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Photos from the Sandbox (56k, no fucking way!)

Posted: 2006-02-23 10:44pm
by Wicked Pilot
These are some of my better pictures from this deployment. Unfortunately I don't any photos of airfields, citys, or anything cool like that. When I'm in a position to take such photos I'm way too busy talking on the radios, running checklist, and scanning for SA-7s. But here is what I do have:

This here is me on my first mission in the seat into Iraq. The airfield is known as Ali Base, formally Tallil AB, outside of Nasiriyah.


Iraq on Christmas day. It was rumored that Rumsfield was on one of those Blackhawks. The Apaches are his escorts.


This is Pakistan enroute to Afganistan. I have no good photos of Afghanistan because I was never there during daylight, but this is a pretty good representation of what the terrain up there is like.


What's wrong with this picture?


The rest of these were taken by a really good photography hobbist deployed to my location.





That's one of ours.


Fucking Budda! I've got some stories to tell about those fuckers!


Posted: 2006-02-23 10:59pm
by Medic
Great pics, that mountain-shadow shot is simply stunning.

Maybe one day you'll fly me in theatre. :lol:

Re: Photos from the Sandbox (56k, no fucking way!)

Posted: 2006-02-23 11:00pm
by aerius
Wicked Pilot wrote:What's wrong with this picture?
Looks like the blades on the prop are feathered so the power's out on that engine for whatever reason. That must've been interesting in a not so good way.

Posted: 2006-02-23 11:04pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Whoa! I hope there was not anything too wrong with ye Engine! a non
moving Prop usually fits into the Bad-Things-Catagory :o

Posted: 2006-02-23 11:34pm
by Elheru Aran
Now I just have to ask... what's that red thing on the soldier's pack in fourth pic up from the bottom?

Oh, and the one of all the Herky Bird noses lined up? Very nice indeed.

Posted: 2006-02-23 11:41pm
by Wicked Pilot
aerius wrote:Looks like the blades on the prop are feathered so the power's out on that engine for whatever reason. That must've been interesting in a not so good way.
We had an rpm rollback. Herk engines run at a constant speed. (we change power settings by changing blade angle). If speed falls below 96% rpm bleed values open and the engine flames out so we shut it down and got it feathered before we ran into more trouble.

Crossroads Inc. wrote:Whoa! I hope there was not anything too wrong with ye Engine! a non
moving Prop usually fits into the Bad-Things-Catagory :o
With all the Herks in the existance statistically speaking at any given time there's got to be at least one in the world flying around on three engines.
Elheru Aran wrote:Now I just have to ask... what's that red thing on the soldier's pack in fourth pic up from the bottom?
It looks like one of those pillows that raps around your neck. People use them often during long plane or car trips when they want to sleep.

Posted: 2006-02-24 12:00am
by TheMuffinKing
Ah, good old 176. I used to be an ACC for that C-17!

Posted: 2006-02-24 11:21am
by Ubiquitous
WP, you have one hell of a job and I would love to see any more pictures that you might have.

Posted: 2006-02-24 01:34pm
by Wicked Pilot
And here's a cool little map I made with most of the places I went to:


Posted: 2006-02-24 01:44pm
by LadyTevar
All I got on my t-1 pipe here at work were big red X's.

But I see why you warned the 56k, because even those took 2 full minutes to load!

Posted: 2006-02-24 01:54pm
by Vendetta
Right click and tell it to load a picture, or refresh the page. That's what I had to do.

Posted: 2006-03-03 03:22am
by Danny Bhoy
From your map, I guess you stopped over in Bahrain (the International Airport?) and Al Udeid in Qatar. And Kuwait too from the looks like. Doha's a decent place tho boring on weekends not to mention a tad expensive.

Lots of military stuff at the Bahrain airport. I would have thought Fifth Fleet HQ would have their own separate base; I notice there's a detchment of P3s there amongst others. And enough Hercs that it's no big deal seeing them land/take-off between commercial flights.

Posted: 2006-03-03 07:49am
by Ford Prefect
Some damn nice pics there WP. You look hardcore in your flight helmet.

Re: Photos from the Sandbox (56k, no fucking way!)

Posted: 2006-03-03 09:15am
by Manus Celer Dei
aerius wrote:
Wicked Pilot wrote:What's wrong with this picture?
Looks like the blades on the prop are feathered so the power's out on that engine for whatever reason. That must've been interesting in a not so good way.
"This is going to be interesting."
"Define interesting."
"Oh god, oh god, we're all going to die." :lol:

That would freak me out somewhat if I saw that happening.