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And... more kitty pictures!!! ...and some play-doh fun

Posted: 2006-01-15 02:50pm
by Mrs Kendall
Ok so I found our cats lying in the weirdest of places the other day, well the big one not so much since that's her favourtite chair to lie down on but the kitten is such a weirdo sometimes... I just had to share :) Pardon the mess, this was just after we got back from all our Christmas celebrations so our kitchen table was covered in the kids presents. They were put away the next day ;)

ImageThe kitties are sitting together OMG :shock: !!!11!
ImageHoly Kitty Crazy eyes!1!!
ImageAll nice and comfy, falling asleep
Image"Stop it with that bright light damn it! I'm trying to sleep here!"
Image"Holy shit, I told you to stop that, now you get my Crazy Eyes!!1!"

That is our son's lunchbox the kitten is sitting in BTW :lol:

And just two days ago I was walking by our son's room and saw that our kitten was all curled up in the strainer that we let our kids play with (they use it as a space helmet)

Image Here she is, all relaxin and stuff :lol:

and yesterday my kids were playing with play-doh and wanted me to make them some snowmen, I did and then my son said something was missing, I was confused and said I don't know what you mean, he has a hat, eyes, nose, mouth, arms, and even fingers. My son replied with he has no boobies :lol: So I had to make them into snow women instead ;)
Here are those pics...

Image My daughter's snow woman (they wanted me to make it look like she was melting in a lake, hence the blue play-doh underneath it)

Image My son and his snow woman watching cartoons together (he asked for this shot) :lol:

Image And a close up of his snow woman to show all the details ;)
Now guys don't get all excited they are only made of play-doh :lol:

Posted: 2006-01-15 03:45pm
by felineki
Cats sleep in the stangest places, don't they? Great photos.

Posted: 2006-01-15 04:06pm
by Mrs Kendall
Yes they do. Thanks :) I find it really weird that they choose small places but when you sit and think about it it probably reminds them (if they are kittens) of being inside the mothers womb. In that case it makes perfect sense :) It's just so cute to see them all curled up looking so sweet :)

Posted: 2006-01-15 05:21pm
by Alyeska
My cat loves to sleep on sheets of paper spread on the floor. Prefers that over sleeping on a chair. Though her prefered place to sleep is on someones lap.

Posted: 2006-01-15 05:43pm
by Mrs Kendall
That reminds me of my sisters' cat who likes to lie down on her work when she brings it home. It has made her stop bringing her work home so maybe that's a good thing :)

Posted: 2006-01-15 06:17pm
by Comosicus
You have lovely kittens. Especially the blue-black one.

And maybe we can restart a pet picture thread, as I (and probably other too) have pet pictures to show.

Posted: 2006-01-15 06:32pm
by The Yosemite Bear
I see the kitten blur is gone, she must have finally decied that this was an ok reality to percieve...

Posted: 2006-01-15 09:55pm
by Zed Snardbody
Kitten my white ass. That no longer qualifies as a kitten :P

Posted: 2006-01-16 03:03am
by The Yosemite Bear
hey it's under a year and a half it's still a kitten (developing)

Posted: 2006-01-16 11:41am
by Mrs Kendall
Comosicus wrote:You have lovely kittens. Especially the blue-black one.
We suspect she's a Russian Blue :) She is beautiful isn't she :) Kinda hard to see in those pictures though.
Edit: She really needs to lose weight though, she's a large kitty. She's only 4 years old.
And maybe we can restart a pet picture thread, as I (and probably other too) have pet pictures to show.
I agree, that would be much better than me starting a bunch of threads whenever I wanna show off cute pictures of my babies :)

Edit, Oh and thank you Bear, that is exactly what I was gonna say only nicer :P
I would have said "hey! she's a kitten whether you like it or not so suck my white ass :P "
Just kidding Zeddy, but it's true, if we still have to feed her kitten food then she's still a kitten. Although I thought that they were only considered kittens for one year and not a year and a half. She was born in April 2005 if anyone cares.

Re: And... more kitty pictures!!! ...and some play-doh fun

Posted: 2006-01-16 12:14pm
by BloodAngel
Mrs Kendall wrote:ImageHoly Kitty Crazy eyes!1!!
Bow down, and worship your god...

Posted: 2006-01-16 01:55pm
by The Yosemite Bear
*waves paw*

we are your gods now.

Posted: 2006-01-16 05:53pm
by Mrs Kendall
You guys are crazy :) She doesn't rule this household, no, no, no.

*oh alright, maybe, but just a little bit, I swear*

Posted: 2006-01-16 06:30pm
by Batman
Mrs Kendall wrote:You guys are crazy :) She doesn't rule this household, no, no, no.
*oh alright, maybe, but just a little bit, I swear*
Keep telling yourself that. :P
And I fail to see what's weird about that choice of sleeping environments. By cat standards that's positively benign.
Nice pics, though. Nice cats, too.

Posted: 2006-01-16 07:13pm
by Mrs Kendall
:shock: Holy Shiat Batman is back!

Thanks :) Oh and I know cats are weird. I don't worry too much about where they sleep I just found these places funny (I'm talking about the places the kitten is sleeping in)

Posted: 2006-01-16 07:21pm
by Batman
Mrs Kendall wrote: Thanks :) Oh and I know cats are weird. I don't worry too much about where they sleep I just found these places funny (I'm talking about the places the kitten is sleeping in)
Funny they are. Unusual they ain't. Cats will sleep anyplace that can accomodate their bodies and quite a number that can't. Don't ask me how. They just do.
I used to know a kitten that would go asleep atop the business end of an operating vacuum cleaner. Go figure.

Posted: 2006-01-16 09:57pm
by Mrs Kendall
Now that's different, all cats that I've known have run away and far away from vacuum cleaners :lol: .

Posted: 2006-01-17 12:05am
by Isolder74
You can never be surprised by the location of a sleeping cat. I caught mine once sleeping on one of the far branches of our apple tree.

Posted: 2006-01-17 12:21am
by Imperial Overlord
Mrs Kendall wrote:Now that's different, all cats that I've known have run away and far away from vacuum cleaners :lol: .
The only cat of mine who didn't run away from vacuum cleaners was deaf.

Posted: 2006-01-17 02:30am
by The Yosemite Bear
Mrs Kendall wrote::shock: Holy Shiat Batman is back!

Thanks :) Oh and I know cats are weird. I don't worry too much about where they sleep I just found these places funny (I'm talking about the places the kitten is sleeping in)
I once thought that my cat was dead as he was sleeping in the most twisted position on the sidewalk.

Posted: 2006-01-17 08:53am
by Mrs Kendall
Silly Kitties :lol:

Posted: 2006-01-17 09:23am
by Gandalf
As I tend to do whenever you post kitten pics, I'll melt. Then I'll reform and post something.

I find the first pic to be the cutest, the only thing to top sleeping kittens it kittens and playing.

Posted: 2006-01-17 11:02am
by theski
Beagle puppy pic to counter act all of the kitty pics..


Posted: 2006-01-17 12:36pm
by Mrs Kendall
Gandalf wrote:As I tend to do whenever you post kitten pics, I'll melt. Then I'll reform and post something.

I find the first pic to be the cutest, the only thing to top sleeping kittens it kittens and playing.
Do you mean this one


they are not sleeping in the first picture if you look closely :P They are however sleeping in this one I just posted again...
Thanks for your comments :) I know I can always count on you to comment on my cute kitties :)

Oh and theski How dare you post your dog in my thread Grrrrr...

:P Kitties all the way!!!

Posted: 2006-01-17 01:14pm
by Comosicus
So it's OK to post our own kitten pictures ?