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Looking for Galactic Empire/Republic symbols /w transparency

Posted: 2006-03-09 11:22am
by Stark
I know nothing of .png files, but I want to use SW a GE/GR symbol in GalCiv 2. So, does anyone know where I could find one in 256x256 with an alpha channel?

Posted: 2006-03-09 10:50pm
by Stark
None? Where would I even FIND such a thing? The SDN symbol is good, but it's too low-quality to have attached to my ships and colonies. I may cry. :cry:

Posted: 2006-03-10 06:33am
by Old Plympto
I just made this up with what knowledge I had... not sure about alpha channels. But, I hope this'll do for you.


Posted: 2006-03-10 06:36am
by Stark
You MADE that? Buh? I'm just going to cry now... :cry:

Thats amazing! I'd ask how you made that but my head would explode. I have learnt (w00t) how to add transparencies, so it's no problem. Thanks a lot - finding high-quality versions of these symbols is proving to be a pain in the ass.

Posted: 2006-03-10 06:37am
by Duckie
That looks awesome. Could you make a blue version for me instead of red please? (Imperials are usually blue, Rebs are red...)

I'll test it out regardless of color later today.

Posted: 2006-03-10 06:43am
by Old Plympto

Turning that actual red file blue is no problem. Just move the Hue slider until you turn the whole thing blue. Only works if you have one color on there. Wreaks havoc on a multiple-colored image, though.


Edit: Actually making it is just a matter of using the "#" character when you're on the ubiquitous "Star Jedi" font. It's not really smooth, so you have to smooth out some of the jagged font outlines once it's rastered (converted into image from outlines) in Photoshop.

Click here for the font

Posted: 2006-03-10 06:45am
by Stark
It works fucking great. It's got a transparency already, and it looks SWEET in all GC2 roles (strategic icon, badge, and background symbol for some windows). It boggles the mind people can just whip that up ... :shock:

Meanwhile I'm trying to clean up some FS and Macross symbols for use, but the sources are so crap it's really hard. I'd like to use TriOptimum from System Shock as well, but the only image I can find is blurry 32x32.

Does anyone know how the Republic symbol differs from the Empire symbol? I know it's similar (cog-like), but I don't recall seeing it clearly in the movies.

Posted: 2006-03-10 06:47am
by Duckie
Stark wrote:It works fucking great. It's got a transparency already, and it looks SWEET in all GC2 roles (strategic icon, badge, and background symbol for some windows). It boggles the mind people can just whip that up ... :shock:

Meanwhile I'm trying to clean up some FS and Macross symbols for use, but the sources are so crap it's really hard. I'd like to use TriOptimum from System Shock as well, but the only image I can find is blurry 32x32.

Does anyone know how the Republic symbol differs from the Empire symbol? I know it's similar (cog-like), but I don't recall seeing it clearly in the movies.
Check the official GalCiv website, and look under Library --> Logos. There's already several UN Spacy/Macross symbols there.

They also have UFP, nBSG Colonial, Homeworld, and the Peacekeeper logo, to say the highlights.

Edit- Link to Macross-
I use the top one, but I'm not sure which would look better.

Posted: 2006-03-10 06:48am
by Old Plympto
Stark wrote:Does anyone know how the Republic symbol differs from the Empire symbol? I know it's similar (cog-like), but I don't recall seeing it clearly in the movies.
IIRC, it has 8 spokes instead of 6.

Posted: 2006-03-10 06:49am
by Stark
They have a library now? :shock:

Posted: 2006-03-10 06:50am
by Duckie
Yes, of mods. I edited in the Macross Logo links, by the way, to my post above.

Posted: 2006-03-10 06:54am
by Stark
The UN Spacy ones aren't matt enough for my liking, the politcal parties mod kicks ass. I didn't know they'd actually been updating it: maybe I should submit the stuff I've been doing for a Starcon mod...

Posted: 2006-03-10 11:56am
by Archon
Stark wrote:Does anyone know how the Republic symbol differs from the Empire symbol? I know it's similar (cog-like), but I don't recall seeing it clearly in the movies.
Republic Symbol:

Empire Symbol:

Posted: 2006-03-10 12:30pm
by Netko
Seeing as this thread is moving in the direction of general logos, heres two race logos I photochopped for good/evil humans. The good is the UN logo over one of the games originals for background, while the evil is the ST mirrorverse's logo on the (modified) Dread lords logo.



Posted: 2006-03-10 07:47pm
by Stark
That's all excellent!

I wish *I* had arty talent stuff.... :(

Posted: 2006-03-10 09:32pm
by Old Plympto
Thanks to Archon's post as reference, I've made up the Republic logo from scratch using Illustrator, and converted it to a transparent png in Photoshop.


Posted: 2006-03-11 03:54am
by Netko
Stark wrote:That's all excellent!

I wish *I* had arty talent stuff.... :(
I actualy "cheated" a lot because I don't have "arty talent stuff". Both of mine are basicly the source logos cut out out of their original, colors of the logo/planet replaced using the replace color brush/tool so that they are uniform and then modified using the global image color replacement tool until I got a color that I liked. Then its all about blending the logo and the background together.

In the UN one I used the cheapest way to make something look good (without it you would see some major flaws with it) - the bevel and emboss layer blending option, while in the evil one I used outer glow and outer shadow. Finaly, on the evil one I applied a lens correction filter (its vignette subfunction) to make it a bit more sinister.

All in all, actual artistic talent = 0 (notice that I never used any of the actual brush tools). I can't draw any original work of a quality beyond a 1st grade kid...