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Spaceships are BIG!

Posted: 2006-02-07 04:20pm
by Crossroads Inc.
I was on YIM chatting with a friend the other day about various ships in the game "Homeworld-2" We where commenting about them vs Starwars ships and when I mentioned how a Old Republic Dreadnaught was 600 meters and that a Hiigarin Destroyer was around 500 meters, he qupped" Yeah, its a small ship."

I didn't think of it till I was latter surfing a sky scraper website and begun to realize, 500 meters isn't small, its huge, DAMN Huge.

It made me think that in Sci-Fi we often toss around sizes of ships, without really thinking just how bloody big something is. Look at the 500 meter Hiig Destroyer.

In-Game, its kinda big. When you zoom in on it, you see windows and such, but you really don't think its that big. And of course in Starwars, we have ships from 1600 meters, up to 18k. Now, to put some things in perspective.. HERE, is a Hiigarin Destroyer on end...


Thats right, the shi easily dwarfs the two largest buildings in the WORLD. Look at the WTC for a second, think how huge they looked... then realize they are less then one third as tall as a Star Destroyer...

So, I figured for those that have a good sense of scalling things and a hand at photoshop, why not take some of our most beloved ships, and compare them. not to other starships, but to things, Real world things that can give us true insight into the vast scale of starships.

Posted: 2006-02-07 04:29pm
by Batman
You mean like on this site?
EDIT: Although there seem to be not all that many real world objects in there. My memory isn't what it used to be. Sorry 'bout that.

Posted: 2006-02-07 04:33pm
by Deathstalker
We have naval ships that are close to that size. A Nimitz is a little over 300 meters, and there are supertankers are around that size. The Dark Knight sent a link for seeing really big ships.

Posted: 2006-02-07 04:35pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Yeah, that sites actually old hat. And its example of what I was saying.. Sure, yo usee an ISD compared to all sorts of otherships, but nothing gives you a grasp of its immense scale.

Cropping ships next to things like, mountains, buildings, or even croping top down pics and laying them over Google-Eart City pics. At 1600 meters an ISD easily can cover all of Downtown Phoenix and a large are of industrial warehouses nearby.

Posted: 2006-02-07 05:49pm
by Shinova
I thought anything less than 1 km for a sci-fi spaceship was small too. And here I was thinking 3 km is a standard size for a cruiser. Yeeesh.

Although since it's space I guess they can afford to build that much bigger.

Posted: 2006-02-07 07:35pm
by Surlethe
Well, here's a little back-of-the-envelope scaling I just did:
An ISD silhouette over Manhattan

Does that convey the magnitude well enough?

Posted: 2006-02-07 07:43pm
by Batman
Surlethe wrote:Well, here's a little back-of-the-envelope scaling I just did:
An ISD silhouette over Manhattan
Does that convey the magnitude well enough?
Yes and no (no offense intended). On an intellectual level most certainly , but then on an intellectual level we already know those beasts are freaking huge.
What I think Crossroads is going for is comparing ships to something we actually feel to be huge, wether from personal experience or constant exposure via other means.
Nobody really comrehends the size of Manhattan, because you can quite simply not see it. Not without being far enough away that you no longer realize the scale on an emotional level.
I'd venture most people who've seen the Empire State Building comprehend the size of that.
Just my 2 cents.

Posted: 2006-02-07 10:27pm
by McC
Something like this strike your fancy? ;)

Apologies for the crudeness of the marrying. Tried to do it as quickly as I could. No accounting for perspective distortion, and it assumes the ISD and ESB are on the same exact plane, so in reality the ISD wouldn't appear to be quite that big in such a shot, since it'd be some ways behind the ESB.

Posted: 2006-02-07 10:33pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Bloody Hell :shock:

Yeah, Thats more what I was thinking about.. Damn, even I'm shocked by how much that put things into perspective...

Posted: 2006-02-07 11:06pm
by Surlethe
The opening shot of ANH does a good job of conveying the ISD's magnitude, as well: this little starship rushes past, and then a moment later, the star destroyer looms over the screen ... and keeps looming ... and keeps looming ... and keeps going and going.

Posted: 2006-02-08 03:08am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Batman wrote:You mean like on this site?
EDIT: Although there seem to be not all that many real world objects in there. My memory isn't what it used to be. Sorry 'bout that.
Is it just me, or has that site been pretty much dead for the last few months?

Posted: 2006-02-08 03:31am
by Instant Sunrise
I went back in a decided to scale that pic of the AT-AT to the proper size, I had just eyeballed it before, now I have adjusted it to its proper height. behold!

The scaling is a roung back of the envelope calcuation using the width of a traffic lane, and SWTC. But it is a ballpark picture of roughly how big an AT-AT is.


Posted: 2006-02-08 08:54am
by McC
skyman8081 wrote:Image
:lol: Nice, dude!

Posted: 2006-02-08 11:53am
by Knife
Long time ago, I saw a picture some one did with (I believe) Newport News ship yard buiding the Enterprise. It was a good one for perspective.

Posted: 2006-02-08 12:41pm
by Lord Zentei
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:
Batman wrote:You mean like on this site?
EDIT: Although there seem to be not all that many real world objects in there. My memory isn't what it used to be. Sorry 'bout that.
Is it just me, or has that site been pretty much dead for the last few months?
I haven't noticed much change myself.

Posted: 2006-02-08 03:16pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Lord Zentei wrote:
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:
Batman wrote:You mean like on this site?
EDIT: Although there seem to be not all that many real world objects in there. My memory isn't what it used to be. Sorry 'bout that.
Is it just me, or has that site been pretty much dead for the last few months?
I haven't noticed much change myself.
Ever since the forums died it may as well have gotten cast in stone...

Posted: 2006-02-08 04:08pm
by Braedley
skyman8081 wrote:I went back in a decided to scale that pic of the AT-AT to the proper size, I had just eyeballed it before, now I have adjusted it to its proper height. behold!

The scaling is a roung back of the envelope calcuation using the width of a traffic lane, and SWTC. But it is a ballpark picture of roughly how big an AT-AT is.

But it looked so much more impressive in the original...

Posted: 2006-02-08 04:25pm
by Batman
Braedley wrote: But it looked so much more impressive in the original...
Probably becuase you could see all of it.
I happen to think this gives a good sense of perspective. Good work, Skyman, and McC, too.

Posted: 2006-02-08 04:40pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Lord Zentei wrote:
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Is it just me, or has that site been pretty much dead for the last few months?
I haven't noticed much change myself.
I'd say the fact that he's removed his update long entirely would count as a change.

Posted: 2006-02-08 04:42pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Batman wrote:
Braedley wrote: But it looked so much more impressive in the original...
Probably becuase you could see all of it.
I happen to think this gives a good sense of perspective. Good work, Skyman, and McC, too.
That and it also looks much more like a real picture.

Posted: 2006-02-08 04:45pm
by Crossroads Inc.
I have to say (not to hijack my own thread) That on the subject of Merzo it's a bit sad. About 4 months ago there was a rather active, newly growing forum that a lot of peeps where using to make pics for the main page of various ships. I was actually one of two mods that was appointed and talked with the Admin regulary.

One day I went on and the Forum was gone. No E-mail no warning, no message, just go. I sent several E-mails to the Admin and the other mod and niether one of us ever got any responses.

The fact that he actually removed the ongoing update log from the main site and replaced it with a Static generalized statment about the site makes me sadly think somethign may have happend and he just wanted not to deal with it anymore.

The last time I actually spoke with him, he was talking about how he was excited about the next updat and there was going to be a rather sizeable list of ships added... Alas...

Posted: 2006-02-08 04:45pm
by Coyote
Actually, McC, that picture of the ISD superimposed against the Empire (heheh) State Building makes me wonder-- how many people, on an avewrage working day, are in the Empire State Building...

Because I've always been of the impression that the ISD crew compliment of 15,000+ personnel would make an ISD crowded as all hell, but now I kinda envision it as a vast empty chamber with people calling "Helloooo..." down dark hallways looking for each other...

Posted: 2006-02-08 04:49pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Well, the WTC At capacity easily held 10,000 people in its offices and various shops. It was crowded, but not overly so. And giving the WTC is around a third (lengthwise) of an ISD, 15,000+ seems like a vastly undermanned ship.

Posted: 2006-02-08 04:55pm
by Siege
While that's still essentially true, I don't think the WTC packed a hypermatter reactor :). A lot of ship space could be taken up by gigantic engines, reactors, torpedo bays, sensors and other assorted whatchamacallits that you need in The Futureā„¢ to navigate hyperspace and throw gigaton bolts of glowing doom at your enemy.

Still doesn't sound like a lot of crew for something so big though.

Posted: 2006-02-08 05:00pm
by Batman
Coyote wrote: Because I've always been of the impression that the ISD crew compliment of 15,000+ personnel would make an ISD crowded as all hell, but now I kinda envision it as a vast empty chamber with people calling "Helloooo..." down dark hallways looking for each other...
If it's any consolation, I initially used to think of ISDs as overcrowded, too-because I was used to spherical 2,500m-diameter ships having a grand total of 5,000 crew. Not skeleton, regular. If there ever was a SF navy that needed ships' councelors, it was the Perryverse Solarian Navy. Half the crew would've died from loneliness otherwise.
Not that that's particularly on-topic, of course.