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The Cool Starship Thread

Posted: 2005-12-12 08:56pm
by Crossroads Inc.
EDIT: For purposes of fun, rather then just me posting my favorite ships,
I invite all to post their own ((resonably sized)) pics of what they think
are some cool looking ships :D

Bored.. Bored bored bored... What to do?

I know! Cobble together a seiers of some of my favorite Starships of all
time, putting them together in aprox size relation to one another! Soooo,
tossed together in my spare time this evening. I give you, from largest
to smallest:

The Skohotintot, 8,000 (Cityship of my own Creations)
Bentusi Homeship, 5500 meters (Home to the Bentusi from HW-2)
Sajuuk, 4400 meters (Übership also from HW-2)
Bentuse TradeShip 1500 meters (Bentusi ships from HW-1, and if anyone has a better side view of one, i'd appricate)
Imperial StarDestroyer 1600 meters (what list wouldn't have one of these ;)

Sheet Two

Victory StarDestoryer 900 meters (I've always like this ship, even if Lucas has to kick it from the Triology)
Old Republic Dreadnaught 500 meters (It's old, it's underpowered, it looks like Galatica without the pods, but gosh darnit I like it.)
Carrack Cruiser 300 meters (Another small EU ship I've always liked)
Bison Transport 300 meters (From the "StarTrek-Museum" It's one of a couple ships I quite like
Tannhauser class 250 meters (another ST-Museum ship I like,)
Pioneer class 200 meters (small destroyer ship, like the big guns undernieth)
Kestral class 75 meters (its hard to get an idea of the ship from the small sideview, but it would make a good Cruz-Mobil :)
Marauder Corvette 190 meters (A ship that, IMHO would make thee coolest ride to pimp out :D

Posted: 2005-12-13 02:17pm
by Vanas
Nice ships, although I find the lack of the Hiigsy BC appaling.

As for the Bentusi Tradeship, you've missed off the long spikes at the back/front, they bump it's length up nicely.
One end's the front, but no-one's quite sure which

In closing, Bring Sajuuk to bear! Bring Sajuuk to bear!

Edit: Same with Bentus' spikes. We don't know waht they do, but they're certainly there.

Posted: 2005-12-13 02:32pm
by Crazedwraith
You're scales are whacked.
The dreadnaught is 600m and the Carrack is 350 m.

Posted: 2005-12-13 02:40pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Vanas wrote:Nice ships, although I find the lack of the Hiigsy BC appaling.
Sadly I couldn't find a good Sideview shot of it, though at 600 meters it would look good up ther.
Vanas wrote:As for the Bentusi Tradeship, you've missed off the long spikes at the back/front, they bump it's length up nicely.
One end's the front, but no-one's quite sure which
Aye, I knew about that, but again, the one side view I could find was piss poor... Would love to put a better shot up there,

Vanas wrote:Edit: Same with Bentus' spikes. We don't know waht they do, but they're certainly there.
Bah, had those accidently Cropped off while editing, still looks nice

Crazedwraith wrote:You're scales are whacked.
The dreadnaught is 600m and the Carrack is 350 m.
Oh I sooooo did not need to hear that...

Posted: 2005-12-13 02:47pm
by Vanas
I've taken a look, but there's no really good side shots of it as far as I can see. Tempted to re-install HW and hack a little though...

Best I have seen so far. (Death Star reference ahoy!)

Bentus? Nice? Only from the top. I'm quite fond of the 'thingy' in the middle here.

Sajuuk, Sajuuk is ready to fire,
Sajuuk, Sajuuk is ready to fire,
We don't need no Vagyr, let those motherfuckers burn
Burn motherfuckers, burn...

Posted: 2005-12-13 02:56pm
by White Haven
Scans of the hull indicate that they are immune to conventional weaponry!

Okay, okay, enough fanwanking...but that mission was awesome. :)

Also, wasn't it called the Great Harbor-Ship of Bentus in Homeworld 2?

Posted: 2005-12-13 03:04pm
by Vanas
It's generally just Bentus.
I've seen the Exchanges/Tradeships called 'Harbour Ships' So, as Bentus is a bigger one, it's a Great Harbour Ship. Guess it's the shape of them, big curved armour hull surrounding a trade area.

Posted: 2005-12-13 03:19pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Vanas wrote:Bentus? Nice? Only from the top. I'm quite fond of the 'thingy' in the middle here.
I have actually have an older image I did of the Bentus ship from the top down.. I forget how close to scale it was, but it looks good!

Posted: 2005-12-13 05:10pm
by Vanas
Ah, that's much better. You can see why it's called a 'Harbour' ship now.

Posted: 2005-12-13 07:27pm
by Ford Prefect
It is quite awesome, yes.

Posted: 2005-12-13 09:09pm
by Ypoknons
I'm surprised that Sajuuk is about that big. But then again, you'd expect a god to be big.

Posted: 2005-12-13 10:35pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Ypoknons wrote:I'm surprised that Sajuuk is about that big. But then again, you'd expect a god to be big.
Bah, sure its a cool ship, but its a poor 'god' For a ship with the title "He whose hands shaped the universe" It's got poor armor, slow as hell, and a fireing range of only 15km

Now, it still lokes bloody intimadating of course 8)

Posted: 2005-12-13 10:49pm
by Darth Quorthon
I always liked the Sathanas Juggernaut from Freespace 2. Maybe a little on the hokey side, but dammit, I like it. Man, that was a great game. It was somewhere in the neighborhood of 6km long, since it was roughly the same size as the GTVA Colossus, which an in-game cutscene states is 6km long.

Incidentally, while searching for these images, I found a debate over who would win between the Colossus and the Executor, and most said the Colossus. I say nay, but the messages are four years old...

Posted: 2005-12-14 01:58pm
by Vanas
Ah, the Sathanas. Mother of form and function.

Form: Scares the hell out of you.
Function: Scares the hell out of everyone.

Crossroads: I'm guessing that Sajuuk was just named after Sajuuk, He Who's Hand Shapes What Is, possibly due to the enormo-phased array cannon. (Fist of God! Fist of God!), rather than actually being the Hiigaran's actual deity.

Posted: 2005-12-14 08:44pm
by Darth Quorthon
Vanas wrote:Ah, the Sathanas. Mother of form and function.

Form: Scares the hell out of you.
Function: Scares the hell out of everyone.
Funny thing is is that the people on one of the sites I found said the Colossus is actually a better ship because its beam cannons don't all fire forward. Never mind the fact that if the two ships face each other on equal terms, the Sathanas tore the shit out of the Colossus.

Posted: 2005-12-15 12:51pm
by White Haven
In a single-ship duel, a concentrated firing arc has clear advantages. The Colossus, however, was designed as a fleet-killer, there were no targets sufficient to warrant more concentrated firepower when it was designed. It's all about intended role.

Posted: 2005-12-15 01:44pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Stearing things back on topic, I found a KILLER Beauty shot of the Great Harbor Ship of Bentus recently...

Drool! Drool over it's Niftyness!!!

Posted: 2005-12-15 10:05pm
by Darth Quorthon
White Haven wrote:In a single-ship duel, a concentrated firing arc has clear advantages. The Colossus, however, was designed as a fleet-killer, there were no targets sufficient to warrant more concentrated firepower when it was designed. It's all about intended role.
Well, you got me there. And the Colossus does do well in every encounter except with a Sathanas, even blasting a Ravana-class destroyer to bits with ease. I guess the Shivans weren't too worried about covering their arcs since they had eighty juggernauts. At least eighty, probably more, since they probably didn't commit their entire force to the invasion.

Posted: 2005-12-15 10:53pm
by Ford Prefect
That Harbour Ship is all kinds of cool.

Posted: 2005-12-16 11:20am
by Crossroads Inc.
THank'ya, Thank'ya very much...

That said, after some others posted some Cool looking starships in here,
it got me thinking. We've had a funny pic thread, a member photo
thread, shoot a 'Magic-TG' thread... Why not Cool Starships Thread?

As such, I figured I'd give it a shot. Rename the thread, and let people
post lovely ((if resonably sized)) pics of what they think are the coolest
looking ships :)

I mean, sure Trek and Wars pics are posted all the time, but theres a lot
of Sci-Fi out there, and Im sure many here have pics they love to share

Posted: 2005-12-16 01:20pm
by Nephtys
Darth Quorthon wrote:
White Haven wrote:In a single-ship duel, a concentrated firing arc has clear advantages. The Colossus, however, was designed as a fleet-killer, there were no targets sufficient to warrant more concentrated firepower when it was designed. It's all about intended role.
Well, you got me there. And the Colossus does do well in every encounter except with a Sathanas, even blasting a Ravana-class destroyer to bits with ease. I guess the Shivans weren't too worried about covering their arcs since they had eighty juggernauts. At least eighty, probably more, since they probably didn't commit their entire force to the invasion.
The Colossus also has notably better anti-fighter defenses. Go fly the simulator sometimes and see if you can knock out the ship's main beam cannons with a bomber, like you do the Sathanas. It's MUCH harder thanks to placement of interceptor beams knocking you around.

Posted: 2005-12-16 01:30pm
by White Haven
Yeah. The Sathanas-class was more of an anti-capital siege weapon than a proper warship, really. With fleet support, they'd be unstoppable, which rather begs the question of why the original Sathanas was deployed alone. With a Ravana or two riding shotgun, and a screen of Rakshasas....ouch, say goodnight. Or hell, even proper use of the integral fighter complement.

Posted: 2005-12-16 01:33pm
by Nephtys
White Haven wrote:Yeah. The Sathanas-class was more of an anti-capital siege weapon than a proper warship, really. With fleet support, they'd be unstoppable, which rather begs the question of why the original Sathanas was deployed alone. With a Ravana or two riding shotgun, and a screen of Rakshasas....ouch, say goodnight.
Probably as a test. If the Shivans have at the very least, 60+ of them, I expect they'd be deployed in a wall formation. They'd be able to utterly destroy any capital ship attack, and fighters would be like gnats impacting the side of a battleship.

Remember the Shivans goal is to destroy races that grow too powerful and may threaten other developing races. The sign that one can destroy a Savanas is enough to get them to do stuff like say... the Supernova option perhaps? Pity we'll never know.

Posted: 2005-12-16 02:02pm
by White Haven
Dan Irish, Executive Producer wrote:How far can a Viking ship throw a goat? 10 parsecs if the solar winds are right. You're going to get some radically different results depending on breed of goat used. It also depends on whether or not Sajuuk, He Whose Hand Shapes What Is, has blessed your Viking longboat.

Posted: 2005-12-16 07:38pm
by Darth Quorthon
Yeah, the Ravana was not too shabby either.


I remember the mission where it first shows up and annihilates those two corvettes (or maybe it only got one of them). That was a good adrenaline rush. Too bad there won't be a Freespace 3. Still my favorite space combat game.

The Teladi Phoenix from X3: Reunion is also pretty cool-looking IMO (The Phoenix is the big ship in the background. The fighter in the foreground is an Argon Buster).