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Posted: 2006-02-05 10:50pm
by TheMuffinKing


Off to the paint shop I go!

Posted: 2006-02-05 10:54pm
by Gandalf
Nice. Kind of like ED-209 meets a dewback.

Should there be a fourth leg I'm not seeing?

Posted: 2006-02-05 10:56pm
by TheMuffinKing
I'll cite artistic license and say its just hidden. :)

Posted: 2006-02-05 11:12pm
by Pick
Silhouette back leg would work well here.

Nice inking --what kind of pens do you use? Normal spoon pen?

Posted: 2006-02-05 11:43pm
by TheMuffinKing
Silhouette back leg would work well here.

Nice inking --what kind of pens do you use? Normal spoon pen?
I agree about the leg. Right now, my professional pens were lost in a move, so for the time being I'm using a variety of pens I stole from my office; bic, sanford, uniball... Not the most sophisticated, but they work well on the cheap. Thanks for the support!

Posted: 2006-02-05 11:44pm
by TheMuffinKing

Photoshop craziness!

Posted: 2006-02-06 11:32am
by Shroom Man 777
Holy shit, you are a god! A virtual god! I had something like this envisioned for the power armor of this slug aliens I cooked up for the SOTSverse...

Posted: 2006-02-06 07:00pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
I'll be perfectly honest and say that while I think it's drawn very well and with skill, that I'm not really enamoured with the centaur idea. It's the legs and torso, really: to me they look kind of gross and not at all robotic. More like some weird bio-android in armour.

Posted: 2006-02-06 09:04pm
by Ford Prefect
Very well drawn Muffin; the torso is excellent, though I'm not totally enamoured with the centaur shape. Multiple legs would work, but perhaps not all faceing the same way.

Posted: 2006-02-06 09:05pm
by Tasoth
I likey. Has a very organic feel to it.

Posted: 2006-02-06 09:06pm
by TheMuffinKing
I know it doesn't seem to jive with either all bio or techno. I'm trying for a different design from my usual robots.

Posted: 2006-02-07 04:00am
by Kenny_10_Bellys
Hmmm, I'm siding with Ford Prefect on this one, it's well drawn and so forth but the whole Centaur thing isn't working. It looks like a humanoid robot has had a nasty accident, or been interfered with in some way, and not like a thing designed from the ground up as a quadruped. I dont know if I can articulate why it looks wrong, it just does.

If I were going to design a quadruped robot it'd be for a reason, and that reason would dictate more elements of the design than just the number of legs. Primarily I can think of 2 reasons, possibly 3; added stability, additional speed or greater weight. If it's stability then it's because the thing is climbing very rough terrain, and if so then the feet might be articulated like claws and the legs more splayed. If for speed then the thing would be built more along the lines of a big cat, something not really suited to a fighting platform.

The last and most likely would be great weight, and that would suit the chunky style of this robot, but I'd see it somewhat more squat and powerful looking. Imagine an armed and armoured Rhino! Now that would be cool, and more than a little menacing.

Posted: 2006-02-07 04:19am
by Ford Prefect
Perhaps a leg design similiar to that used by Shirow Masamune style spider-tanks; such as Muffin's earlier tank design used by Chef-O, would be better.

Posted: 2006-02-07 05:13am
by Alan Bolte
I think the main problem is that the ass is too small. It doesn't seem to be there for any reason other than to support the rear legs.

Posted: 2006-02-07 08:32am
by TheMuffinKing
Good points! I like the armed rhino concept... over all I'm satisfied with the design, but I should have thought it out better. Back to the drawing board. :D

Posted: 2006-02-10 05:13am
by The Yosemite Bear
so THATS what the males of the tachikoma species look like.

Posted: 2006-02-13 11:38pm
by TheMuffinKing
Added a 4th leg.
