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This video makes me proud to drive an old Toyota.

Posted: 2006-02-03 01:05am
by Sriad
The guys of the Top Gear show test cars: they drive them as fast as they can, etc... but in this video they're testing an old pickup to see how much hell it can take before it stops running.

The results... suprising.

Posted: 2006-02-03 02:02am
by Crossroads Inc.
:shock:WHoa :shock:

Good sir, I have a Respect for Toyotas that now cannot be equalled by any other car.

Posted: 2006-02-03 02:11am
by Sharpshooter
Jesus Christ, I think I woke the RA up, I'm laughing so hard at this! :lol:

Posted: 2006-02-03 04:54am
by Tranan
i am altso proud of my toyota.

Posted: 2006-02-03 05:42am
by Dalton
That looks like Simon Cowell...

Posted: 2006-02-03 05:54am
by Bounty
Dalton wrote:That looks like Simon Cowell...
He was the Star In A Reasonably Priced Car that week, IIRC. Set a new lap record, too, which lasted a few weeks.

And for those who don't know the program, Top Gear does stunts like this all the time. One of the best was when they raced a jetfighter and a stripped-down Jaguar with nitro...whatchamacallits on an aircraft carrier :)
The show has close links with the British military who have, among other things; tried to target a Range Rover Sport with a Challenger 2 tank; proved that a Hughes Apache attack helicopter cannot get a gun lock on a Lotus Exige; proved that snipers can still kill you even if you are driving a Mercedes SLK; set the fastest ever lap of the test track; and launched Stig One to his 'death' from the deck of HMS Ark Royal during a drag race between a modified Jaguar XJS and a Sea Harrier.

That game where they shoot cars at caravans is cool, too.

Posted: 2006-02-03 07:39am
by Faram
Jeremy Clarkson is a god.

I love Top Gear, sadly BBC prime do not broadcast it anymore.

I think it is a season break.

Posted: 2006-02-03 07:49am
by Bounty
Jeremy Clarkson is a god.
And a arsehole - I'd hate his guts if he wasn't so funny.
I think it is a season break.
Yup. BBC 2 is airing reruns.

Posted: 2006-02-03 08:54am
by Col. Crackpot
holy shit! That's one tough little truck!

Posted: 2006-02-03 11:36am
by Kamakazie Sith
Bounty wrote:
Dalton wrote:That looks like Simon Cowell...
He was the Star In A Reasonably Priced Car that week, IIRC. Set a new lap record, too, which lasted a few weeks.

And for those who don't know the program, Top Gear does stunts like this all the time. One of the best was when they raced a jetfighter and a stripped-down Jaguar with nitro...whatchamacallits on an aircraft carrier :)
The show has close links with the British military who have, among other things; tried to target a Range Rover Sport with a Challenger 2 tank; proved that a Hughes Apache attack helicopter cannot get a gun lock on a Lotus Exige; proved that snipers can still kill you even if you are driving a Mercedes SLK; set the fastest ever lap of the test track; and launched Stig One to his 'death' from the deck of HMS Ark Royal during a drag race between a modified Jaguar XJS and a Sea Harrier.

That game where they shoot cars at caravans is cool, too.
The one with the Apache was very contrived. Though I guess most of them are. This one with the Toyota is probably the most straight forward.....

Posted: 2006-02-03 01:30pm
by wautd
Really cool vid :shock:

Posted: 2006-02-03 01:44pm
by Bounty
The one with the Apache was very contrived
Who cares :D

Come one, Clarkson being chased by a gunship, doing 180° turns and hiding under the's better then most real action movies, but with more dry wit.

Posted: 2006-02-03 01:46pm
by wautd
Didn't they used a Toyate in the apocalyptic world of T2? Explain a lot

Posted: 2006-02-03 05:53pm
by Enigma
I bow down to Toyota as a supreme truck maker. :)

Posted: 2006-02-03 06:03pm
by fgalkin
Well, now I know why all those third world militias seem to use Toyotas as the brand of choice for their technicals.

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2006-02-03 06:27pm
by Uraniun235
Here's the movie of the tank vs. range rover.

Posted: 2006-02-03 09:23pm
by YT300000
That is the most awesome thing I have ever seen. When I saw the truck on the roof of the building, I just burst into laughter. And when it started, and then drove into the studio... wow. Just wow.

This is why I love British TV. :lol:

Posted: 2006-02-03 11:38pm
by Master of Ossus
Alright, I am only going to buy cars from Toyota, from now on, unless I see another video like that one from some other manufacturer. That was ASTONISHING.

Posted: 2006-02-04 01:39pm
by Red Star
I seen a video of a Cavalier or somthing like it, racing in a mud pit. This group of guys was just pounding the shit out of the car and drove the hell out of it for about 4 hours. Near the end all you could see was smoke, and then they drove it into a small pond. The car stalled and I think somthing caught on fire.
Don't know if it started again, but probably not.

Posted: 2006-02-04 05:29pm
by Uraniun235
Red Star wrote:This group of guys was just pounding the shit out of the car and drove the hell out of it for about 4 hours.
That's impossible. If you pounded out the shit, there wouldn't be a car left.

Posted: 2006-02-05 07:25pm
by Red Star
Uraniun235 wrote:
Red Star wrote:This group of guys was just pounding the shit out of the car and drove the hell out of it for about 4 hours.
That's impossible. If you pounded out the shit, there wouldn't be a car left.
Surprisingly there is some pieces of car good car underneath of all of that shit :shock:

Posted: 2006-02-06 12:38am
by fgalkin
A Toyota can survive all that, but can it survive being turned into this?



Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2006-02-07 03:51pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Well, never noticed this thread here (damn you, fgalkin :P ). I loved when they showed the Challenger vs. Range Rover show, that was about the same time the HHGTTG movie came out, IIRC. Have to download that.

The Apache Longbow one was a tad unfair, since it needed a missile lock and normally they do that from afar behind trees, but it does show how nimble that new Lotus Elise model was, even if the 30 mm chaingun would've got it.

And as for the Toyota pickup, well, I doubt any car company today can make something quite like that beast. The DC-3 of trucks I expect.

Posted: 2006-02-08 09:35pm
by Lost Soal
Heard about that one but never seen it till now. Brilliant.
Some other good ones from that show were as mentioned the Apache and the Challenger, Clarkson in a car on different shows beating May and Hammond in airplanes, trains and boats... then loosing to a guy on foot. :lol: :lol:
I also liked the Ford GT, Zonda and Farrari driving through the France... and getting stuck in an underground garage.

Posted: 2006-02-18 05:00am
by Pu-239
Dammit, video is down. Anyone have it?