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Looking for a folk song about being a lighthouse..?

Posted: 2006-01-16 11:19am
by Zaia
Last night on my way home, I heard the most beautiful folk song on the radio with a line like, "I will be your lighthouse" reoccuring during the chorus. I kept listening to the lyrics, expecting it to turn into a Christian song, but it didn't (at least not obviously), but there was no title or artist given and I really want to find it. It was very slow, with guitar accompanying the female singer. It was a love song, telling someone that the singer would be there for them to help them through, and it was lovely, but I can't find it by doing a search for the lyrics with what I remember.

I know it's a longshot, but if any of you have any ideas on what song this might be, please let me know. Thanks. :D

Posted: 2006-01-16 12:11pm
by Sir Sirius

Oops! Wrong link... I'll post the correct one once I find it...

Second shot.

Posted: 2006-01-16 12:22pm
by Zaia
No, but thanks anyway. :D

Posted: 2006-01-16 12:38pm
by Pick
Is it the one called "The Lighthouse's Tale"?

Edit- Oh, prior links are to text anyway... Ah well, mine's still different.

Posted: 2006-01-16 12:41pm
by Pick
I'll just note I really have no idea if that's it, it's just the only song I'm aware of where a person's proclaiming they happen to be a lighthouse, and I never really heard it enough to remember if it's the one.

Posted: 2006-01-17 04:44pm
by Zaia
Sir Sirius wrote:Second shot.
That looks like it might possbily be the right song, but I can't find a female name attached to it that might be the singer I heard singing it....hmmm..

Posted: 2006-01-17 04:48pm
by Zaia
Pick wrote:I'll just note I really have no idea if that's it, it's just the only song I'm aware of where a person's proclaiming they happen to be a lighthouse, and I never really heard it enough to remember if it's the one.
No, although it's definitely the right sort of song. In the song I heard, the line about being the lighthouse seemed like the foundation for the song, but it wasn't what everything was about. Meaning, it was one of a few different ways the singer was informing the person to whom she was singing that she would be there to help guide her love through hard times. The verses didn't have anything to do with the lighthouse idea; just that one line in the chorus which was repeated due to being in the chorus.

Since I'm not going to have time to keep searching for this song today and since I'll be gone for the next two days due to a death in the family, I'm going to move this thread to AMP so it doesn't get auto-deleted.

Posted: 2006-01-17 05:04pm
by Zac Naloen

Is this the song?

It says its by a guy called steve brooks, no idea if he wrote it or performed it, but it repeats i will be your lighthouse several times.

On reviewing his site an artist called emily caitz has performed some of his work.