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Need Image of Constitution Class Refit

Posted: 2006-02-19 07:25pm
by Waddles McGee
Hey Sd.netters!

My avatar's old, and outdated. I've been going MAD trying to find a decent picture of a Constitution Class Refit to serve as my avatar, and I have had no success so far.

So, if anyone could help me out, please do! Thanks,


Posted: 2006-02-19 07:43pm
by Isolder74
define decent?

Posted: 2006-02-19 08:02pm
by YT300000
Your Google-Fu is weak. 5 second Image Search for NCC-1701 refit, and I got a few nice ones. These two look good: Pic 1 Pic 2

Posted: 2006-02-20 05:17am
by Bounty

Links to bigger pics are at the bottom of the page.

Posted: 2006-02-20 05:19am
by Ford Prefect
That is one sweet arse ship.

Posted: 2006-02-20 02:58pm
by Waddles McGee
YT300000 wrote:Your Google-Fu is weak. 5 second Image Search for NCC-1701 refit, and I got a few nice ones. These two look good: Pic 1 Pic 2
I'm a google-fu drop-out. :oops:

Links to bigger pics are at the bottom of the page.
Thanks for the help guys.

Totally agreed. The Constitution Refit owns.
