Much gooder! Only suggestions I have is to lower the packback to give a better LOS to the rear for the sensor and to make the gun drum fed rather than belt fed. If you are worried about straight visual optics, just say it has a periscope.

Posted: 2005-12-15 07:39pm
by weemadando
Yeah, I was seriously thinking of not having the head at all and just having several small "nodules" on the skin of the armour like the little security camera domes...

Posted: 2005-12-15 07:43pm
by Ford Prefect
weemadando wrote:Yeah, I was seriously thinking of not having the head at all and just having several small "nodules" on the skin of the armour like the little security camera domes...
Yeah, but you've got to be able to at least turn the head to look down on things omniously . . .

Posted: 2005-12-15 07:52pm
by weemadando
Sure, but have the little cameras as backup.

Posted: 2005-12-15 08:03pm
by Ford Prefect
Indeed, like the Tachikomas (and various other GitS machines, like the MSDF Type 303), who had cameras all over their bodies, not just in their big eyes. In fact, if you could get visual sensor like those (three little dimples) it'd be pretty robust.

Posted: 2005-12-15 08:08pm
by weemadando
Sure thing. So, fixes:

Dome head with visual sensors + visual sensor redundancies.

Drum feed on the gun (much more betterer - less chances of snagging etc).

Remove the backpack.

And another suggestion - how about actually putting in the periscope - have it back mounted and on a gimble, so it can be used to view over obstacles or extended sideways to allow teh pilot to view around a corner?

Posted: 2005-12-15 08:14pm
by Ford Prefect
Removing the backpack might not be sound though; it would contain power supplies, cooling equipment, some sort of jet pack, that sort of thing. Lowering it is good though.

Posted: 2005-12-15 08:33pm
by weemadando
Definately lower it. And what do people think of the periscope idea. Allow the power armour user to scout effectively (similar to SWAT teams etc using optiwands) without exposing itself to fire.

Perhaps even have a mini-UAV able to launch from teh pack to provice coverage... A small compressed air launch with "fold out" wings that deploy once in the air. It could conceivably be about the size of a postage tube, just look at the german Aladin UAV.

Posted: 2005-12-15 09:18pm
by Ford Prefect
weemadando wrote:Definately lower it. And what do people think of the periscope idea. Allow the power armour user to scout effectively (similar to SWAT teams etc using optiwands) without exposing itself to fire.
Some sort of camera that can be swung out on an arm or boom would be damn useful. Considering the limited mobility of this suit (I'd use it for heavy assault, really), it'd have to be capable of it.
weemadando wrote:Perhaps even have a mini-UAV able to launch from teh pack to provice coverage... A small compressed air launch with "fold out" wings that deploy once in the air. It could conceivably be about the size of a postage tube, just look at the german Aladin UAV.
I like this idea; some sort of flying drone unit. I hadn't considered it at the time, which is odd, because I use mini-UAVs quite a bit in my own works (such as that tank I made and showed to you, and the big exosuits I had in the last chapter of The Logical World: The Novellisation). It's a good idea, really.

Posted: 2005-12-15 11:47pm
by TheMuffinKing
All righty! This warpig stands 1.75m tall, weights about 380.55Kg,and is able to run about 48Kph sustained.

This power armor is very articulated and can fire from most positions ranging from prone to standing. This can also fire on the move, but at half running speed (for accuracy). T

The sensor array on is situated above the head of the pilot and has magnification, NVG P/A, infared, and UHF/VHF radio. The head is backed up with a secondary external camera mounted in the chest.

Weapons modified for this design incorporate a mounted gun camera for remote viewing(not displayed on this model).

I'm keeping the independent head. Drum feeds are available for some weapons, but many utilize the backpack mounted ammo container with belt feed. 70% of the backpack is used for power generation and redundant comms. Up to 30% is free space usually used for ammo.

This model power armor is resistant up to 14.5 mm AP point blank to the forward chest, upper arm, and complete leg assy.