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Hairspray is Love -- Art Thread 4 (56k erk)

Posted: 2006-02-18 03:28pm
by Pick
Seeing as I went to Virginiaimg]

Posted: 2006-02-18 03:34pm
by Gil Hamilton
Very nice, Pick! Especially the first one, though brother looks awful cheerful about having his shoulder clawed up. :lol:

Posted: 2006-02-18 03:42pm
by Noble Ire
Gil Hamilton wrote:Very nice, Pick! Especially the first one, though brother looks awful cheerful about having his shoulder clawed up. :lol:
I suspect its because that wound is about to have a change of venue, assuming the time period syncs up. :wink:

And the rest are very good, especially Shader's parents. Azzarns really don't seem to age that much physically.

Posted: 2006-02-18 03:51pm
by Pick
Noble Ire wrote:
Gil Hamilton wrote:Very nice, Pick! Especially the first one, though brother looks awful cheerful about having his shoulder clawed up. :lol:
I suspect its because that wound is about to have a change of venue, assuming the time period syncs up. :wink:
The bands are there. If nothing else, that's why I drew black marks instead of wounds, which, like, be bleeding :lol:.
And the rest are very good, especially Shader's parents. Azzarns really don't seem to age that much physically.
They reach a peak at about thirty-five (probably about Shader's parent's age) to sixty, though legal maturity is twenty. Past that, they don't physically age at all 8) (other than getting taller.) That is why Edge's age was a serious surprise to Shader.

.... aaaand why in the first statements of introduction to Umber, Edge specifically referred to Umber as "ancient". Otherwise, they technically wouldn't know. The real difference between Umber's earlier appearance as opposed to his current is sleep deprivation, a lack of concern for upkeep to his looks, and about -40 pounds :lol:.

Posted: 2006-02-18 06:51pm
by Ford Prefect
Manly combat! Hoquer gets medieval on Edge's . . . shoulder.

Posted: 2006-02-18 06:56pm
by Lord Revan
nice pics, though I seems to still have problems telling the genders apart.

Posted: 2006-02-18 07:10pm
by Gil Hamilton
Lord Revan wrote:nice pics, though I seems to still have problems telling the genders apart.
That's the sign of a great manga-ka, which Pick is becoming. It takes alot of talent to make characters that :)

Posted: 2006-02-18 08:02pm
by Pick
Ford Prefect wrote:Manly combat! Hoquer gets medieval on Edge's . . . shoulder.
My personal assumption was that he was grabbing Edge to hold him in place. Edge is a tricky bitch and has a tendency to slip away, even though he doesn't have to. Hoquer is extremely strong, but he isn't as quick as Edge is.

Also notably, if he's neglecting his weapon, he's probably pretty close to berserking....
Revan wrote:nice pics, though I seems to still have problems telling the genders apart.
Only girls familiar with shoujo comics probably would be able to reliably discern the genders :wink:. It's no failing of yours. They have the whole fruity-elf thing going on pretty heavily :lol:.

Posted: 2006-02-18 09:40pm
by Ford Prefect
Pick wrote: My personal assumption was that he was grabbing Edge to hold him in place. Edge is a tricky bitch and has a tendency to slip away, even though he doesn't have to. Hoquer is extremely strong, but he isn't as quick as Edge is.
I have to respect a man who will hold someone by impaling them with his claws.
Also notably, if he's neglecting his weapon, he's probably pretty close to berserking....

Posted: 2006-02-20 02:55pm
by Pick
Heyoo, people.

Posted: 2006-02-20 02:58pm
by Uraniun235
The horns look pretty cool.

Posted: 2006-02-20 03:09pm
by Instant Sunrise
Looks amazing Pick, as usual.

The B&W actually gives it a nice look, which I like. :P

Posted: 2006-02-20 03:23pm
by Noble Ire
What are the horns made of? They don't look ceramic.

Posted: 2006-02-20 03:25pm
by Pick
Noble Ire wrote:What are the horns made of? They don't look ceramic.
:wink: They're ceramic too. All of the texturing was done with clay that was then painted. It was very difficult to get them right.

Posted: 2006-02-21 05:00am
by Ford Prefect
That is totally hardcore. Especially the horns. The texturing involved there is exceptional.

Posted: 2006-02-21 01:26pm
by Wyrm

English translation:

Your pictures and statue rock! You are a genius!

Posted: 2006-02-21 03:17pm
by Alan Bolte
I swear I've seen horns or tusks just like that from some animal, but I can't remember what. Did you model them of anything?

Posted: 2006-02-21 03:36pm
by Darth Raptor
Your work is amazing as always, milady. I WILL get around to reading this fic someday. I just have a horrendous backlog of fiction I've promised people I'd read.

Doesn't stop me from oggling your Azzarns though. :D

Posted: 2006-02-22 01:12am
by Wyrm
Creepy! The eyes follow you! :shock:

(At least that's the impression I got on taking a second look. It seems to have gone away now, but still. Brrr.)

Posted: 2006-02-22 12:02pm
by Alan Bolte
Wyrm wrote:Creepy! The eyes follow you! :shock:

(At least that's the impression I got on taking a second look. It seems to have gone away now, but still. Brrr.)
She's looking a bit to her right. So ignore the top picture, and look back and forth between the bottom two. The eyes do follow you.

Posted: 2006-02-22 08:19pm
by Pick

Posted: 2006-02-22 08:42pm
by Rye
I like the spikiness on the fingernails and feet, they really give the impression that it would fucking hurt to get mauled by them. :D

I think though, that that scythe looks unbalanced and breakable, I would have drawn it chunkier with a bigger counterweight at the head.

Posted: 2006-02-23 01:00am
by Noble Ire
I really like the second sketch. "Good" or not, I can easily see him passing down judgement on someone, and doing it with just a little too much... feeling. :wink:

Posted: 2006-02-23 01:47am
by Ford Prefect
If by feeling you mean splatting someone's head, then yes, I know what you mean.

Posted: 2006-02-26 01:03pm
by Pick
If anyone's wondering w