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Assorted sketched weirdness

Posted: 2006-01-19 01:40pm
by Dooey Jo
I found some old and some less old sketches and stuff and scanned them. And now I'm posting them here for everyone to see :twisted:

First, some general oddness

"Monster Dance 2005"
(with inflatable Satanist disco light from Vlad Enterprises "Zombietron 2000")

"Girl attacks some presumably evil dude"
or: "You will die!"
(with foreboding zombies)

"Die, foul beast!"
(is that D, pointing at a huge dog??)

"That's not what a sword is for!"

"Dark Monk is cold"

And then some character sketches (Dark Monk was actually also a character sketch)

(he's really evil)

"Geleamfän Crissaeon"
(she's not so evil)

(she's not very evil either, but she is inked)

(I don't know who that is. She's an admiral of the starfleet, or something)

And now some comic strips. Beware: They might destroy your brain!

"Do you wish to save your soul?"
or: "OMFG It's a Jack Shit parody!"
(it doesn't make any sense. But I did manage to get few references in there...)

"The magic user destroys a bear"
(ignore the last frame. It's not any good and I hate it :x Doesn't even look silly so I can't even laugh at it! Bloody hip-hop rapper...)

"Attack of the Ufos"
(it's only a little brain-killing towards the end. I got a little tired when drawing, so that's why the characters doesn't quite look the same through the strip :lol: And the pencil got progressively crappier)

And here comes the muchly feared "Link's Death" series of strips. If you have a problem with seeing Link from the Legend of Zelda being killed in stupid ways, or with stuff drawn in a moving bus by me (that is where I drew those things) you might want to look away. They are also generally pointless :lol:

"Biggoron's Kitchen Knife"

"Malon's feelings for Link"
(behold arch-Link, in the fourth frame :lol: )

"The Golden Gauntlets"
(why is young Zelda there?)

"O RLY!"
(it's extremely pointless ;) )

"Link visits Zora's River"
(special guest star: Cthulhu)

And lastly, some other stuff.

"I can draw nice pictures if I want to. I just don't want to!"
(I don't quite like the eyelashes. I think)

"It's written in a strange language!"
(It's super-cheesy!)

And that's that. I guess that, if you don't know the story behind most of those drawings, I must seem quite insane :twisted:

Posted: 2006-01-19 02:09pm
by Lord Revan
I can't anything about your sanity but some of those seems to lack 3-dimensionality. otherwise they're not so bad

Posted: 2006-01-19 02:30pm
by felineki
GOD(tm) made me laugh quite a bit. :D

Posted: 2006-01-21 09:04am
by Dooey Jo
I can mention, just for everyone's information, that the first marked symbols in that piece of strange language says "Lord of the Rings!" (or rather "the rings' lord!").
Lord Revan wrote:I can't anything about your sanity but some of those seems to lack 3-dimensionality. otherwise they're not so bad
Thanks! Yes, I know. I didn't put that much effort in some of them and drew them mostly for my own or other's amusement (especially the Link's Death comic strips, which I'm sure only myself and some of my friends get, because it was our weird discussions that caused their existence :D )...