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Favourite Comedy Songs

Posted: 2006-01-20 03:47pm
by Lost Soal
So what are peoples favourite comedy songs.
I'm putting forward In the Brownies, by Billy Connolly, and Funky Moped by Jasper Carrott.
Any others?

Posted: 2006-01-20 04:12pm
by The Yosemite Bear
what if god smoked canibus

dirty deeds done to sheep

most of spike jones

Posted: 2006-01-20 04:22pm
by AK_Jedi
There are so many great ones to choose from.

My vote is for "the night santa went crazy" by Wierd Al,
"Eric the half-a-bee" by Monty Python, and
"the Rimmer song" from Red Dwarf "Blue"

Posted: 2006-01-20 05:02pm
by El Moose Monstero
Quite a lot of stuff by Mitch Benn, the Ikea song is a favourite, most things by the Python team, that's probably the lot.

The entire sequence from Matching Tie and Handkerchief with the medieval agricultural history in music remains a favourite, as is the accountancy shanty.

Posted: 2006-01-20 05:20pm
by Ford Prefect
"Rthym in Me" by the Altar Boys.

Posted: 2006-01-20 05:25pm
by Crazedwraith
"The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny"

Alot of the stuff Mitch Benn has done for BBC radio 4's the Now Show, especially one on Star Wars III and as EMM said: the IKEA song.

Posted: 2006-01-20 05:26pm
by Mrs Kendall
Red Hooded Sweatshirt, sung by Adam Sandler :lol:

At least that's the first one that popped into my head when I saw the title of the thread :teeth:

Posted: 2006-01-20 05:28pm
by Enigma
Crap.... there are many I like. "Dealbreaker" by Sean Morley. I think he's also done "He's the Man". "Wiperblades" by Heywood Banks. "Many songs by Tim Wilson.

Many songs played on the Bob&Tom show. :)

Then there's the "Colo-rectal Song" by Bowser and Blue. :)

Posted: 2006-01-20 05:32pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Does Warren Zevon's: Lawyers guns and Money or Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner ccount?

Posted: 2006-01-20 07:36pm
by Lord Pounder
Anything by Denis Leary, Adam Sander or Weird Al.

Posted: 2006-01-21 01:24am
by Kuja
'Asshole' by Dennis Leary

'Kill a Kitten' by Stephan Lynch

'Horoscope' by Weird Al

'Piece of Shit Car' by Adam Sandler

I like a lot more of those guys' material, but those are my favorites.

Posted: 2006-01-21 02:31am
by Darth Quorthon
"The Scotsman" by Bryan Bowers

Pretty much anything by Weird Al, especially "Eat It", "Can't Watch This", and the polka medleys.

Posted: 2006-01-21 12:26pm
by SylasGaunt
Cows with Guns. :D

Posted: 2006-01-21 01:46pm
by AK_Jedi
The Yosemite Bear wrote:Does Warren Zevon's: Lawyers guns and Money or Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner ccount?
You're forgetting "Werewolves of London"

"Little old lady got mutilated late last night
Werewolves of London again"

Posted: 2006-01-21 02:53pm
by The Guid
Can I point you all to Tom Lehrer. Its amazing how funny some of them still are and especially how relevent some of them like "Send the Marines" are.

Posted: 2006-01-21 03:06pm
by The Yosemite Bear
oh fuck I just realizzed that I forgot the perfect randy newman song for mark Sheppard "Political Science"

"They all hate us anyhow so let's drop the big one now"

Posted: 2006-01-21 03:31pm
by Isolder74
Crazedwraith wrote:"The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny"

Alot of the stuff Mitch Benn has done for BBC radio 4's the Now Show, especially one on Star Wars III and as EMM said: the IKEA song.
The Ultimate Showdown

Posted: 2006-01-21 03:32pm
by Pick
"The USS Make Shit Up" - Volatire
"La Resistance" - South Park movie OST

Posted: 2006-01-21 08:51pm
by Equinox2003
Toll Booth Willie by Adam Sandler.

Posted: 2006-01-24 12:53am
by Oni Koneko Damien
The FCC Song by Eric Idle
Fuck you very much, the FCC.
Fuck you very much, for fining me!
Five thousand bucks a fuck, so I'm really out of luck,
That's more than Heidi Fleiss was charging me.

So fuck you very much, the FCC,
For proving that free speech just isn't free.
Clear Channel is a dear channel, so Howard Stern must go,
Attorney General Ashcroft doesn't like strong words and so,
He's charging twice the cost for all the drugs for Rush Limbo...
So fuck you all so very much.

Fuck you very much, dear Mr. Bush,
For heroically sitting on your tush.
For Halliburton, Enron, all the companies that fail,
Let's send them a clear signal and stick Martha straight in jail,
She's an uppity rich bitch, but at least she isn't male...
So fuck you all so very much.

Fuck you Mr. Dickhead Cheny too,
Fuck you and fuck everything you do.
Your pacemaker must be a fake, you haven't got a heart,
As far as I'm concern you're just a pasty faced old fart,
As for Condoleeza, she's an intellectual tart...
So fuck you all so very much.

So fuck you very much, the EPA,
For giving all Alaska's oil away.
It really is a bummer, when I can't fill my Hummer.
The ozone is a no-go zone now that Arnold's here to say,
"Zee Nuclear Vinter games are going to take place een LA!"
So fuck you all so very much.

So what if the planet fails? Let's save the great white males!
And fuck you all so very much!

Posted: 2006-01-24 01:11am
by Master of Ossus
Basically any Gilbert and Sullivan song can be rated up there.

I also like, "The Cat's in the Kettle," and "Like a Surgeon." The first is the sledgehammer to the second's... well... that one's pretty blunt and overstated, too.

Posted: 2006-01-24 01:16am
by Glocksman
Frank Gallop's The Ballad of Irving
He was short and fat, and rode out of the West
With a Mogen David on his silver vest.
He was mean and nasty right clear through,
Which was kinda weird, 'cause he was yellow too.

They called him Irving.
Big Irving.
Big, short Irving.
Big, short, fat Irving.
The hundred and forty-second fastest gun in the West.

He came from the old Bar Mitzvah spread,
With a 10-gallon yarmulke on his head.
He always followed his mother's wishes,
Even on the range he used two sets of dishes.

Big, fat Irving.
Big sissy Irving.
The hundred and forty-second fastest gun in the West.

A hundred and forty-one could draw faster than he,
But Irving was looking for one forty-three.
Walked into Sol's Saloon like a man insane,
And ordered three fingers of two cents plain.

Big, fat Irving.
Big sport Irving.
The hundred and forty-second fastest gun in the West.

One day Bad Max happened into town.
His aim was to shoot fat Irving down.
Bad Max said, "Draw, and draw right now!"
And Irving drew, drew a picture of a cow.

Big, fat Irving.
Big gunfighter Irving.
The hundred and forty-second fastest gun in the West.

The James Boys was comin' on a train at first sun,
And the town said, "Irving, we need your gun."
When that train pulled in at the break of dawn,
Irving's gun was there, but Irving was gone.

Big, fat Irving.
Big help, Irving.
The hundred and forty-second fastest gun in the West.

Well, finally Irving got three slugs in the belly.
It was right outside the Frontier Deli.
He was sittin' there twirlin' his gun around,
And butterfingers Irving gunned himself down!

Big, fat Irving.
Big dum-dum Irving.
Big dum-dum dead Irving.
The hundred and forty-second fastest gun in the West.
Goddamn funny stuff. :lol:

Posted: 2006-01-24 02:51am
by Uraniun235
Sit On My Face (And Tell Me That You Love Me)

Posted: 2006-01-24 07:04am
by theski
'Asshole' by Dennis Leary

and "Hokey Pokey" by Jim Brewer :D

Posted: 2006-01-24 08:39am
by Namarie
"detatchable penis" by King Missile