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BSG Wallpaper request

Posted: 2006-01-31 04:12am
by Agent Fisher
I need help. I'm looking for a large image to serve as a back ground. I've want an image of Galactica with her Flak barrier going, like in the first episode of the second season.

Posted: 2006-01-31 04:50pm
by Agent Fisher
Or any nice shots of the Galactica.

Posted: 2006-01-31 05:29pm
by Comosicus

Posted: 2006-01-31 07:31pm
by Aaron

Posted: 2006-01-31 08:19pm
by Alan Bolte
Shots from every imaginable angle can be found here.
Someone used them to make this.

Posted: 2006-01-31 10:20pm
by Braedley
Those images confirm what I've thought ever since Pegasus made it's first appearance: BS Galatica is a much sexier vessel.

Posted: 2006-01-31 10:26pm
by Lord Revan
Braedley wrote:Those images confirm what I've thought ever since Pegasus made it's first appearance: BS Galatica is a much sexier vessel.
I can't really say anything, since while Galactica is good looking ship, I have no idea what the Pegasus looks like (I've seen (sadly) no episodes of nBSG)

Posted: 2006-01-31 10:38pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Lord Revan wrote:
Braedley wrote:Those images confirm what I've thought ever since Pegasus made it's first appearance: BS Galatica is a much sexier vessel.
I can't really say anything, since while Galactica is good looking ship, I have no idea what the Pegasus looks like (I've seen (sadly) no episodes of nBSG)
BLAMMO!! ... asus02.jpg ... asus01.jpg

Posted: 2006-01-31 10:55pm
by Elheru Aran
Is it then safe to presume that all those funky ridges Galactica has are attachment points for armour, given that Pegasus doesn't appear to have said ridges, but a smooth surface instead?

Posted: 2006-01-31 11:25pm
by Crossroads Inc.
I forget if it was actually mentioned in the series, But since Galactica was being decomissioned, most of it's outter armour was being stripped off, hence all the exposed "Ribs"

Posted: 2006-01-31 11:35pm
by Elheru Aran
Crossroads Inc. wrote:I forget if it was actually mentioned in the series, But since Galactica was being decomissioned, most of it's outter armour was being stripped off, hence all the exposed "Ribs"
It wasn't mentioned in any of the shows that I've seen, so that explains that. Thought as much; the alternative notion that they were radiator fins, postulated at some point here on the board, just didn't jive with me...

Posted: 2006-02-01 12:04am
by Spanky The Dolphin
That's ridiculous. If they were radiator fins, then they would stick out away from the ship instead of wrap around it.

Posted: 2006-02-01 12:09am
by weemadando
Its possible that they are merely "shrapnel catchers". Part of a system of interior bulkeads that extend out beyond the skin of the ship, which serve to channel explosions, so that only one section is affected by the hit, rather than adjoining sections to.

This may have been made redundant by better armour and PDS that the Pegasus likely has.

Posted: 2006-02-01 01:16am
by Alan Bolte
There are some who insist that Galactica can't have had a smooth covering of armor because it would cover the point defense guns. That really doesn't make sense to me though, it's easy enough just to leave holes for the guns.

Posted: 2006-02-18 05:12am
by Spyder
Galactica took a nuke to it's flightpod and survived, I doubt very much that it's had armour stripped off it.

Posted: 2006-02-18 05:47am
by Nephtys
Well, Galactica was in the process of being decomissioned. Her armor was being removed, but the removal wasn't completed when she had to be put back into service.

The process probably just started, considering she had all of her weapons emplacements still active and even a flight team remaining aboard.

Posted: 2006-02-18 01:08pm
by Beowulf
It was getting turned into a museum ship. It doesn't make sense that they'd remove the armor. One of the things about museum ships is that they tend to be in the same shape they were when they left service. It's not as if they had a pressing need to reuse the armor, either.

Posted: 2006-02-18 01:35pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Perhaps... but theres really no other explanation for having a "half armoured" ship...

Posted: 2006-02-18 01:39pm
by Lord Revan
it's possible that they striped Galctica of it's armor before it was desided to turn it into a museum ship.

Posted: 2006-02-18 02:50pm
by Spyder
I find it really really unlikely that Galactica is unarmored, considering that #1 the nuke hit an "unarmored" section of the Galactica without completely blowing it off, all in all it withstood the impact quite well. From what Admiral Cane was saying about how they escaped the shipyards we know that two nukes are capable of destroying at least one battlestar.

Posted: 2006-02-18 02:57pm
by StarshipTitanic
I've always doubted that the entire ship was sheathed in armor. Note that all the point defence guns are under the ribs.

+ ... 28_005.jpg

Also note those thrusters on the bow and the windows below the ribs in that canyon. The extra armor is probably over very critical areas. The area that was nuked (The Galactica markings) was near a tylium fuel depot for Vipers.

Posted: 2006-02-19 02:38am
by Jadeite
StarshipTitanic wrote:I've always doubted that the entire ship was sheathed in armor. Note that all the point defence guns are under the ribs.

+ ... 28_005.jpg

Also note those thrusters on the bow and the windows below the ribs in that canyon. The extra armor is probably over very critical areas. The area that was nuked (The Galactica markings) was near a tylium fuel depot for Vipers.
Yeah, but also look at how patchwork it is, like the underside of the flight pod. I think the explanation that they were stripping it of armor makes more sense, and there's always the idea that it has two layers. One thin layer of armor, then the buffer space formed by the ribs, and then a second thicker layer, possibly.

Posted: 2006-02-19 05:37pm
by LadyTevar
Jadeite wrote:
StarshipTitanic wrote:I've always doubted that the entire ship was sheathed in armor. Note that all the point defence guns are under the ribs.

+ ... 28_005.jpg

Also note those thrusters on the bow and the windows below the ribs in that canyon. The extra armor is probably over very critical areas. The area that was nuked (The Galactica markings) was near a tylium fuel depot for Vipers.
Yeah, but also look at how patchwork it is, like the underside of the flight pod. I think the explanation that they were stripping it of armor makes more sense, and there's always the idea that it has two layers. One thin layer of armor, then the buffer space formed by the ribs, and then a second thicker layer, possibly.
While that sounds plausible, would it really work?

Posted: 2006-02-19 06:16pm
by StarshipTitanic
Jadeite wrote:Yeah, but also look at how patchwork it is, like the underside of the flight pod. I think the explanation that they were stripping it of armor makes more sense, and there's always the idea that it has two layers. One thin layer of armor, then the buffer space formed by the ribs, and then a second thicker layer, possibly.
If they were stripping it of armor, why did they leave so much of it? Either take nearly all or leave it, leaving about a third doesn't make sense. However, the placement of the armor makes a lot of sense. Engines, flightpods, the "head" (Which probably holds most of the critical systems).

Layers doesn't mean the entire ship had to be covered in that armor.

Posted: 2006-02-19 09:58pm
by Alex Moon
Actually, the ribs might be a deliberate design. Since their is no reason for the Galactica to be aerodynamic, the ribs could serve to provide a heavy layer of protection at certain angles and force enemy ships to attack Galactica head on or broadside, either of which is a bad idea.