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Models for next Animation [wip]

Posted: 2006-03-06 10:44am
by salm
Some might remember the car crash animation. Our next animation will take things further. The abused dummies from PETC (People for ethical treatment of crashdummies) will seek revenge and will try to blast the evil car apart with guns and RPG.

Here are some models for the upcomming animation. The Dummy Seargant, the old factory building in which the animation will take place and the M16. The M16 was not modeled by me but by the guy with whom i´m doing this uni project.
These are only the models. They still lack textures but they will follow of course.









Posted: 2006-03-06 10:47am
by Elheru Aran
...Whoa. That M16's very nicely done indeed. I recommend adding a M203 grenade launcher, much more booma-boom! :D

Posted: 2006-03-06 10:54am
by Ace Pace
Very nice, not to say anything bad but the M16 is lacking alot of detail, that could be one of the first minor improvements.

Posted: 2006-03-06 11:18am
by salm
Ace Pace wrote:Very nice, not to say anything bad but the M16 is lacking alot of detail, that could be one of the first minor improvements.
mmmh... what kind of detail? I checked pictures of real M16s and couldn´t find andy significant parts that are missing. All the switches and small parts are there.

Posted: 2006-03-06 11:23am
by Ace Pace
salm wrote:
Ace Pace wrote:Very nice, not to say anything bad but the M16 is lacking alot of detail, that could be one of the first minor improvements.
mmmh... what kind of detail? I checked pictures of real M16s and couldn´t find andy significant parts that are missing. All the switches and small parts are there.
No, that part is fine, but the entire barrel, stock, grip, all seem to be lacking. :?

Posted: 2006-03-06 11:25am
by Elheru Aran
Ace Pace wrote:
salm wrote:
Ace Pace wrote:Very nice, not to say anything bad but the M16 is lacking alot of detail, that could be one of the first minor improvements.
mmmh... what kind of detail? I checked pictures of real M16s and couldn´t find andy significant parts that are missing. All the switches and small parts are there.
No, that part is fine, but the entire barrel, stock, grip, all seem to be lacking. :?
You're thinking of the textures. They look funny right now because it's untextured. When that's done they'll look much better.

Posted: 2006-03-06 11:34am
by salm
Ah, yeah, things like different materials, scratches, logos and text will be textured.

Posted: 2006-03-06 12:04pm
by Beowulf
The magazine is incorrectly detailed. It's more of a thin sheet of bent, corrugated aluminum. At the bottom is a removable plate. Plate comes off to reveal the mag spring (not that you should ever need to show that. Also, most mags are 30rds, which are longer, and curve slightly below the mag well. However, for a 20rd mag, the general ( though not specific) shape is correct.

Posted: 2006-03-06 12:38pm
by Ace Pace
Elheru Aran wrote:You're thinking of the textures. They look funny right now because it's untextured. When that's done they'll look much better.
Textures still require a lower layer of model detail to be truly pretty, unless you involve bump maps, which as far as I know, are mostly on the game side.

Posted: 2006-03-06 12:44pm
by salm
Update on the dummy. He got a headset. I´m not sure how to make the earplug because he lacks ears. hmm...


Posted: 2006-03-06 01:58pm
by salm
Hah, found a solution:


Posted: 2006-03-06 04:57pm
by Beowulf
Ace Pace wrote:
Elheru Aran wrote:You're thinking of the textures. They look funny right now because it's untextured. When that's done they'll look much better.
Textures still require a lower layer of model detail to be truly pretty, unless you involve bump maps, which as far as I know, are mostly on the game side.
Bump maps can, and are used in model rendering. My friend Weepul884 uses them a bunch.

Posted: 2006-03-07 04:22am
by salm
Ace Pace wrote:
Elheru Aran wrote:You're thinking of the textures. They look funny right now because it's untextured. When that's done they'll look much better.
Textures still require a lower layer of model detail to be truly pretty, unless you involve bump maps, which as far as I know, are mostly on the game side.
The Text and Logo will be Bumpmapped. Bumpmapping is an essential procedure used in 3D stuff. Not only in games.

Posted: 2006-03-11 07:44am
by salm
So, the modelling of the RPG-7 is finished:





Posted: 2006-03-11 09:07am
by Shroom Man 777
Wow, mighty nice thinggy! What program do you use?

Posted: 2006-03-11 09:49am
by salm
Thanks. It´s done with 3ds Max. :D

Posted: 2006-03-11 05:33pm
by Ford Prefect
It is really good. How long did it take you to model?

Posted: 2006-03-11 11:08pm
by Alyeska
M16 is missing the forward assist. Also, the flash supressor should be turned 45 degrees. Don't want to blind the shooter now do we?

Posted: 2006-03-12 12:33am
by darthdavid
Alyeska wrote:M16 is missing the forward assist. Also, the flash supressor should be turned 45 degrees. Don't want to blind the shooter now do we?
Damn you for beating me on the forward assist.

Posted: 2006-03-12 10:38am
by salm
Ford Prefect wrote:It is really good. How long did it take you to model?
Hmm.... about eight hours for the RPG. The dummy head was two days, the night vision and beret were a day and the microphone thingie was maybe three hours. The building was one and a half day.

The M16 was done by the guy i´m doing the project with in, i think two or three days.
M16 is missing the forward assist. Also, the flash supressor should be turned 45 degrees. Don't want to blind the shooter now do we?
Ok, cool, thanks for noting. I don´t know shit about guns, so what are the flash supressor and what is the forward assist? I hope he´s not done the texturing yet since remodeling can fuck up the textures.

Posted: 2006-03-12 11:49am
by Alyeska
Flash supressor is the prong at the end of the barrel. Its designed to help supress the flash. With 3 or 4 pronged supressors, you don't have one of the slits aimed up because that blocks the sight of the gunner. Now modern 5 or six vented supressors are different and tend to be aimed that way, but your using a classic supressor. Rotate it 45 degrees.

Now reading up on the M16, I find something interesting. Your using the original M16 design, the one from Vietnam. It doesn't have a forward assist. So your good on that. However, the M16A1 was issued in 1967 and mostly served in Vietnam. So you might want to consider some changes.

The flash supressor needs to be updated and a forward assist would need to be added.

Posted: 2006-03-12 01:40pm
by salm
Ah, allright, thanks. I´ll tell him to change it. The fact that it´s the old version of the gun doesn´t really matter, so the forward assist will probably not be added but changing the flash surpressor is probably not that big of a problem. Like said it depends on whether it´s textured yet, though.

Posted: 2006-03-12 02:33pm
by Alyeska
The rear pin needs to be under the upper reciever, not behind it. That pin is what latches the upper reciever down. It needs to be moved forward a centimeter or so.

Posted: 2006-03-12 09:06pm
by Ford Prefect
salm wrote: Hmm.... about eight hours for the RPG. The dummy head was two days, the night vision and beret were a day and the microphone thingie was maybe three hours. The building was one and a half day.

The M16 was done by the guy i´m doing the project with in, i think two or three days.
Damn! That's pretty fast for such excellent work.

Posted: 2006-03-14 09:18am
by salm
Ford Prefect wrote:
salm wrote: Hmm.... about eight hours for the RPG. The dummy head was two days, the night vision and beret were a day and the microphone thingie was maybe three hours. The building was one and a half day.

The M16 was done by the guy i´m doing the project with in, i think two or three days.
Damn! That's pretty fast for such excellent work.
I wish my boss would say the same. :wink: