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It's a girl!

Posted: 2005-12-12 06:34pm
by SCRawl
Well, not quite, but it will be in May.


This means that I'll be the father of only girls, since this will almost certainly be our last kick at the pregnancy can. Everything looks healthy so far, which is, of course, the important thing.

Posted: 2005-12-12 07:01pm
by LordShaithis
The force is strong in this one...

Congrats ahead of time. :)

Posted: 2005-12-12 09:59pm
by Zaia
Yay! Congrats, hon! Those look like pretty clear ultrasounds, too. :D

Posted: 2005-12-12 10:06pm
by SCRawl
Zaia wrote:Yay! Congrats, hon! Those look like pretty clear ultrasounds, too. :D
Thanks a bunch, eh?

Oh yeah, we got to see her move around in there and everything. I saw the heart pumping, and her little fingers and toes. Before I knew the gender, I liked to call her Cletus (the fetus), but that seems a little inappropriate now.

Posted: 2005-12-13 02:30am
by Faram

Posted: 2005-12-13 09:14am
by Mrs Kendall
Awww, I love ultrasounds and babies :) The first one looks like she's kissing and the second one looks like she's smiling :) Very cute :) Congrats and I hope the pregnancy stays healthy right to term :)