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Posted: 2005-12-29 04:07am
by Lord Poe
Well Ladies and Gents, here's my latest flick made with the game, "The Movies"::


I couldn't upload it to The Movies Online due to some horrible sound sync problems, so I rebuilt the sound in a real movie making program.

Posted: 2005-12-29 04:48am
by SylasGaunt
God I love the old Bruce Lee movie sound effects.

Posted: 2005-12-29 02:24pm
by Gil Hamilton
That was awesome. :)

Posted: 2005-12-29 02:44pm
by Dalton
Couple of tips from an anal-retentive bastard: Fire your LD and sound guy ;)

Posted: 2005-12-29 07:18pm
by Losonti Tokash
Waaaaay too dark. Other than that...I'd see it. It has Bruce Lee whooping ass.

Posted: 2005-12-29 08:38pm
by Enigma
I liked it but doesn't that subway resemble a lot like the one in The Matrix?

Posted: 2005-12-29 09:13pm
by Rye
That's so cool, in fact, it's so cool, I'm gonna go get The Movies tomorrow and use it to make a music video!

Posted: 2005-12-29 09:15pm
by Noble Ire
I liked it. Looks like a nice program.
Did anyone else get "Palpatine's Office" vibes from the villan's lair?

Posted: 2005-12-29 09:32pm
by Kenny_10_Bellys
Nice direction during the fight scene at the end
It has Bruce Lee and Williams in it, kickin ass
'Enter the Dragon' ringtone
'Enter the Dragon' style villan speech
Matrix vibe from the subway

Very dark
Poor plot and continuity, Williams is dead if Lee already knows Roper

7/10, anything with Bruce Lee automatically rates higher anyway. Is this made within that game that come out? Can you actually make a movie in it? Did you just pick generic characters within the game, or did you import a character that actually looks like Williams? Tell us all...

Posted: 2005-12-29 10:43pm
by Lord Poe
Kenny_10_Bellys wrote:Pros:
Nice direction during the fight scene at the end
It has Bruce Lee and Williams in it, kickin ass
'Enter the Dragon' ringtone
'Enter the Dragon' style villan speech
Matrix vibe from the subway
Hmm.. You're the second person to mention "The Matrix". I've only seen it once, so I'll have to rent it again!
Very dark
Poor plot and continuity, Williams is dead if Lee already knows Roper
I'm going to try a better quality upload tomorrow. BTW, if you have video you want online, check this place out:
Are you talking about continuity from "Enter The Dragon"? Its not supposed to be a sequel. I just wanted the same characters in the flick!
7/10, anything with Bruce Lee automatically rates higher anyway. Is this made within that game that come out? Can you actually make a movie in it? Did you just pick generic characters within the game, or did you import a character that actually looks like Williams? Tell us all...
Yes, this entire thing was made in "The Movies". However, my computer is probably on the cusp of the minimal settings, because I had to add the sounds in another video program because of severe sound sync issues when I tried to export the movie. The game alows you to have the actors lip sync to any dialogue you assign to them.

I made all the actors in a program that comes with the game called "Starmaker". I liked the way Lee and Williams came out, but I couldn't make a good John Saxon.

Posted: 2005-12-29 10:46pm
by Lord Poe
Dalton wrote:Couple of tips from an anal-retentive bastard: Fire your LD and sound guy ;)
But he works for free!

Posted: 2005-12-29 10:52pm
by Lord Poe
I shouldn't promote someone else's movie in my own thread, but this is fuckin' funny!

Posted: 2005-12-30 01:10am
by Dalton
Lord Poe wrote:
Dalton wrote:Couple of tips from an anal-retentive bastard: Fire your LD and sound guy ;)
But he works for free!
You get what you pay for ;)

Posted: 2005-12-30 03:06am
by Adrian Laguna
It was okay, though I almost closed it about half-way through. One tip for anyone making movies or shorts involving fist-fights: that cliche were the badguy dies by being impaled into a convinient nearby sharp object is old and tiresome. Grow some balls and let the good guy beat the badguy to death already!

Posted: 2005-12-30 06:49am
by Lord Poe
Adrian Laguna wrote:It was okay, though I almost closed it about half-way through. One tip for anyone making movies or shorts involving fist-fights: that cliche were the badguy dies by being impaled into a convinient nearby sharp object is old and tiresome. Grow some balls and let the good guy beat the badguy to death already!
It was made to resemble the Lee movies like "Enter The Dragon", dumbass.

Posted: 2005-12-30 06:51am
by Lord Poe
I uploaded a higher-res version:

Unfortunately, the sound traveled a bit toward the end. I really need a faster computer.

Also, I uploaded a shittier version on The Movies website. Vote if you wish:

Posted: 2005-12-30 12:46pm
by Kenny_10_Bellys
I think I'm going to have to check out this game, it looks like a lot of fun making your own movies let alone playing a game too.

As for your movie on the new site, the Youtube site has real slow and stuttering upload speeds to my PC and I'm not impressed. I think putting it on your own server would be a better idea all round.

The fact that the subway area looks like a clone of the subway in The Matrix, that's hardly a surprise. Given that the first thing people will do is emulate real movies the creators of the game are hardly likely to miss out on The Matrix, are they? I'm betting there's a few movie cliches contained in the games prop and scenery cupboard that many of us would recognise right away.

Oh, and Mr Laguna was right about it being a huge cliche that the baddy is usually impaled at the end rather than being kicked to death by the hero. The fact that you followed that convention could be put down to your movie being a homage to Lee's masterwork, and not because you're unimaginative. Anyway, there's no way he could impale himself on cowhorns in that manner, they're tear him in half at the angle they're lying at.