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Pick's New Art Thread Again +V-day Celebration+

Posted: 2006-01-04 01:25am
by Pick
Don't really like this picture, and it's definitely not what I wanted to open a new thread with, but as long as I got slightly off my ass, it might as well be shown:


Testing foreshortening skills... trying to improve them... etc, etc.
Opencanvas 4 Plus (available at

Once I get a new picture done, I'll replace this one. I have some sketches in progress. We'll see how it goes.

Posted: 2006-01-04 01:27am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Oh, look's rather experimental...

Aces. :)

Posted: 2006-01-04 08:26am
by Rye
The foreshortening looks authentic, and the craziness of the background provides a good contrast. Hair looks fine, and I like the weird wings, they look like the angelic wings some GF would have in final fantasy, or something, and I especially like the ghostly haloes that follow them. :D My angelic creatures tend to lack little subtle bits like that.

Is the ground meant to be water, or wet stone or something, by the way? It's slightly reminiscent of oil, but it's a little unorthodox compared to what I'd do.

Posted: 2006-01-04 08:39am
by Zac Naloen
pick... i really like that picture? can i keep it..

theres definately something angelic/fairyish about the character.

those colour effects are those done using photoshop or something?

Posted: 2006-01-04 05:34pm
by Noble Ire
A deviation from your normal work, but quite interesting nonetheless. I like the color effects, and am reminded of how much I like your "creature" design. Very creative.

Posted: 2006-01-06 01:41am
by Pick
Rye wrote: Is the ground meant to be water, or wet stone or something, by the way? It's slightly reminiscent of oil, but it's a little unorthodox compared to what I'd do.
:oops: I don't really know! It's shiny, and I like shiny things :mrgreen:. Thanks for your compliments (and same to everyone else, great thanks!)

Everything is done in Opencanvas, Zak, so it's kind of like a stripped down version of Painter. There's some similar things in Photoshop, but it really is low in the filter division.


Back to the basics: :P


Opencanvas 4 again. The mountain took a while :lol:.

I like him too much --sorry! :lol:

"North Beyond North" refers to the fact that there are mountains to the north of Nyskaedium. They're believed to go on forever.... of course, they don't 8).

And two sketches:


Finally, a picture of Kesyl :wink:.


A slightly older Ryvara.

Posted: 2006-01-06 04:12am
by Darth Raptor
Kesyl's a real cutie. And Umber needs to eat. :P

Posted: 2006-01-06 06:43am
by Ace Pace
Holy the first picture rocks.

Posted: 2006-01-06 04:41pm
by Noble Ire
Darth Raptor wrote:And Umber needs to eat. :P
Seriously. He looks like he's about to keel over in that one (but it is a marvelous picture nonetheless. There's obviously a lot going on in his head.) :wink:

And Kesyl and Ryvara look great. The former seems not have slightly different style (in terms of drawing, not that she's obviously female) than you other works, though. Certainly, it doesn't detract from the picture, but I can't place the difference.

Posted: 2006-01-09 12:47am
by Kuja
And, Kuja, I'm not sure if he's kvetching (awesome word) or not...
Amazing the things you can learn when you read a lot of sci-fi novels. 8)

Posted: 2006-01-09 07:06pm
by Ford Prefect
Ah, what marvellous pieces of work. The first one is somewhat odd feeling, but I like it none the less.

Posted: 2006-01-15 07:17pm
by Pick
Noble Ire wrote:
Darth Raptor wrote:And Umber needs to eat. :P
Seriously. He looks like he's about to keel over in that one (but it is a marvelous picture nonetheless. There's obviously a lot going on in his head.) :wink:
He wouldn't be so skinny unless there was a good reason... :lol:


Well, not that...


Glass Ghost


Dark Councilors Reference Map:


This was just really fast :wink:. I actually made this for my benefit, so I could hopefully keep some semblance of consistancy.

No, they are not fighting over a hell of a lot of land. :luv:


Speed sketch!

When class is boring...

Goof off! (I'm tempted to finish this one up)
He's leaning over the end of something there. It'd make more sense if I had a background... :lol:


Verdigris' traitsmap.

Posted: 2006-01-15 07:58pm
by Noble Ire
The glass ghost is... um, weird. But I do like the coloring.
And I was going to ask about what the world looked like. Very nice. And the triatsmap as well. I enjoy minutia. :)

Posted: 2006-01-15 08:08pm
by Pick
Noble Ire wrote:The glass ghost is... um, weird. But I do like the coloring.
And I was going to ask about what the world looked like. Very nice. And the triatsmap as well. I enjoy minutia. :)
Thank you very much! :luv: :luv:

Also, if you're confused about anything on the map, you can go ahead and ask :). The dashed line is the usual division between the nations (subject to intense change all the time), and the dotted line on the right side represents Syvorian land gained in the Seven Cities campaign (the Zantim Region.)

No one has actually explored to the east, and the "mountains go on forever to the north", as I mentioned before (I think!) is a mistaken belief.

Around the dotted line, and very much to the far east is basically Neutral territory, but they don't have a greater government. They're essentially traders in supplies from between the two nations (for instance, Syvoria has most of the forests and good wood, but Llanlleia has some very useful ore deposits in the Lower Carbyik Mountains that can't be found in Syvoria.)

Most cities are where rivers meet for obvious ease of transporation, notably of goods :).

Oh, and the glass ghost photographed very badly :evil:. It's too light to work well.

Posted: 2006-01-15 08:32pm
by Dalton
"Glass Ghost" might be washed out but the sheer detail of the clouds and the waves totally blow me away.

Posted: 2006-01-15 11:55pm
by Kuja
Verdigris' traitsmap.
When a wolf and a hedgehog love each other very much...

Posted: 2006-01-16 01:12am
by Spanky The Dolphin
"Glass Ghost" is simply beautiful. I love the morning seaside quality it has.

The first sketch is my favourite of the three. I like the energy of its lines. :)

Posted: 2006-01-16 05:34am
by Ford Prefect
Dalton wrote:"Glass Ghost" might be washed out but the sheer detail of the clouds and the waves totally blow me away.
You can say that again.

Posted: 2006-01-22 01:06am
by Pick
Hmm, I haven't done a whole lot lately...

So here's, uhm, a sketch...


This is him when he's older... durrrr :P


And some sketches from my live model session earlier today. It was just a basic session so... they're fast sketches to help me with anatomy.

Since these are all of a NUDE MODEL, they are linked to.














Posted: 2006-01-22 01:43am
by Crossroads Inc.
Aw poo... its a nude FEMALE Modle.. Le-sigh...

Still, VERY good work as always :D Reminds me a bot of some of my own drawing style, though obviouslly much more refined.

Posted: 2006-01-22 03:04am
by Ford Prefect
Crossroads Inc. wrote:Aw poo... its a nude FEMALE Modle.. Le-sigh...
Hah hah at you Crossroads.

Are you getting a hang of the whole anatomy thing though Pick? Frankly I couldn't do it either when I still studied art, and you're a vastly superior artist than I ever was.

Posted: 2006-01-22 12:29pm
by Pick
Crossroads Inc. wrote:Aw poo... its a nude FEMALE Modle.. Le-sigh...

:P Well my grandma was kind of paying for the model......

But fine :). I was learning to do this for application to my other artwork, anyway. So!

(Nudes, but you know me... they're nothing much in the offensive department. Nevertheless, heads up for the sake of covering my ass)

Let's see how this went.

There. That's a nude of every male character of legal age I've introduced into my story so far. :P

Posted: 2006-01-22 12:40pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Pick wrote:Let's see how this went.

There. That's a nude of every male character of legal age I've introduced into my story so far. :P
I love you Pick... I love you so very very much :luv: :luv: :luv:

I hearby Proclaim you "Queen Bishonen Maker of DOOMâ„¢"

Posted: 2006-01-22 12:41pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Pick wrote:Let's see how this went.

There. That's a nude of every male character of legal age I've introduced into my story so far. :P
I love you Pick... I love you so very very much :luv: :luv: :luv:

I hearby Proclaim you "Queen Bishonen Maker of DOOMâ„¢"

Posted: 2006-01-22 01:36pm
by Noble Ire
I think perhaps, for once, that double-post may have been intentional. :wink:
In any event, Pick, I really enjoy your sketches. They have a very vital quality to them. And the fact that your so good at them doesn't hurt.