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Posted: 2005-12-21 01:54am
by Crossroads Inc.
Ok, found on ytmnd. Funniest thing all week.

parents gets X-box-360.
Kid wants it before Christmas.
Kid throws tantrutum and breaks $2000 stereo.
Kid will now get an X-Box-360, full of Coal...


Posted: 2005-12-21 01:57am
by Duckie
Absolute and total ownage. Seriously, that sort of pwnting of a child deserves canonization at the least, sainthood most likely. I don't care what church.

Posted: 2005-12-21 02:01am
by Adrian Laguna
Emotional distress on child:

Partial blame on parents for raising spoiled brat.

Complete blame on spoiled brat for being such a douchebag. It's not like he'll be scarred for life or anything. Maybe he'll learn a lesson there.

Total Pwnage!

Posted: 2005-12-21 02:15am
by Ford Prefect
What makes it harsher is that he's keeping the box to put a piece of coal into it. The kid's face on Christmas day will be priceless. Serves him right for being a dick though.

Posted: 2005-12-21 02:16am
by Darth Yoshi
I approve.

Posted: 2005-12-21 02:19am
by Soontir C'boath
They are finally correcting a mistake they did a long time ago. As oppose to never, good on them to step on this problem.

The whiny kid should've known he be on Santa's naughty list. :twisted:

Posted: 2005-12-21 02:46am
by Zed Snardbody
tHis story seems to float around every year it seems.

Posted: 2005-12-21 03:06am
by Darth Wong
I wonder if it's made-up. I suspect that any father who's such a pussy that he lets things get that bad before acting would not suddenly find the balls to do this.

Posted: 2005-12-21 03:10am
by Zed Snardbody
Darth Wong wrote:I wonder if it's made-up. I suspect that any father who's such a pussy that he lets things get that bad before acting would not suddenly find the balls to do this.

Posted: 2005-12-21 04:15am
by Adrian Laguna
I really wonder who would have the stones to wear that on their T-Shirt? It's not so much that some people might buy it, I wouldn't mind hanging one on my bedroom wall, it's the wearing it in public thing that I wonder about. Same for T-Shirt Hell shirts come to think of it.

Posted: 2005-12-21 07:46am
by Dooey Jo
Hahahaw yes!

Pics of the kid's face when he opens the present, plz! :twisted:

They could have put a note in there too: "Merry Christmas! Now get a job and pay for my $2000 stereo, dumbass!"

Unless it's fake, of course...

Posted: 2005-12-21 08:45am
by wautd
Oh sweet, sweet revenge :twisted:

Posted: 2005-12-21 01:49pm
by Kettch
Dooey Jo wrote: Unless it's fake, of course...
Well this is what typing the URL in craigslist gives:
- $100

Date: 2005-12-17, 8:30PM CST

This posting has been removed by craigslist community.


Posted: 2005-12-21 08:07pm
by wilfulton
Darth Wong wrote:I wonder if it's made-up. I suspect that any father who's such a pussy that he lets things get that bad before acting would not suddenly find the balls to do this.
Come to think of it, I recall seeing something similar for a regular XBox one or two Christmases back or thereabouts. While you can sometimes get a great deal for something on the internet, a lot of bullshit propogates there too. And what better a place to spawn an urban legend?

Posted: 2005-12-22 04:00am
by Butterbean569
Adrian Laguna wrote:I really wonder who would have the stones to wear that on their T-Shirt? It's not so much that some people might buy it, I wouldn't mind hanging one on my bedroom wall, it's the wearing it in public thing that I wonder about. Same for T-Shirt Hell shirts come to think of it.
I see crazy shit like that on my college campus all the time. College might not actually count as "out in public" though...since there's no little children and the only old people are professors. And who gives a shit about what professors think about you? It's not like they actually know your name. Besides, they were all hippies back in the day, they understand :P

BACK on topic....

This has to be bullshit. First off, like people said, no father would make such a huge turnaround from being a pussy to being a badass. Second, who the fuck would buy a 360 for 400 bucks, then sell it for 100 bucks? Shit I'd keep the 360 myself before losing 300 bucks like that. Everyone knows about Ebay...or how about Gamestop/etc? Fake. But hilarious

Posted: 2005-12-22 11:31am
by RedImperator
Total fake. The guy is going to piss away $300 just to spite his bratty kid?

This is pure bullshit, but it's bullshit people want to believe. You read this and you get a picture in your head of some fat little spoiled rich brat throwing a temper tantrum--and we've all known or at least seen kids like that--finally getting his just deserts on Christmas morning. In real life, the hypothetical little shit probably gets his X360 early because his parents are pussies.

Posted: 2005-12-22 12:15pm
by Crossroads Inc.
I would like to echo some other statments here about proper disciplin. To me, this looks like a case of a Family that spolied their kid, and finally woke up to needed to reign in their kid after this ourburst.

As a kid, I never got physically dicilplined at all as my Dad perfected the "Evil Eye" If I ever did anything wrong as a Kid, I KNEW what it was, and felt bloody bad about it... No paddeling required.

Posted: 2005-12-24 09:39am
by avoidingthepo
now for the rest of his time living in that house, his parents can always say: "remember what happened with the xbox 360? now get back to shining my shoes"

if i ever kicked something that expensive, my ass would've been redder than santas closet

Posted: 2005-12-26 02:15am
by Kettch
Assuming this is a real incident. Another possibility is Mom is the er, pussy about discipline & that dad usually doesn't give a crap, until the kid damages his precious stereo.

But I think the whole thing is UL. I vaguely rememeber similar stories when I was younger about kids getting coal in the box for the "latest thing" TM. Be it a Nintendo, the GI Joe Aircraft Carrier, etc.

Posted: 2005-12-26 02:28am
by darthdavid
If I were that dad I'd fill the box with spiders or something and keep the x-box for myself. Then after the kid got done screaming in terror I'd make them watch me play my new x-box and wouldn't let them touch it till they learned "how to be a human being and not break shit because we didn't get our way". And even then it would still be mine :twisted:. My parents have always been pretty lienent, but all the same I learned fast that throwing a tantrum just made caused it to go from "percieved bad" to "really bad" (IE: No, you don't get the toy you want, in fact, we're just going to leave the store right now and you don't get anything). And my father had a saying "You keep crying and I'll give you something to cry about...". No, he wasn't abusive in any way (yes, including verbally) and we (my sister and I) rapidly learned that he was joking, but all the same he was putting the message out there (Read: Crying doesn't make him do stuff so don't bother trying it).

Posted: 2005-12-28 05:09am
by BlkbrryTheGreat
RedImperator wrote:Total fake. The guy is going to piss away $300 just to spite his bratty kid?

This is pure bullshit, but it's bullshit people want to believe. You read this and you get a picture in your head of some fat little spoiled rich brat throwing a temper tantrum--and we've all known or at least seen kids like that--finally getting his just deserts on Christmas morning. In real life, the hypothetical little shit probably gets his X360 early because his parents are pussies.
I'm not so sure; there are indeed alot of gutless pussiess out there- but I'm of the opinion that you can only push the average person (even if they're a pussy) so far before they reach their limits and just "snap" mentally and turn into a psuedo-sociopath hell bent on inflicting vengence upon their tormentor....

Posted: 2005-12-28 05:21am
by Uraniun235
darthdavid wrote:If I were that dad I'd fill the box with spiders or something and keep the x-box for myself.
Where does one get spiders in such a quantity? Is there a place where you can buy a "bucket o' spiders"?

*shudder* (Indiana Jones has his snakes, I have spiders...)

Posted: 2005-12-28 09:31am
by Manus Celer Dei
Uraniun235 wrote:
darthdavid wrote:If I were that dad I'd fill the box with spiders or something and keep the x-box for myself.
Where does one get spiders in such a quantity? Is there a place where you can buy a "bucket o' spiders"?

*shudder* (Indiana Jones has his snakes, I have spiders...)
Of course, this begs the question of whether a bucket o' spiders would be more fun than a barrel o' monkeys.

Posted: 2005-12-28 10:24am
by Alyeska
I read this story two years ago. Its not changed very much. Its fake. Sounds good, but fake.

Posted: 2005-12-28 10:46am
by Luzifer's right hand
Manus Celer Dei wrote:
Uraniun235 wrote:
darthdavid wrote:If I were that dad I'd fill the box with spiders or something and keep the x-box for myself.
Where does one get spiders in such a quantity? Is there a place where you can buy a "bucket o' spiders"?

*shudder* (Indiana Jones has his snakes, I have spiders...)
Of course, this begs the question of whether a bucket o' spiders would be more fun than a barrel o' monkeys.
A barrel of monkeys is not really that much fun. They make funny sounds for some time but they stop doing that after a few days and than the barrel starts to stink and you have to get rid of it.