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The Triforce X-mas Light!

Posted: 2005-12-16 10:57am
by Dooey Jo

When not lit during the day it looks like this:

But when the sun has set, the Triforce reveals its true power!

Okay, so I used some weird exposure techniques there, the light isn't really that awesome. It looks more like this, actually (but not that blurry):

Also, sorry about the general blurriness of the pictures. My hands were shaking quite a lot from cutting, folding, gluing and spray-painting paper for half a day. The fact that the exposure time had to be really high didn't help, too...

But yeah, some people like to have stars and crap in their windows for christmas, and I used to have that too. But not this year! This year I made something way more awesome :mrgreen:
And it's hard to see in the pictures, but when put against a wall, it casts a really awesome shadow, it's like a double inverted triangle. You can kinda see it in the second picture where it's illuminating the dust on my window...
Also note the little Triforce above the big one. I made that one last year for the X-mas tree! It's made out of one piece of paper and a lot of folding (and also a lot of brain-killing spatial thinking).

Heh, I made a glowing Triforce for my window. I'm such a geek :lol:

Posted: 2005-12-16 10:59am
by Daltonator
I will PAY YOU to make one of these for me...

Posted: 2005-12-16 11:04am
by Crossroads Inc.
Daltonator wrote:I will PAY YOU to make one of these for me...
Hrm.. 2min from thread post to Fanboy... Good Reaction time Daltonator!

Posted: 2005-12-16 11:15am
by Ghost Rider
Excellent job there.

Posted: 2005-12-16 04:20pm
by LadyTevar
That's lovely!

Posted: 2005-12-16 10:55pm
by Thag
Add a ring around the middle for the rest of the year, and you'll have a light-up Ha'tak.

Posted: 2005-12-17 08:46am
by Dooey Jo
Daltonator wrote:I will PAY YOU to make one of these for me...
Really? How much? :twisted:
I made it from a box and some aluminium foil (it's on the inside) so I'm pretty sure you can make one yourself :P
I can put up the schematics if you want...

Thag wrote:Add a ring around the middle for the rest of the year, and you'll have a light-up Ha'tak.
Is that one of those things from Stargate? I thought they were pyramids (I've only seen the movie).

Posted: 2005-12-17 08:59pm
by Master of Cards
Dooey Jo wrote:
Thag wrote:Add a ring around the middle for the rest of the year, and you'll have a light-up Ha'tak.
Is that one of those things from Stargate? I thought they were pyramids (I've only seen the movie).
what! :evil:

Posted: 2005-12-17 09:10pm
by Dalton
Yessss, schematics, my precious.

Posted: 2005-12-18 08:34am
by avoidingthepo
thats great man! my parents always yelled at me cause i used to like putting my lando calrissian on the top of the tree rather than the angel. but now i have an empty bottle of jager as the star on my christmas tree. :tear: it so...beautiful!

Posted: 2005-12-20 11:22am
by Dooey Jo
Dalton wrote:Yessss, schematics, my precious.
Aha! I found them! (I actually did this thing without the schematics, but I do have them and I drew them last year)


Hmm, I noticed that they were a bit hard to understand (because I never really thought anyone besides me were goint to use them anyway) so I did some clarifications (those arrows and shit down there in the corner) and also some modifications becuase the original design didn't really work that well (there was no way to put in the lightbulb and there was no place for the cable to go either).

But those are the parts you're gonna need. So cut them out, make the holes, spray paint them gold, put aluminium foil on the inside (so it will be shinier ;) ) and glue all the pieces together, except the two 6-cm pieces (4.) that are supposed to go at the top there. You're going to fold those top sections apart to put the light in so you must only put glue on one side of the pieces. Put something sticky on the other side that's easy to remove when you change the light. It's designed to work with one of those lamp holders they use for those christmas stars I mentioned, but I don't know who they look where you live, or even if you have them, so some additional modifications might have to be done...

Also, use something like a 15W light, otherwise it might catch on fire and you wouldn't want that. It also looks much better with that kind of light.

The second image shows how you make the small Triforce. It's a bit easier. If you can't figure out how it's supposed to be folded, just cut out the middle Triforce-section (the one with a upwards-pointing triangle with those flappy things on, then a horizontal flappy-thing, then a downwards pointing traingle) and make three of those and glue or tape them together.

You can also see how you determine where the holes for the big one goes (yes there was a system for that).

If those drawing are way too strange, tell me and I'll take a picture of it from the side when the top is open and maybe that'll make things more clear.
Master of Cards wrote: what! :evil:
What what? :shock:

Posted: 2005-12-20 01:12pm
by Dartzap
Hah, i think he's referring to your lack of SG-1 watching :wink:

Very good work there, Might see if I can bribe one of my more creative mates to make one :)

Posted: 2005-12-20 01:24pm
by Dalton
Uh...thanks for the schematics man, but, er, IKEA this ain't :lol: